May 3
9822 Watchung Road
Essex County
Short Hills, New Jersey
4:09 P.M. EDT
They were gathered in the basement rec room, Katie and Denny and Denim Man, who had again donned his surprisingly unbroken Ray-Ban sunglasses, perched somewhat awkwardly on the butterfly strips and taped gauze with which his wounds had been inexpertly bandaged.
Suit Jacket was there too, still at the billiards table, though now seated on its edge with the side of one knee casually resting on the green-velvet rim.
Only Tavah Duhahi was absent, still upstairs with Ahmad Abu Khaled.
“Who are you?” Denny demanded; experience had taught the newsman that, in difficult circumstances, a take-charge bravado occasionally paid dividends even on a defunct bank account.
“Introductions are indeed overdue, certainly to Ms. Casey,” Suit Jacket said. “My name is Ian Tatum.”
He smiled cordially. “I am an old, old friend of your father, Ms. Casey. I first knew him when we were both stationed in Moscow—back in the time of the U.S.S.R. and somewhat later, too many years ago. I feel I know you already, if only from the records MI-6 maintains on Beck. May I call you ‘Katie’?”
“You may go fuck yourself,” Katie said.
Tatum laughed.
“That at least is a fate you will escape, Katie. You see, Muslims are prohibited from executing a virgin. I’ve met your fiancé; I feel confident in having assured Ahmad that the prohibition does not apply here. Otherwise, you understand, you would have been subjected to the obligatory rape. Ahmad’s colleagues upstairs are no doubt greatly disappointed.”
“What does he want with her?” Denny snapped. “Katie’s just a kid, a civilian. She’s a lawyer, for God’s sake. Why drag her into this?”
“Now, that is a sad story of remarkably bad luck,” Tatum replied. “You see, as part of our arrangements, I promised Ahmad a senior officer, someone to serve as a symbol of your intelligence community. He wished to make a rather exceptional example of his contempt, for all to see.”
Tatum shrugged, his manner ruefully good-natured.
“I had intended to provide Beck, if only since he was conveniently available,” he said. “Regretfully, my battered friend here was, shall we say, unable to close the deal. Your father injured two of the men sent to collect him, Katie—rather severely. Only Vasily here escaped unscathed.”
He grinned. “Until, that is, Vasily met you. Like father, like daughter—I am certain Beck would be proud, my dear. Nonetheless, Ahmad agreed to accept you in his stead. He lost a daughter, he executes a spy’s daughter. Arabs appreciate irony, it seems.”
“You say my father is your friend,” Katie said. “You’re what? British? A British secret agent? Why are you working with terrorists like those … those animals up there?”
“It is all rather complicated. Wheels within wheels, as I’ve often heard your father say. I would re-phrase it as ‘certain ends require distasteful means.’ Such as providing a measure of assistance to a bloodthirsty sand-monkey like Ahmad Abu Khaled, which I was directed to do.”
“Directed by who, Tatum?” Denny said.
“By people with the ‘bigger picture’ in mind, Mr. Littrell.”
“Bigger than destroying D.C.? Of killing an American President?”
“That was a surprise, in both instances. The assumption was that your government was competent enough to deal with a rag-tag lot like these people. And to subsequently deal out the consequences of even a failed attempt.”
“Apparently the help your mysterious masters gave them made a big difference,” Denny said.
“Even with the relatively small assistance we provided—after the fact, at least after Washington was successfully attacked, and I assure you largely limited to cyber-attack activities—it is so disheartening to see how inept our ‘American Cousins’ proved to be,” Tatum said. “Of course, Ahmad’s enterprises did have impressive resources supporting what seemed a rather preposterous plan. But resources not from my colleagues. We merely took advantage of an opportunity, one rooted in the religious hatred vehemently felt by followers of Allah for your country.”
“Who?” Denny pressed. “Which country?”
“Which country hates you? All of them, though many profess to be your allies,” Tatum taunted. “Which one provided Ahmad’s bomb? Obviously, one with rather primitive nuclear technology, but with vast wealth.”
Tatum shrugged. “I assume it was Iran, though that is but my guess. Ahmad Abu Khaled has not chosen to share all of his secrets, and it is with him alone we dealt. Do ask him, Mr. Littrell, before he removes your head.”
“If I’m going to die, I just want to know who’s behind it. That’s not much to ask, Tatum.”
“Blame yourself, your country. You gave these fanatics the freedom to make nuclear weapons—no, Mr. Littrell, don’t protest; America dithered away, making bold speeches while the centrifuges spun. Sanctions? Iran’s wealth is in the ground, waiting out your ridiculous ‘sanctions.’ Meanwhile, the world still thirsts for their oil. In fact, for any oil.”
Tatum grinned wickedly. “Which is what the ‘bigger picture’ is about, you see.”
“I don’t see. You talk a lot, Tatum, but in bullshit riddles.”
“Oil is fungible, Mr. Littrell. All energy is. People who need oil or gas or any fuels care not a whit where it comes from. It is also subject to the laws of supply and demand. If one manipulates supply, limits it, whoever can serve the demand benefits enormously. Confidentially, there are steps under way now to deal with where most of the world’s supply currently exists. With a bit of luck, America and its so-called ‘allies’ in that godforsaken region will resolve the issue themselves, with no need of further action on our part.”
“More bullshit riddles,” Denny spat. “You expect me to believe—what? That this is all some plan to make North Sea oil worth more? So Britannia can rule the waves again, I suppose. Ludicrous. You’re either crazy or a goddamn liar, Tatum.”
“Alas, but Britain cannot afford my services anymore,” Tatum said. “Some time ago, I had a far better offer, though from an even more chilly land. Wheels within wheels, Mr. Littrell. Russia has a great deal of oil, you see.
“And it is about to be worth much, much more.”