12. Hidden Secrets of the Mayan Pyramids

The Mayan Empire once sprawled over many miles and contained a vast number of cities that were interconnected in culture, religion and had a common people. They also had something else in common, their use of the pyramid in architecture. In fact, one of the most notable features that remains from those ancient cities are the pyramids that dot the landscape and can be seen protruding from the top of the jungle from great distances.




Like many cultures, the ancient Mayans considered the pyramid to be sacred. It is interesting to note that this type of building is used in many parts of the world that were quite disconnected. For example, the ancient Egyptians used pyramids, even though they were separated by thousands of miles and an ocean from the Mayan Empire. Of course, the Egyptians used pyramids that came to a point on top where the Mayans used pyramids that were flat on top, which allowed them to hold ritual sacrifices and other ceremonies in the area.

Another notable feature of the Mayan pyramids are the staircases that often lead from ground level to the very top. Some of the staircases were used in religious ceremonies and the priest would climb the staircase in order to be closer to God before any bloodletting or human sacrifices were done. The stairs even served as a means of sacrifice, as many of the sacrificial victims were simply tied and throw down the steps to their death.

Some of the Mayan pyramids could be approached freely and they were regularly used in ritualistic practices. Other pyramids, however, were very sacred to the Mayan people and they were not to be approached or even touched by people. These pyramids may also have included staircases but they were far too steep to be climbed by the average person. During certain ceremonies or at special festivals, a priest may climb the steps of those other pyramids in order to take part in religious ceremonies as well.

The Pyramids Were a Burial Place

Although the Mayan pyramids were frequently used for religious ceremony and human sacrifice, they also were an important part of the death process as well. As we discussed, the ancient Mayan culture was very interested in the condition of the dead and they often prepared them for the journey to the underworld (or to heaven, in the case of those who were sacrificed). The pyramids also played a large part in the death rituals as well.

Some of the pyramids were the marking of a burial site of the King. The entire pyramid will be built around the burial site, but it was very rare for this to occur. In some cultures, pyramids were used for many different levels of society but in the Mayan culture, Kings were the only ones who had this privilege. There were also many who were in the royal family that may have been buried in various rooms within the pyramid as well.

Advanced Building Techniques of the Mayans

There are many theories as to the way that the Mayan pyramids were built. One of the theories has to do with the possibility that the pyramids were built with acoustics in mind. In fact, there are some pyramids that may have emitted a chirping sound, which was very similar to a sacred bird. This may even be seen today, as there are pyramids that still make such as sound that has been recorded and is currently being studied. It was theorized that a priest would stand at the bottom of the steps, clap his hands and would hear the return of the chirp of the Quetzal, which was considered to be a message from the gods.

In more recent times, robots and other forms of technology have been used to look far beyond the walls of the Mayan pyramids. In at least one case, there were burial chambers that were discovered far below one of the pyramid temples. If it weren't for the use of technology, those chambers would have long been undiscovered.

The Mayan pyramids hold many secrets. Not only are there hidden rooms that have yet to be seen by human eyes in thousands of years, it is the sheer wonder that they were able to be built in the first place. As the pyramids continue to be studied, they are no doubt going to reveal additional secrets that will help to open our eyes to more of what the ancient Mayan Empire has to offer.