In a culture that values individualism, self-reliance, and the personal pursuit of happiness, it’s easy to overlook the fact that we are interdependent beings. At every moment of every day, we’re inextricably linked to those around us. The ability to connect with our colleagues—through skillful communication and other means—is paramount to being happy at work. What’s more, there is a vital link between good communication, skillful self-expression, and integrity. How present you are, how able you are to manage your own emotional states—as well as complex and nuanced relationships—is essential to getting work done.
Self-expression does not require that we tell everyone what we think of him or her at every opportunity. That would qualify as self-indulgence, not skillful communication. Using self-expression well means being truthful with ourselves and knowing when, how, and with whom to share truthful information as an expression of personal integrity.
Allison, a public relations officer for a Fortune 500 company, comes up against this all the time. “Thankfully, at my job I can speak up and say, ‘Hey, what we’re proposing to do is not as honest or forthcoming as it needs to be.’ I take this responsibility seriously not only out of respect for my own values, but also in taking responsibility for information we share with the public. I have some latitude to push back when it’s the right thing to do.” Allison is constantly surprised by how subjective integrity is. “Different people define it in different ways. A major corporation is going to talk about integrity differently from a practicing Buddhist.”
It’s important to know that you have a voice. It’s important to listen if you are a boss. Integrity means speaking up—if only to yourself. That may sound like an oxymoron but it isn’t.
We often lie to ourselves about our true feelings. We all too often suppress the dangerous knowledge of what we truly think and feel and want from ourselves. We believe that if we tell ourselves the scary truth, we will be forced to explode our lives; that the force of confessing what we really believe will wreak anarchy on the status quo. This paranoia about being fully honest fosters unhappiness in the workplace. But how can we be fully honest without blasting the boss, or causing disorder?
My friend Paul told me this story: “I started as a coordinator in a production company, and I’d write up documentary pitches and send them to an executive producer (EP) I trusted, hoping to get my big break, but mostly nothing happened with the pitches. Then one of the ideas I gave to an EP was green-lit (commissioned) by a broadcaster. That’s a big deal! But the EP never told me. I found out my pitch was in production from another executive at the company during a meeting, and when I mentioned that I pitched that story, I was told that I had nothing to do with it. I was furious. I felt betrayed, heartbroken, and small. That’s where my meditation practice saved me. Instead of acting out of my explosive feelings, I sat with the emotions for a couple of days. I sat until I could clearly summarize what happened in a one-sentence email to the EP I trusted with the idea, “I pitched my idea to you, it was green-lit, and you didn’t credit me.” And then I added a sentence that would not be possible without the days of letting the emotions pass through me, ‘I didn’t think you would do that.’
“In thinking about this, I rediscovered the reason I sent the pitch to the EP in the first place: I trusted him. I was seeing with a more spacious perspective again. Sure enough, the EP stopped by my desk by the end of the day; he explained it was all a big misunderstanding, offered me a job as an associate producer, got me the credit on the film, and gave me every reason to restore my trust in him in the years that followed. It was from my meditation practice of letting the painful emotions be felt in the body, and holding back from acting out of them, that allowed me to recognize that what looked like one of the most painful situations of my career was actually the big break I was looking for.”
How we communicate has everything to do with maintaining well-being and harmony at work. People may look at it differently, but it’s there. “Ethical communication is by far the most challenging aspect of working with others,” former police officer Cheri Maples finds.
Brenda, a technical assistant at a bio-med company, finds that being mindful of her own inner responses during conversations with colleagues is her most effective tool for good communication “. . . It takes concerted mental awareness not to slip into the clipped, irritated, fine-just-forget-it mode that might seem easiest but will actually shut down communication. When I can stay aware of what’s going on inside me, I can keep the channels open toward others instead of reacting out of annoyance. It’s a challenge at work, but when I can do it, it protects the colleague relationship.”
We can use three criteria to help with skillful communication—at work and everywhere else. First, is the information true? Truthfulness must be the bottom line when considering what and what not to say. If we’re being half-honest, we compromise our integrity and risk our colleagues losing trust in us and what we have to say. If we’ve determined that the information is true, the next question to ask ourselves is whether this communication—at this moment—will be useful. It’s important to be sensitive to context, timing, and the profile of your listener before saying things that could do damage. I knew a spiritual teacher who used to say, “You must speak to a person’s listening,” meaning that skillful communication requires awareness of whom you’re talking to and the degree of their openness to new information. Finally, it is wise to consider whether what you’re about to say will be done in a kind way—as in polite, nonaggressive, nonconfrontational. The issue of kindness may point to the nature of the information itself or to your intention in sharing it. Do you have a secret agenda? Is this secret agenda constructive or destructive? Do you feel “clean” in this communication, or is it tainted by competition, manipulation, or malice? When communication fails to meet these criteria—of being true, necessary, and kind—we’re wise to hold our tongue until we’ve vetted what we have to say.
