
Too tired to write. Hunted and hawked all day. Then went to the archery field and practised with the larger bows under the instructions of my Scots guardsmen. It is known that the Scots are the best archers. I have been advanced to a larger and heavier bow. Robin MacClean, the head guard, praised me and said that he never saw anyone take to this bow faster. Robin is an excellent teacher. He is a big ruddy fellow with the keenest blue eyes and the burr of the Highlands in his voice. I do feel a little bit bad, for Francis is still on the lighter bow. But the fact is I am a good several inches taller than Francis and such a long bow would be most awkward for him. I do wish Francis would grow! Surely he will grow by the time we marry. He is so short that we would look quite silly as a bride and groom standing in front of the priest exchanging our sacred vows. He barely reaches my shoulder now.