I want to thank the following people—without them, this book wouldn’t exist.
First of all, thanks to Rachel Singer Gordon, my editor, and John Bryans, editor-in-chief of the Books Division at Information Today, Inc., for pestering me about writing a second book: “So David, have you started thinking about your next book yet?” … “Hey David, just wondering if you’ve thought about writing another book?” …
Thanks to my awesome wife, Dana. She puts up with all my shenanigans (“So, why exactly do you need another guitar, David?”) and my hours spent in front of the laptop, typing away. She also read through the whole manuscript—proofing, editing, and improving—even before I sent the manuscript to Rachel.
And, thanks to YOU. I get ideas from you guys—in tweets, in videos, in blog posts, in conversations, in presentations, or during a shared dinner. Without you, this book would not exist.
You guys ROCK.