During her lifetime, my mother had filed away
hundreds of recipes. She had our family heirloom
recipes, orally passed down for generations,
transcribed many times by daughters and
maids. When I was growing up, I was tasked with
reading aloud my mother’s recipes just before
she cooked those dishes, so I knew the favourite
versions that she referred to most often.
Like my mother, I enjoy food and love to entertain.
I was often motivated enough to wake up at 3 am to
cook for family and friends and soon realised that
perhaps, I should compile her recipes for posterity.
During Chinese New Year in 2001, I came up with a
simple idea of a spiral bound compilation for my nieces,
consisting of my mother’s most popular recipes. I vividly
remember that we sifted through stacks of paper, I then
scanned the ‘trusted’ copies with a vintage machine.
Armed with the bulging plastic folder of documents, I
flew back to New York, back to my MBA classes for the
next few months, putting aside this personal project for
when I had the time.
I delayed returning to Singapore that summer, assuming
that I could pick up my mother’s techniques a few
months later over Christmas. Perhaps then, I could also
combine the baking lessons as she geared up for Chinese
New Year. Nonetheless, I enrolled in the first of many
cooking classes at the end of August 2001 because I
wanted to sharpen my basic skills, like how to make
the perfect French omelette! It was during that fateful
period that I had to rush home to Singapore because my
mother had become seriously ill. She passed away three
months later. I was never to learn alongside her.
Like many Nonyas of her generation, my mother took
many of her best-kept cooking secrets to her grave. And
like many Nonyas of my generation, I was more fixated
on studies and a career than tapping those tips from my
mother. I could not boast that I had learnt to cook under
my mother’s tutelage.
Still shocked by her passing, my sisters and I rummaged
through her belongings and documented all her cake
moulds, pots and pans and collection of cookbooks. I
hurried through her decades-old recipes, stripping them
out of their plastic files and lumping them into storage
boxes. Then I hand-carried them all back to New York,
with the plan that someday I would study them more
By the time I graduated from business school in 2003,
the option of going back to work full-time became a
dilemma in light of some medical reasons that my baby
had. Moreover, I had grown up with a mother who stayed
at home all the time. I did not know any different and
wanted to do the same for my children. But my education
would have been wasted so I decided that perhaps, the
little spiral book should become more ambitious. Her
passing meant that I was left to fill in many gaps before
I could complete this book. More problematic was the
fact that I had put all her recipes into a box and now
needed to catalogue them once again. The project took a
backseat many times during those years, as we welcomed
another baby, moved to a new home and fulfilled
commitments associated with raising a young family.
Yet, the drive to publish this book never went away as
more friends and family egged and encouraged me on.
8  Growing Up in a  Nonya Kitchen