Stealth Meditation
In a situation of potential conflict, let compassion guide you. What would you want someone to say to you if they were upset with you? What would you want to hear if you knew there were two legitimate sides of the story?
It is easy to forget in an action-oriented culture such as ours that everything we say and do is preceded by thoughts and intentions. Mindfulness of our inner world at work enables us to communicate and connect more skillfully with others through compassion and clarity of purpose.
Nicholas, a newly minted seventh-grade teacher at an inner-city school, discovered the importance of right intention during his first week on the job. “I was nervous that the kids would see me as a wuss. Truthfully, I was scared to death. It was thirty-five of them against me; that’s how I saw it. Most of these kids came from low-income, broken homes and needed me to be in charge. Even though I wanted them to like me, I was more focused on getting them to respect me. When a couple of them got rowdy during class, I came down on them hard. Instead of quieting down and cooperating, the bad behavior just got worse.
“This went on for a couple of weeks. Whenever there was trouble in class, my response was to yell and throw my weight around in order to—I thought—earn their respect. But it didn’t work. We kept butting heads. Finally, I asked the worst of the troublemakers to stay after class and talk. I wanted to understand what was happening. The first thing they wanted to know was why I had such a big chip on my shoulder. At first I denied it, but they were right. I did have a chip on my shoulder! It came from being scared—although I didn’t need to tell them that! They could “read” that my disciplinarian thing was coming from insecurity and did what kids always do when they pick up on that: They acted out.
“My real intention was to be a good teacher, but my fear of being disrespected was overshadowing what lay beneath. As soon as I realized this, my attitude started to change. I started listening to the kids more and letting down my defensive wall. I realized that fear had been dominating my approach, and once I realized that, I could be more mindful of my tendency to control them through the power of authority. Now I try to connect with them, and it is completely different. We get along so much better now, and the bad behavior has mostly subsided. I’m not trying to control them as much as I’m trying to teach them. That’s a much more positive intention.”
Skillful communication is a multilayered effort. At times, it’s best to speak up; other times it’s best to listen. Talking and listening are two distinct functions that affect conversation differently. This is a case in point used by Mudita Nisker and Dan Clurman of Communication Options in their communications training seminars. They have noted that many of us confuse talking and listening without considering which function would work best in a specific situation.
For example, Bob, a software engineer, had recently received approval to develop new software for his company’s largest customer. Bob’s first impulse was to persuade his quality control manager, George, to test his new program immediately, but George already had several projects ahead of Bob’s. Hard as Bob tried to sell George on the benefits and potential profitability of his product, George remained unsympathetic to Bob’s proposal. When Bob’s frustration quieted down long enough for him to pay attention to what was happening, he realized that George wasn’t going to be more receptive until Bob listened and explored George’s concerns.
As it turned out, George was reluctant to proceed until he knew more about Bob’s track record and whether his team had a history of success, because George could be putting his reputation on the line if he gave priority to Bob’s project. Bob realized he had to provide evidence of his past success and listen more fully to George. When he did, he realized how significantly George’s concerns about his reputation were influencing his decision. Only then could Bob take action toward giving George the assurance he needed. By learning to listen, Bob was able to communicate with George more effectively and get the green light for his project.
In order to improve communication, we must learn to be mindful of what would best achieve the goals of both parties. Listening to understand without agreeing or disagreeing can show how open you are to someone’s ideas—and how open they can be to yours.
When we urge people to say what is true—simply, without judgment or embellishment—that doesn’t mean being brash or inappropriate. Sensitivity and discernment are critical. Especially now, when the predominant culture in the West increasingly seems to be one of disparagement. In the same way that we are encouraged to see cynicism as strength and kindness as weakness, we are taught to feel better about ourselves by putting others down.
We live in a society where many people revel in seeing other people lose, be spurned, and fall into despair. According to professor Paul Gilbert of Derby University, we see this ethos mirrored in reality TV shows like The Apprentice, which he likens to Roman gladiatorial contests. “Supposing all the young people watching The Apprentice thought this was the way people did business, with all the back-stabbing and attacking each other,” Professor Gilbert said during an interview with the newspaper the Independent. “Would you really want to live in a world where everyone did that?” Obviously not, yet there are many work environments that seem to be modeled on the blood sport of the Roman Coliseum. “So much is going on that is making people angry,” Gilbert adds. “I think people feel a bit hopeless.” Despairing as this sounds, there’s a sober truth in what Gilbert is saying. In a culture of disparagement, pessimism is the prevailing order, and the law of the jungle too easily becomes our psychological model for work. In this paradigm, there are winners and losers and little belief in win-win situations. The gladiatorial model of work presented by a show like The Apprentice, emphasizing power over compassion, disparagement over cooperation, and self-aggrandizement over team spirit, weakens connection with our co-workers and makes skillful communication less likely.
It is notable when we find colleagues or even a boss who want to see us succeed. Caroline relates, “When I was in my twenties, I worked for some time as a waitress in a health food restaurant. One day a customer ordered a soy cappuccino, which I had to make myself—all waitstaff did this. On the best days, it was not a quick process and perhaps I was not being particularly speedy that day. After some time, the customer came to the back and asked about the drink she’d ordered. I snapped at her, saying, ‘It does take some time to make, you know!’
