iLife® ’11
Portable Genius
iLife® ’11 Portable Genius
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About the Author
Guy Hart-Davis is the author of more than 60 computing books, including iMac Portable Genius, Second Edition and Teach Yourself VISUALLY: iMac.
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This book is dedicated to Rhonda and Teddy.
I'd like to thank the following people for making this book happen:
• Jody Lefevere for getting the second edition approved and asking me to update it.
• Chris Wolfgang for shaping the outline, cutting the chapters down to size, and running the editorial side.
• Dwight Spivey for reviewing the book for technical accuracy and making many helpful suggestions.
• Kim Heusel for copy-editing the book with a light touch.
• Jennifer Henry and Andrea Hornberger for laying out the book in the design.
• Melissa D. Buddendeck for scrutinizing the pages for errors.
• Steve Rath for creating the index.
Your Mac is a fantastic tool for enjoying multimedia, and the iLife suite of applications lets you create and share your own multimedia content with the whole wired world.
iLife ’11 Portable Genius shows you how to get the most out of the iLife applications. Here’s a taste of what you can do with this book:
• Bring your photos into iPhoto. Import your digital photos directly from your digital camera or a removable memory card — or from another folder on your Mac or your network. Use Image Capture to scan printed photos so that you can use them on your Mac. If you’ve upgraded to iPhoto ’11 from an earlier version of iPhoto, use Software Update to update iPhoto ’11 to the latest version to avoid problems importing your photo library.
• Organize and improve your photos. Quickly organize your photos into iPhoto Events and tag them with keywords so that you can instantly find the photos you want. Use iPhoto’s powerful features to crop and adjust your photos so that they look exactly as you want them. Keep multiple photo libraries to separate your photos by theme, content, or usage.
• Share your photos with family, friends, or the whole world. When your photos look great, use them to create powerful slide shows, share your photos with other people on your network or the Internet, or simply enhance Mac OS X on your Mac.
• Import your video footage into iMovie. Bring your video clips into iMovie from your DV camcorder, digital camera, iPhone, or existing files. Swiftly review your clips, mark the footage to use in your projects, and organize related clips into Events. Use the People Finder feature to identify the clips that contain people so that you can easily locate them.
• Build a movie from your clips. Grasp iMovie’s easy, nondestructive method of handling edits, and learn when to edit in the Event Browser and when to edit on the Storyboard. Build the movie on the Storyboard by arranging the clips and editing them to fit. If you want, add still photos — and enliven them with custom Ken Burns effects.
• Finish, polish, and share your movie. Give your movie professional fit and finish by adding titles and transitions and creating a custom sound track complete with music and sound effects. Create a slick, professional-looking trailer to promote your movie. Share the movie with friends by creating a file or a DVD or with the world by posting it to YouTube or other online sites, your MobileMe Gallery, or your Web site.
• Set up a music studio on your Mac. Perhaps the best feature of iLife is the way it packs a complete music studio into your Mac. As soon as you’ve connected your musical keyboard and any physical instruments you’re using to your Mac, you’re ready to start making music with GarageBand. If you need a kick-start, fire up the Magic GarageBand feature to quickly lay down a backing track that you can play or sing along with. And If you need to improve your playing, study with GarageBand’s lessons, and practice with the How Did I Play? feature.
• Record a song. To create a song quickly in GarageBand, you can build tracks out of loops, changing them so that they exactly meet your needs. You can then add in your own performances playing either a Software Instrument via your keyboard or a real, physical instrument such as a guitar or drum kit. You can even create your own custom Software Instruments to get exactly the sounds you want.
• Mix a song and share it. Even the best performance may need editing, and GarageBand makes it easy to remove mistakes or cut together the best parts of several takes. You can then mix the song, adjusting the balance, panning, and effects on each track so that it fulfils your artistic vision. When the song is finished, you can export it to iTunes; add tags, lyrics, and artwork there; and finally share the song on the Internet.
• Build your own Web site quickly and easily. The best place to showcase the photos, movies, and music you create with the iLife applications is by reaching a worldwide audience on the Web. The iWeb application lets you quickly create great-looking Web sites from your content. You can even add Web widgets such as interactive Google Maps and AdSense advertisements.
• Add blogs and podcasts to your Web site. If you have rapidly changing information that you need to share, you’ll love iWeb’s features for adding blogs and podcasts to your Web site. You create the blog entries in iWeb and the podcasts in GarageBand, and can post them to your Web site with minimal effort. You can also add your podcasts to the iTunes Store, which lets you reach a huge audience worldwide.
• Burn custom DVDs of your movies and photos. Despite the Internet, DVDs remain a great way of sharing and enjoying movies and photos. iDVD gives you all the features you need to create professional-looking DVDs with customized menu screens and compelling content. And if you need to create a DVD in a hurry, you can use the Magic DVD feature to do the grunt work for you — or use the OneStep DVD feature to burn a movie straight to DVD from your DV camcorder.
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