December 21, 1553

I am amazed. I knew I had grown taller this year because none of my clothes fit, and that is why I had a new ball gown made, but I did not realize how tall until I went to the grand ball tonight and danced. Everyone looked short to me – even the King! I was partnered in a pavane first with Monsieur d’un Humaniers, and I looked down onto the small, perfectly round bald patch in the middle of his head. In my bare feet without the heels of my satin slippers, I would be of the same level.

Francis was not allowed to dance any of the fast dances like the galliard. The Queen did not want him to exert himself. However, he did a fine job with the pavanes and the minuets. Francis is not a natural dancer, but pavanes are so easy. Little Mary Seton looked most glorious in the old cloth of silver dress that I had outgrown. I saw Madame de Parois eyeing her, however. She always resents anything I give to the four Marys. She calls them the Savages. She firmly believes that anything from Scotland is rough, wild, and barbaric. We don’t care what she thinks.