“My manager observed the interaction, her eyes widening as she looked at me. She said something like ‘that was rude!’ and I thought she was referring to the customer. So I said something like, ‘I know! Can you believe these people?’ And she said, ‘No I was referring to you.’ I was genuinely taken aback. I was so sure I was right in this situation. After the customer got her coffee, the manager asked if she could speak to me in her office. So I got myself all into a huff and ready for a fight, ready maybe even to quit or get fired, since I was so completely sure of myself in this situation and was feeling quite wronged now somehow.
“I walked in and sat down, and instead of reprimanding me, my manager began by complimenting me with utmost sincerity on my work at the restaurant, my general character, et cetera. She was soft, open, genuine, and far from accusatory. I completely deflated. I was now unarmed—taken by surprise by her genuine kindness. I simply could not fight with her after that and I just kind of melted. When she finally did get around to talking to me about my behavior earlier, I could actually hear her and agreed I could have handled it differently.
“That she took the time to see my humanity and was able to communicate that to me made all the difference in our interaction and in the outcome. I was also quite different with her after that day. I no longer saw her as ‘the other,’ ‘the boss,’ but as a fellow human being just trying to do her job as best as she could.”
Stealth Meditation
For an upcoming one-on-one conversation, resolve to listen more and speak less.
Appreciative inquiry is a method that focuses on increasing what an organization does well rather than eliminating what it does badly. It is based on the philosophy that whatever you want more of already exists in any system (individual, organization, community). The traditional approach to organizational development focuses on problem solving—the “what’s wrong and how can I fix it?” method. Appreciative inquiry works to identify what is working and then determine how to remember, reinforce, and amplify the positive aspects that support organizational health and well-being.
This model rests on the assumption that the questions we ask tend to focus our attention in a particular direction. It assumes that every organization and every person in the organization has positive aspects that can be built on. It asks questions like “What is already working well?” and “How can we reinforce and build on what you are currently doing?”
Ellen Carton, an organizational development consultant, describes her experience using this model: “Typically, I am asked to intervene to help solve a problem like low staff morale. Prior to my engagement with appreciative inquiry, my approach would include conducting interviews with individuals—asking questions like ‘what’s going on here; what is the problem? What is morale like? Why do you think morale is low? Can you give me examples of low morale?’ And on and on. I would indeed learn much about low morale. Additionally, after several hours of questioning, my own energy would be depleted and I would be somewhat discouraged. And that was just the starting point of the process! While I learned about the current negative situation, I did not discover any potential solutions that might already exist in that system.
“After learning about appreciative inquiry, my approach—and results—took a dramatic turn for the better. I would facilitate conversations by asking staff to tell stories about a time when morale was high in the past and learn about the circumstances that supported the positive experience. It wasn’t always easy—people often have the tendency to want to focus on the negative, and it’s important to allow them to ‘vent.’ But with a little probing (and a healthy dose of patience), people do remember those positive moments and are then able to experience hope for the future.
“The impact of these conversations was profound—I was able to reflect back to the organization that they indeed have experiences of high morale in their organizational DNA—even if these experiences are the exception rather than the norm. From that point, we were able to amplify and reinforce those positive moments and build toward a better future. Not incidentally, my own energy and enthusiasm was heightened by these positive, life-affirming conversations.”
Ellen goes on to say, “My discovery of appreciative inquiry coincided with my nascent spiritual practice, and it was easy to see how focusing on life-affirming systems dovetailed perfectly with my personal evolution from looking at the world in a highly pessimistic way to finding more peace and joy through practicing yoga and meditation.”
Appreciative inquiry, if misunderstood, can seem like squishy happy talk. But take the case of GTE Information Systems. Appreciative inquiry began at GTE in the mid-1990s as a pilot program started in order to see what would happen if employees were trained in the basics of appreciative inquiry and then gathered positive data from throughout the organization. Each employee conducted interviews to find positive examples of what was working well. They found stories of exceptional customer service, constructive work relationships, and encouraging management. They called this “the Positive Change Network.”
Soon the Positive Change Network drew thousands of GTE employees. Over 10,000 innovations were attributed to the appreciative inquiry process, earning GTE the 1997 American Society for Training & Development award for best organizational change program in the country.
Stealth Meditation
At the beginning of a meeting, silently offer the phrases of loving-kindness to all others at the meeting.
It is important to mention the role of gossip in workplace communication. Gossip is nearly impossible for people in groups, at work and elsewhere, to resist. The reason for this is fascinating. Most of us don’t realize that human language evolved in order for us to be able to gossip. Our early ancestors used gossip to protect the group from traitors, cheaters, liars, and thieves. Once we could talk, we could tell one another stories, especially stories about other people. We could watch one another’s backs and also bite them; we could gossip as a social control instead of taking physical action. In other words, rather than beat somebody up we could simply ruin their reputation. Our brains have evolved to pay stories forward. Next time someone tells you a juicy piece of gossip, notice how hard it is not to repeat it. We’re compelled to turn our relationships in groups into perpetual games of telephone. But gossip can cause devastation, since it is, by definition, nearly always negative.
