Angela Youngman is a full-time freelance writer, journalist, photographer and researcher. She writes regularly for a wide range of magazines, newsletters and websites. Specialist subjects include history, travel, walking, heritage, education, folklore and gardening.
In recent years she has written several books on walking, history and gardening. She particularly likes new ideas and combining several topics together. Her Walking with Kids, Travelling with Kids and a regional series on Walking with Legends combine history, folklore and walking with related activities for children. Other walk books include Kiddiwalks – Norfolk.
Angela has developed a large garden from scratch that includes large areas to grow vegetables and fruit. The garden and fields are organic and a haven for wildlife. Her gardening books include Gardening – A Beginner’s Guide and Green Roofs. She regularly gives talks to local gardening clubs.
She lives with her family and cats in rural Norfolk. Angela has a history degree from the University of Wales. She believes that learning should be fun, combining a mixture of practical elements, book learning and experiencing as many places and activities as possible.
The idea for the In the Footsteps of... series is partly due to the activities undertaken by Angela and her family. It also reflects a belief that history, literature, travel and films link together and make visiting places much more interesting.