I am deeply grateful to everyone at Alloy for being a part of this adventure. I’d never hijack a dropship without any of you.

Huge space hugs to my brilliant editors, the staggeringly clever Joelle Hobeika, and the endlessly creative Katie McGee, for their unfailing dedication to this series. It’s also a great privilege to work with Josh Bank, Sara Shandler, and Les Morgenstein—people whose vision takes storytelling to new heights.

Many thanks to my editor, Elizabeth Bewley, for her keen guidance, and to the publishing wizards at Little, Brown for their hard work and enthusiasm for The 100.

It takes a village to keep an author sane during the writing process, and for that I am eternally indebted to my friends for their unwavering support. Thank you for the coffee, encouraging texts, glamorous viewing parties, and for reminding me to be excited when I could barely remember to do my laundry. And special thanks to my Scholastic colleagues for making the office a constant source of inspiration, wisdom, and bookish mirth.

Above all, I’m grateful to my family. Every word I write is shaped by the stories you gave me, stories tucked into piles of books, shining out from late night movies, and swirled into choruses of raucous laughter. I love you more than all the stars in the galaxy.