Jesse’s story illustrates how mindfulness can stop the cycle of gossip. “A few years ago, I needed to leave my job as an executive assistant for an extended period of time. My boss, a middle-aged man, hired a temp, a young woman, in the interim. When I returned, it was obvious that my boss and the temp were having an affair, which continued after the temp left the organization. My boss and I never had an open conversation about what he was doing, but I was able to clearly set the boundary that I would not cover for him with his wife or anyone else.
“I also made the decision that I would not share my knowledge of the affair with anyone at our organization—it was not their business. It was a painful situation that caused a lot of hurt for many people over years, but I was able to feel good about not gossiping and not enabling the situation when I confronted circumstances where it would have been easy to do either. That became my safe refuge through that situation.”
It is remarkable how differently we can relate to others during conflict or turmoil when we learn to respond from a place of open awareness. To say that which is true and that which is useful, we need to pay attention. That is why it is so important that we learn to communicate with one another on an empathic level.
Gina, a photographer and yoga teacher in New York, talked to me about the relationship between attention and mindful speech. “I have to be aware of how I interact with other people—especially when a challenge occurs,” she says. “So much of what we do now is behind the literal and figurative screen of a computer where it’s easy to fire off a quick reply to a faceless email.”
Gina practices taking a moment to ask herself what her true intention is in the situation. “Is it to retaliate or get back at someone? If I’m so angry that I want someone to receive their comeuppance, I ask myself why and remind myself that everyone just wants to be happy. When they’re acting out, it’s usually because they’re suffering in some way. If I still see red, then I step away to give myself the space to respond as I would want to be responded to.”
Having gone through several major losses in the past year, the end of a marriage, the death of her sister, Gina is “deeply aware” of the “understandable, heavy feelings” she’s carrying and working to be extra careful about not taking this grief out on her colleagues or yoga students. “I did not want to carry that into my work life on a day-to-day basis,” she admits. “What I found is that the moment I stop focusing on myself, only then can I become present and able to focus on others.”
There are a few basic rules of mindful engagement we can learn in order to avoid the most common communication traps. The first is to use “I” language. Consider this situation where Maureen is frustrated with Cynthia, an employee who is repeatedly late in submitting her weekly expense statements for Maureen’s approval. She says, “Cynthia, you never care enough about anybody else to just submit your expense statement on time.” Unfortunately, Maureen’s use of the word you is practically guaranteed to make Cynthia defensive and reduce the chance that she will listen effectively. And the use of the word never does not help the situation at all.
However, what if Maureen were to use “I” language in this conversation? “Cynthia, I feel frustrated when I don’t receive your expense statement on time. I had been hoping to leave earlier on Friday to spend some time with my daughter.” The difference in these statements is significant. In the first, Cynthia could easily perceive Maureen as attacking her. In the second statement, Maureen is simply expressing her feelings in a manner less likely to be felt as confrontational. Also, there’s not much room for argument in the second version; Cynthia cannot credibly dispute Maureen’s statement that she is frustrated. This leaves less chance of defensiveness and an increased chance that Cynthia will be able to hear what Maureen is saying.
Even though it might seem somewhat formulaic, the use of “I” language is a skill well worth practicing if what we actually want is dialogue and authentic communication. Picture yourself going to the movies with a friend. As you are leaving after the credits, your friend asserts, “That was the best movie ever made!” There is now not enough room in the universe for you to say, “I didn’t like it.” Your friend has just defined absolute truth, and there is no room for you to dispute it! Whereas, if she were to say, “I loved that movie,” there is space to offer your own point of view: “I didn’t like it all that much.” That’s the moment an exchange of ideas and real communication can happen, even as you disagree about the movie. Expressing something as our own view, rather than as irrefutable, fixed, universally acknowledged truth allows everyone to have a voice in the conversation, which is how genuine engagement occurs.
A second powerful factor in skillful communication is body awareness. Most of us are unaware that only a small percentage of what we communicate comes through the words we speak. In fact, one study showed that in face-to-face interactions, 55 percent of the emotional meaning of a message was expressed through facial, postural, and gestural means, 38 percent through the tone of voice, and only 7 percent through words.
What is more, we mirror each other emotionally as well as energetically. If two people are sitting in a room, the electromagnetic energy of one person’s heart impacts the other person’s, as measured on an EKG. When you begin to become aware of how your body sends messages without your knowing it, you gain insight into the responses of others toward you. Let’s say your boss says something annoying to you in passing. Instantly, your sympathetic nervous system is aroused, your heart rate increases, your respiration rate shoots up, and the stress hormone cortisol is released into your bloodstream. Essentially, your body prepares to react. If you’re not aware of your physical response, it’s harder to gauge your verbal response (with body language that’s screaming “attack”).
