It s been a few days since that almost wonderful moment between Stefano and I. That almost kiss situation got me really thinking about why I wanted him to kiss me so bad. I thought I was only attracted to him because he is a handsome man, but then Aurora helped me realize it is more than that. She reminded me how much I care about him, and you can only care and be attracted to someone you like. I never thought too deeply about caring about him. I always looked at it as caring for a friend, but now I know it is more than that. I like Stefano, but I am not sure he feels the same way. Yes, he almost kissed me that night, but it does not mean he likes me. A lot of people have sex with people they can t stand. I hope he has genuine feelings for me, not just attraction.
We came back to Sicily a few days ago and have been trying to find Petrova. That night we could not find shelter from the rain, but at least we got service, and we were able to call for help. We came back to Sicily the next day because a few guys from the Kazan gang were caught trying to blow up one of the warehouses in Sicily. Because of Petrova running away when I was trying to talk to her, we are sure now that the Kazan gang are the ones behind all the attacks. The only problem is, they are not meant to exist anymore because Stefano wiped them out. Unfortunately for him, the former gang leader s distant cousin Petrova has rebuilt the gang again. Aurora told me that this gang did something really personal and hurtful to Stefano. That s why when we confirmed that the gang is back, Stefano has been on edge since. His behavior this morning only proves it more.
Earlier in the morning
I woke up a little late but was out of the house before 11 am and on my way to the warehouse. I wanted to help with the investigation as much as I can. I walk over to Stefano s office at the warehouse as soon as I arrived. I knocked on the door and only walked inside after hearing a response.
"Hello," I said once I stepped inside.
"What are you doing here?" He said with his face buried in papers as always when I am around. He never looks up, but he always knows I am the one, and I wonder how.
"What do you mean what am I doing here?"
"You don t understand English anymore. I mean, what is your business here" He says in a harsh tone.
"Stefano, why are you asking me these questions as if you don t know the reason why I am here," I say, surprised with his harsh tone and question. Did he lose his memory or something?
"If I remember correctly, I did not ask for you or need anything from you."
"Have you forgotten I am here to help with finding Petrova?"
"I don t need your help; you can leave."
Why do I feel like he is a little more hostile towards me today?
"I want to help."
"I don t need it."
"But I feel responsible for finding Petrova after I lost her."
"It is not your responsibility, so leave."
"I feel the need to help a little"
I wonder why he is suddenly not accepting my help. Did I do something wrong?
"I don t think you are listening to me; I don t want your help," He says with a murderess look while raising his voice.
"Did I do something wrong?" I ask, confused with his behavior
"No, you did not."
"Then why don t you want my help."
"Because I don t want it."
"Stefano, if I did something to offend you, you can tell me. I would apologize for it if I were wrong."
"You did nothing wrong; I just don t want you near anything related to the Kazan gang."
"Why," I ask, surprised by his request. He opens his mouth to speak but pauses for a second. He uses his fingers to massage his temple and closes his eyes for a second. He seems to be thinking about something and looks really stressed with this conversation. It is only making me more confused.
"No reason"
"No reason," I say, astonished with his answer. "You want me to suddenly stay away from helping you with finding the people responsible for almost killing both of us for no reason," I say, wondering if he has lost his mind.
"You have got to be kidding me."
"I am not joking, Andrea. I don t want you having any business with this again."
"You can t be serious."
"I am, and now get out."
"No, I am not leaving. I plan to help, and I will"
"Andrea, I said leave," Stefano says, raising his voice and stands up from his chair while pointing at the door. I had only seen Stefano this way towards me the day at the restaurant when he wanted to take me home.
"Stefano, I don t know what made you suddenly change your mind about me helping, but whatever it is, I am sorry."
"You don t even know what it is, and you are sorry about it. I wish you being sorry could really help, but unfortunately, it can t, so leave."
"What did I do for God s sake that sorry can t even fix it," I ask while thinking of possible answers myself.
"When it concern things we can t control, sorry is totally useless."
"I really want to know what that is."
"I will never tell you, so leave."
"I will leave because I don t see you changing your mind, but I really hope you do, though," I say before walking out of the office.
I feel like there is a big reason why Stefano is pushing me away from things related to the Kazan gang. But the problem is I can t think of a reason, and the fact that sorry can t even fix it is only making me madder with confusion. I really need to find out more about this gang, and maybe I will get my answer.
Present time
I plan to go back home next week; I call my dad to inform him. It rings three times before he picks
"Hey, dad"
"Hello dear, how are you doing."
"I am doing fine, and you."
"I am also doing great, and what do I owe this pleasure of hearing your voice today."
"I am calling to let you know I would be coming home next week."
"That s wonderful, honey; we can t wait to see you."
"Me too, dad, but I also wanted to ask you about something."
"I am listening, dear."
"Do you know anything about the Kazan Gang?"
Every time I asked Aurora, she said it s better. Stefano tells me his relationship with the gang himself. I am curious to find out more about the gang.
"Yes, I do, and why are you asking?"
"Can you tell me everything about them and I am asking because they were the ones behind all the attacks on Stefano and me"
"Dear, the only thing I know is the gang is a Russian gang, and they have a deep connection with the Costanzo family. The connection the two have, I don t know."
"Alright, dad, thank you."
"Your welcome, honey, and see you next week, bye dear."
"Bye, Dad," I say and hang up the phone.
I wish someone would tell me more about the gang. I really want to help, but I can t find anyone who wants to tell me anything.
After my call with dad, I walk to the living room to watch some TV. There is a lot on my mind, and there is nothing I can do to help ease my overthinking. While scrolling through the channels, Aurora joins me.
"Why do you look stressed? Is something on your mind" She asks and takes a seat beside me on the couch.
"Of course, I look stressed. I want to help Stefano, but he pushed me away. And what is more confusing is I don t know why all of a sudden"
"Andrea, as I told you before, the Kazan gang did something horrible to my brother. It s so bad we don t speak of it in our family."
"I understand that, but it does not explain why he suddenly does not want me to help. You should have seen him this morning. He told me he does not want me anywhere close to anything related to the gang. He was so serious I am even scared if he finds out I am talking to you about it, he will be angry at both of us."
"I am not surprised he did that, and please, Andrea, I need you to respect my brother s wishes."
"You can t be serious, Aurora" I am shocked she is taking her brother's side in this.
"I am serious, and right now, you might not understand, but hopefully, you will soon."
"Why don t you make me understand now?"
"I wish I could, but I think it's best Stefano does when he is ready."
"Oh God, you guys are all the same," I say, massaging my temples in frustration. These siblings won t explain a single thing to me and just expect me to respect their wishes, how.
"I am sorry I can t explain why."
"It s fine, and it s not your fault you can t tell me."