Mindfulness of the body will help you communicate without unwanted emotional baggage. Take the time to unclench your hands, relax your jaw, catch your breath, step back a couple of feet—literally and figuratively—and pause, rather than act out with unskillful means. Relaxing under pressure opens up new responses and possibilities, so you can choose the best course of action and then change direction if appropriate.
And the third rule is, once again, remembering to listen. When we meet someone new, or encounter a familiar colleague, the temptation so often is to be self-preoccupied, “Do they like me? How much do they like me? Was that an impressive comment? Was that a stupid comment?” And to be distracted, “No one would believe how much I have to do. Let’s see, if I do that section first, I might be able to skip the other one altogether, and . . . ”
Leslie Booker, founder of the Urban Sangha Project, offers exercises in deep listening, where one person in a pair speaks and the other is instructed to listen without interrupting, or even getting distracted by formulating a response just then. She has brought this exercise to New York City public school teachers, social workers, advocates, therapists, and lawyers. Leslie writes, “You can feel the urgency and tension in the room dissipate in the first few minutes as people realize that they’re not going to be interrupted, their thoughts are not going to get derailed because of someone else’s agenda. People feel heard and validated.”
Without some ability to really listen, we might hardly notice who is there in the room or on the call with us. Or we might be locked into automatic ways of reacting and not take the time to see other possibilities. Carol, an attorney, recounts, “Many years ago, I was negotiating a huge case, with something like 350 clients. As I was talking on the phone to opposing counsel, I must have been very aggressive. It was a woman on the phone call. She was actually a nice person, I liked her but that was lost to me in that moment. However, I was handling it, she said something to me, I don’t remember exactly what, but the impact of it was ‘We don’t have to do it this way.’ That completely turned my style around. What I found as a result of that turning point was that in negotiating cases, I just always looked for the human connection with a person, irrespective of the differences on the matters at hand. You may not ultimately agree on the dollar amount or whatever, but you find a space of happiness in your dynamic with that person. I found out later that after I changed, many people began to consider me one of the strongest negotiators in the city.”
The ability not to be distracted or driven by feelings or held hostage by hostile impulses is mastered through practicing these communication skills. Remember that mindfulness often runs counter to what old conditioning prompts us to do. Mindfulness helps to interrupt our reactive—fight-or-flight—conditioning and become aware of the full range of possible responses at our disposal. It helps us distinguish what actually is in our power and what is not.
Deb, who runs a small nonprofit, describes, “In my work, I often come across individuals who seem unable to simply answer a question. I’m no angel when it comes to scattered conversations in social settings. Sometimes the best laughs with friends are found in tangential topic hopping. But when a work proposal needs writing or a project launch is looming, there’s nothing quite as frustrating as trying to figure out how to extract a vital piece of information from someone who knows it. In the past, when a colleague confused the question or changed the conversation, it resulted in my not getting what I needed and then in my getting frustrated. Now that I meditate, I tend to hone in on the task at hand more easily. My strategy gradually evolved into simply asking the pertinent question again. The meditation helps me think differently about what ‘being focused’ means. It seems incredibly simple—ask what I need to ask until I’m heard—but it’s a bold realization. Decluttering isn’t just for organizing my drawers and cabinets. That is what meditating does for me. It declutters my mind, and it makes finding what I need in there easier.”
The more emotional intelligence and care you invest in the quality of your communication, the less you will be misunderstood or inflict unintended discomfort; the more likely you are to be effective and connected to colleagues; and the more you will strengthen your capacity for mindfulness in general. Rather than fall into tit-for-tat volleys for power or “being right,” we can remember that animosity and alienation are mitigated by awareness, and our communications can be enriched by compassion.
Tarikh Korula, a tech entrepreneur, comments, “I have a regular sitting meditation practice. It doesn’t always feel productive, but the benefits can bloom unexpectedly. I’ve spent the last year with a cofounder starting a new business venture. Businesses are made or broken in the early days. The constant pressure is intense and disagreements are inevitable. Recently, we found ourselves at one of those inevitable impasses. Tensions were high we were firmly entrenched in our positions.
“The logic of my perspective seemed obvious, and he felt the same way about his. We had stopped listening to each other. Then, unexpectedly, the bud of something sprouted. The fact that we were just trying to work together and found ourselves arguing instead, struck me as funny. The insight came fast, and I blurted out that he seemed angry. ‘Of course I’m angry!’ he boomed. ‘Why?’ I asked. ‘Because you’re being a jerk!’ he boomed again. ‘Okay,’ I laughed a little, ‘Why am I being a jerk?’ He restated his perspective, exasperated. But in that space, I had become curious about his perspective, so I just gently asked him to explain how I was being a jerk. He calmed down a bit and when he explained it, I realized I had painted him into a corner with a broad brush, unfairly. I realized I had been reacting to an old scar, and not one he had inflicted. All of this happened more quickly than words, but I was overcome with empathy at the predicament I had put my friend in. Instinctively, and without thinking about the words, I apologized sincerely. Just like that, the smoke in the room cleared. His voice lowered, his shoulders unwound, he leaned against a wall, and we were able to see each other as teammates again instead of foes.
“I meditate because of moments like this, because it creates a time-lapse pill for insight. It helps me grow into the partner I need to be for my endeavors to work and for my relationships to be more genuine.”
Stealth Meditation
As you begin or continue your mindfulness practice, use your new sensitivity to make connections with colleagues who share your values and challenges.
All of these suggestions about communication apply to email as well. “When you type an email, before you send it, sit back, take three deep breaths where you’re not thinking about the email, then return to the email and reread it—not so much for the data but for the emotional impact it will have on the reader,” Chade-Meng Tan of Google recommends. “Imagine being that reader and try to look at the impact it might have. Then change it accordingly and send it.” You can also send that email to yourself first. There’s something about the process of opening an email in your inbox that changes the way you read it—it really makes it to you—and allows for new eyes. It’s also good for proofreading!
Jared Gottlieb, who initiated a weekly meditation session at National Geographic put it this way: “I’ve found that the more care I invest into the crafting of a message, the less I fixate on it once I’ve sent it.” Whether sending a personal email or composing a company-wide memo, this is excellent counsel.
In order to understand the role of mindfulness in modes of communication where we are not getting immediate feedback from someone’s gestures or facial expressions, compare and contrast these two stories:
A few years ago, one of Robert’s clients was pressuring him hard for a product on an unreasonable timetable. Robert fired off a harsh email to the client—one of those impulsive, emotional responses involving lots of capital letters and exclamation points. He clicked Send, felt a few seconds of righteousness, and then the doubt began to engulf him. The client forwarded the email to Robert’s boss and everyone else in the organization associated with the project. Years later, Robert still feels shame arise when he sees someone who was part of that email chain.
In comparison, Scott says, “I’ve always been a fairly thoughtful crafter of emails, which, particularly in the practice of law, can be very helpful. I have long refrained from replying too quickly when agitated by the content of an email and am inclined to pick up the phone if I think it would be challenging to convey the spirit of a message through text alone. But it was only after many years of practicing mindfulness that I realized the larger extent of my reactivity, especially when replying to emails.
“One day I was replying to an email that had asked a question to which I had a solid response. The reply took up about a paragraph, was finely worded, and I felt pretty good about it, but had a subtle unease. I looked over the email again. It was tight and concise, and so I prepared to send it. Then, for some reason, I decided to sit for a few minutes and pay attention to that subtle unease. A few minutes later, I looked up at the email and something about the second sentence seemed a little unnecessary. I deleted it. The message still made good sense. I relaxed into the moment again. A few minutes later, the fourth sentence was removed. The third sentence was shortened. Then it hit me that I was removing language that made sense, but really had been included so that I might feel better about what I had to say, to assuage my own discomfort at the information I had to convey. The lines I removed were gratuitous and probably would have seemed that way to the recipient—or would be a source of confusion.
“When all was said and done, my reply consisted of something along the lines of ‘Yes, that works for me, too. Thanks.’”
Retrieving an email is possible, but confusing and never guaranteed. It’s better to pause and work with mindfulness before going ahead and pressing Send, rather than frantically trying later to act in time to erase our mistakes and avert negative consequences. We don’t always get there in time. And besides, not many platforms or styles or forms of communication give us an Undo button. Not much of life does, either.
Stealth Meditation
Before sending an important email, send it to yourself first. When you open it as the recipient, you’ll take in the tone, implications, and omissions that you might otherwise miss when you’re focused on composition.
Most human beings have contradictory impulses: We love connection and group interaction yet also crave privacy and autonomy. We long to be recognized for individual achievement while also being part of the group. We want encouragement, guidance, and support, while also needing to be left to figure things out in our own way. Indeed, one of our greatest challenges at work is learning to be part of a group without betraying our individual needs, to play well with others while also being true to ourselves.
There is plenty of research to support the fact that the number of good friends an employee has at work is related to how engaged and happy that employee is. But some may find too much engagement counterproductive, since being crammed into a room is not everyone’s ideal model for generating new ideas. A student of mine who works in the magazine business spends fifty-plus hours a week in a forty-by-forty-foot space with her two dozen stressed out, frequently bickering colleagues and finds it nearly intolerable. “My boss’s idea was twofold. First, give nobody privacy so that they can’t waste time. Second, shove us all into one room so we feed off each other’s energy and get more done. Let me tell you that neither of these precautionary steps has made a lick of difference. All it does is keep us tense—there’s nowhere to escape!—looking over our shoulders, unable to hear our own thoughts. I absolutely hate it!”
Contrast this with the experience of an ER nurse who relishes her shared space. “It’s like sorority row, but we have a blast!” she says. “This place is like a tinderbox, emergency after emergency. If we were all in little offices, we’d be much less efficient. The fact that our desks are in a tight space enables us to work as a team, like one body. It wouldn’t really work any other way.” When it comes to skillful communication and maximum cooperation, a happy workplace depends less on where the walls are placed and more on where employees place their attention. Especially in tight working quarters, it’s important to be mindful of our colleagues’ mental space and not dominate the environment with unhelpful chatter, nosiness, and interruptions. One study concluded that people whose work is constantly interrupted make 50 percent more mistakes and take twice as long to finish their tasks. The ability to work in close quarters and respect the needs of the people around us is imperative to a happy workplace.
While office layout may vary, we do know that some people are more creative when they have privacy and freedom from interruption. People in many fields are introverts who enjoy exchanging ideas but see themselves as independent and individualistic and are not joiners by nature. When it comes to creativity at work, for some of us, brainstorming doesn’t work as well as being able to go off into our own nook or cranny and then later share ideas spawned in private. This seems to call for flexibility and honoring the individual’s needs whenever possible.
Teamwork has become even more complicated in the Internet age. In many global companies, work teams are geographically dispersed all over the world, and these virtual teams work across physical and organizational boundaries through the use of technology. By most accounts, telecommuting and virtual teamwork offer both drawbacks and advantages to worker satisfaction. Information technology that allows us to shrink global distances, fax documents around the world in seconds, and send emails hurtling through cyberspace, can give a false sense of solidarity, as if connecting with people required nothing more than knowing each others’ Twitter handle or finding the best video-conferencing equipment.
Face-to-face communication is still a reliably powerful way of building trust and bonds among colleagues. But the assumption that employees who regularly telecommute feel less attached to the organization they work for due to isolation and disconnection may not be true. As long as companies integrate face time into their employee relationships, it doesn’t seem to hurt to be working from home in your pajamas, seeing your coworkers only a couple of times a week. It can be good for productivity and worker satisfaction. The same principle holds true for people who work in close proximity to one another, day in and day out. Creative autonomy, access to quiet, some degree of privacy, and respect for one another’s physical and mental space are important factors for many people.
A shift in personal awareness has transpersonal consequences. Emotions are contagious and have a ripple effect on the work environment, sometimes in ways we don’t see. A recent study at Baylor University showed that spending forty hours a week with a nasty coworker is detrimental not only to the employee but also to his or her spouse. What’s more, the difficult colleague’s rudeness may have a ripple effect that extends as far as the spouse’s workplace, not only causing unhappiness for the family but ultimately affecting the spouse’s job as well.
Whether in the same physical space or not, our connection to one another is profound. At work, this ripple effect is happening at every moment. With each email sent, each call ignored, every negative water cooler conversation; or, on better days, every pat on the back, supportive smile, or task undertaken to help others; with every action we take, we send love or suffering into the web that connects us. When we shift awareness to acknowledge this ripple effect, we can undergo a sea of change as human beings. We find ourselves filled with a new sense of responsibility toward the quality of our experience and its impact on others. The shift of awareness from “me” to “we” sets the stage for a whole new life at work.
EXERCISE: Reflection on Interdependence
This is a practice that can be done in any posture and focuses on our interdependence—how we all need one another to accomplish what we want in the world. Just be relaxed, be at ease. And see if you can begin to trace back all those people who have been involved in your work life. Maybe you had a teacher who instilled love of learning and a willingness to be adventurous. Maybe you had a parent who instilled confidence in your ability to try new things or explore new terrain. Maybe you’ve had a child who’s opened you up to a sense of wonder and interest you’ve wanted to express at work. Let a sense of them, a recollection of them, come into the room with you.
What about the clothing that you’re wearing? How many forms of life, how many people, how many beings have been involved in the growing of that fiber, creation of the cloth, transporting it, selling it? And the creation of the building in which you’re sitting, or the stewards of the plots of land if you’re outside. All the forms of life involved in the food that you’ve eaten today, the creatures in the earth. Who planted that seed and nurtured that crop? Who harvested, transported, and sold the food? Prepared the food?
You can see that none of us is actually independent, alone, or cut off, however alone we might sometimes feel. We are all a part of the greater fabric of life, this immense web of relationships and connections and influences and interdependence. We arrive at this moment in time borne by a sea, an ocean of conditions. If we look at a tree, we can see it as just a tree, or we can look at a tree and sense the soil and everything that affects the quality of that soil, which is nourishing the tree, and the rainfall and everything affecting the quality of that rainfall, and the sunlight, and the moonlight, and the quality of the air. Is the tree just a tree or the confluence of all these conditions coming together, moving, changing?
And so, too, we can see ourselves as part of a great network of those who have helped us, those who have challenged us, a part of the work life of so many (as consumers, as communicators), and relying on so many others for each element of our own work life. Each moment of our experience displays how we are each part of a bigger picture of life.
EXERCISE: Mindfulness of Speech
1. Write down an accusatory statement about something that happened to you at work and put it in the second person, for example: “You’re a loser for not being able to do your job properly and screwing up the deadline.” Begin to rephrase it in the first person, that is, positive “I” language. For example, “I spent three hours looking for that file and missed my deadline. How we can set up a system so that doesn’t happen again?”(Avoid the pitfall of disguised “you” language, such as “I felt bad when I saw what a loser you are.”)
How does it feel to authentically state the incident in “I” language? What kind of atmosphere is created by each way of talking about the same incident?
2. Notice if you are in the habit of using words like always, and never, and if you tend to be global in offering critical feedback rather than specific, like “You are always disappointing” rather than “I was disappointed when you were three hours late.” The latter, of course, leaves room for improvement and collaboration in that it gives the recipient something specific to address and work to change.
First, choose a partner, either a colleague with whom you’re close, or a friend even if not a coworker. Determine who will speak first and who will listen and choose a mutually interesting topic. Then, sit face-to-face with your partner, resting your eyes on the ground or closing them for a moment as you begin to connect with the other person. When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes. The first speaker begins. The topic might be hopes or fears about work, creating a supportive community there, ways that he or she might make a contribution. Speakers are asked to speak genuinely about their thoughts or feelings. Allow five minutes to speak without interruption and to listen with an open heart.
The listener’s job is to simply hold the space for their partner to speak. Not to judge, fix, or offer suggestions. In listening, they are not to have a response ready the moment it’s their turn to speak. As the listener, their only job is to receive: to pay full attention to the words, body posture, and facial expressions of the speaker. When the five minutes are up, a bell is rung and the two partners sit in silence for one minute with their eyes closed. The instruction here is to just let what was said settle, to not think of how to respond, but to let the speaker’s words be their own.
After one minute of silence and gratitude, the other partner has a chance to speak. Not to respond to what his or her partner has just said, or to say what they think the other wants to hear, but to really connect within themselves and to say what is meaningful on the topic from their point of view. When given these instructions, most people are surprised at what they actually say. What they had rehearsed in their minds is not typically what comes out of their mouths in the supportive atmosphere of deep listening.
Once you feel comfortable with deep listening, you can bring this skill with you to conferences, phone calls, meetings, and one-on-one encounters with colleagues, clients, adversaries, and staff. Really, anyone you choose. No one even needs to know you’re doing it—it’s your personal, quiet instrument of connection.
EXERCISE: Appreciative Inquiry
The following is an appreciative inquiry protocol, for reflection, journaling, or conversation.
This is an exercise designed to develop an expanded view of how to approach problems. It’s easy, when we are hyperfocused on what’s wrong in a situation, to reinforce a negative culture and start slipping into a feeling of hopelessness. This exercise is an experiment in approaching problems from the other side—what’s right about the strengths and resources we can bring to bear in meeting our challenges.
Sit for a few minutes feeling your breath. Then reflect that one or more human beings, all of whom wish to be happy, just as you do, will be receiving an email you’ve written. Recognize that emotional tone is hard to convey in an email, and if it is unclear what emotional context you intend in your message, you may be misunderstood. Compose your email. Put yourself in the recipients’ shoes as you reread the email. Revise it if necessary. Take three breaths before you decide whether it is time or not to press Send.
Q I find it challenging to be mindful when working with colleagues with whom most of the interaction is via email. How can I make these people feel more human and less abstract?
A One of the main challenges of remote working is our tendency to form and hold assumptions about one another. Without regular face-to-face contact, we can fall into a rigid or dismissive image of someone. A powerful reflection would be to remind ourselves that all beings want to be happy and to offer loving-kindness individually to those we interact with via email, to help remember they are people and not abstractions. In addition, there are practical ways to remember their multifaceted humanity, perhaps with a question about family or a query into nonwork-related interests.
Q In any workplace, everyone would like to feel heard. But at the same time, not every decision can be made by committee. How does one balance these two things?
A Clarity is a big help. First, identify the times when a decision resides with one person. If you are that person, mindfully consider if you are listening to each opinion and conveying that each person who speaks is being listened to. If you are contributing to a decision that will affect you but that you do not ultimately make, find an opportunity to respectfully contribute, knowing you won’t always get the final word or your advice may not be taken. Then remember that you did all you were able to and that things are always changing.
Q What happens if I offer loving-kindness to a difficult teammate, but the person continues to behave in unacceptable or undesirable ways? Are there ways to respond firmly even as I continue to offer them loving-kindness?
A There are different aspects of any action we take—anything we do or say. One is the intention or motivation behind the action. Let’s assume you are coming from a place of genuine loving-kindness toward this difficult person. The next aspect is the skillful or unskillful execution of the action. This is based on our assessment of the right and appropriate thing to do in a particular context, at a particular time. It’s important to distinguish between motivation (the first aspect) and execution (the second). Often we combine and confuse motivation and execution. When we do, we think that if we’re compassionate, we have a very narrow band of activity available to us. We can only be “nice” and say yes to everything. In reality, you might sincerely be coming from a compassionate place, but your best sense of the most skillful way to behave in a certain case is quite tough, even fierce. Responding firmly doesn’t necessarily mean that your motive is unloving.