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Adams, Henry
Addystone Pipe & Steel case
Adkins v. Children’s Hospital
Affordable Care Act (2010)
African Americans
Agriculture Department
Aguinaldo, Emilio
Aldrich, Nelson
American Railway Union
American Society for the Judicial Settlement of International Disputes
American Tobacco cases
Anderson, Judith
Arnold, Peri
Arthur, Chester Alan
Associated Press
Athens, ancient
automobile exception. See also Carroll v. United States
Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co.
Ballinger, Richard
Beveridge, Albert
big business. See also antitrust; corporations; trusts and monopolies
big government
Bill of Rights
Brandeis, Louis D.
Brown, Henry Billings
Brown v. Board of Education
Bryan, William Jennings
Buchanan, James
Bull Moose Party. See Progressive Party
Burton, David H.
Butler, Nicholas Murray
Butler, Pierce
Butt, Archie
Butterworth, Benjamin
campaign contributions
Campbell, Thomas
Canadian Tariff Reciprocity Agreement (1911)
Cannon, Joe
Carnegie, Andrew
Carroll v. United States
Catholic Church
“Charter for Democracy, A” (Roosevelt)
Chase, Salmon
checks and balances
Chicago Day Book
Chicago Record-Herald
Child Labor Tax Law (1922)
Chinese Americans
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune
Cincinnati courthouse riot
Cincinnati Law School
Cincinnati school board
Cincinnati Southern Railroad
Cincinnati Times-Star
civil rights
Civil Service Commission
Civil War
Clarence Cunningham group
Cleveland, Grover
coal industry
Coletta, Paolo
collective bargaining
Collier’s Weekly
Commerce and Labor Department
Commission on Economy and Efficiency
Conference of Senior Circuit Judges
Congressional Record
Coolidge, Calvin
taxes and
Croly, Herbert
Curtis, Benjamin R.
Customs Service
Daugherty, Harry
Debs, Eugene V.
Declaration of Independence
“Delays and Defects in the Enforcement of Law” (Taft)
Democratic Party
elections of 1908 and
elections of 1910 and
elections of 1912 and
free trade and
income tax and
tariffs and
Díaz, Porfirio
Dickinson, Jacob
Dingley Tariff Act (1897)
dollar diplomacy
Dolliver, Jonathan
Douay Bible
Dred Scott case
Edison Record Company
Eighteenth Amendment
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
of 1904
of 1908
of 1910
of 1912
of 1920
Emancipation Proclamation
executive orders. See also presidential powers
Far East
federal budget deficits
federal coal lands dispute
Federalist Papers
Federal Judicial Center
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (1938)
Federal Trade Commission
Fifteenth Amendment
Foraker, Joseph
foreign emoluments clause
foreign policy
Forest Service
Fourteenth Amendment
Fourth Amendment
Frankfurter, Felix
free silver
free trade
Fuller, Melville
fur seals
Garfield, James R.
General Land Office
Georgia Railroad strike
Gilbert, Cass
Ginsburg, Douglas
Glacier National Park
Glavis, Louis R.
Goodwin, Doris Kearns
Gould, Jay
Gould, Lewis L.
Grant, Ulysses S.
Graves, Henry S.
Guggenheim, Simon
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton County, Ohio
Hampton’s Magazine
Hand, Learned
Harding, Warren
Harlan, John Marshall
Harriman, E. H.
Harrison, Benjamin
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Herron, John Williamson
“He Who Conquers Himself Is Greater Than He Who Taketh a City” (Taft)
Hitchcock, Frank Harris
Hoar, George F.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, Ike
Hughes, Charles Evans
Humphrey’s Executor v. United States
hydroelectric power
Hylton case
Ickes, Harold
imperial presidency
individual rights
inheritance tax
initiatives and referenda
Insular Cases
Interior Department
international arbitration treaties
international courts
International Criminal Court
Interstate Commerce Clause
Interstate Commerce Commission
Jackson, Andrew
Japanese aliens
Jay, John
Jefferson, Thomas
Johnson, Andrew
Journal of Commerce
judicial independence
judicial powers
judicial recall
judiciary, federal
judiciary, state
Judiciary Act (1789)
Judiciary Act (1925)
Justice Department
Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
Katz case
Kent, William
Kinsley, Michael
Kipling, Rudyard
Knox, Philander
La Follette, Robert
Latin America
Lawler, Oscar
League of Nations
Lee, Francis Graham
Leo XIII, Pope
liberty of contract
Liberty Under Law (Taft)
limited government
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln-Douglas debates
Lincoln Memorial Commission
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Los Angeles Herald
Lurie, Jonathan
MacArthur, Arthur
MacVeagh, Franklin
Madero, Francisco I.
Madison, James
mandatory jurisdiction
Mann-Elkins Act (1910)
Manning, Helen Taft (daughter)
Marshall, John
Mason, Alpheus
Mason, George
McKenna, Joseph
McKinley, William
assassination of
Mexican War (1846–48)
Meyer, George von Lengerke
Miller, William
minimum wage
Missouri Compromise
monopolies. See trusts and monopolies
Monroe Doctrine
Moody, William
Moores & Co. v. Bricklayer’s Union
Morgan, J. P.
Myers, Frank
Myers v. United States
Nagel, Charles
national debt
national parks
National Tribune
National War Labor Board
Navy Department
Nelson, Knute
New Deal
New Freedom
New Mexico
“New Nationalism” (Roosevelt)
New Republic
New York Times
New York World
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Northern Securities case
Norton, Charles
Ohio Constitution
Ohio Revenue Department
Ohio Superior Court
Ohio Supreme Court
Olmstead v. United States
“On Prosperity” (Taft)
Our Chief Magistrate and His Powers (Taft)
Packers and Stockyards Act (1921)
Paleo diet
Panama Canal
Pan-American Exposition
Panic of 1893
Panic of 1907
Payne, Sereno E.
Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act (1909)
Peckham, Rufus
Phelan, F. W.
Philadelphia Phillies
Philippine Commission
Philippine Organic Act (1902)
independence and
Philippine Supreme Court
Pierce, Franklin
Pinchot, Gifford
Pinchot-Ballinger affair
Pitney, Mahlon
Plessy v. Ferguson
Political History of Slavery in the United States
political parties, strength of
Polk, James K.
Pollock case
Popular Government (Taft)
“Popular Unrest” (Taft)
Post, Robert
post–Civil War amendments
postmaster general
Presidential Historians Survey
presidential powers
“President Taft on a Protective Tariff” (speech)
primaries, direct
Pringle, Henry
Progressive (Bull Moose) Party
property rights
public schools
Puerto Rico
Pullman, George
Pullman railway strike
racial segregation
Recollections of Full Years (Nellie Taft)
representative government
Republican National Committee
Republican National Convention
of 1856
of 1908
of 1912
Republican Party
conservatives in
divisions in
elections of 1908 and
elections of 1912 and
insurgents in
moderate revisionists in
progressives in
standpat protectionists in
strict constructionists in
tariffs and
taxes and
Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt
Rockefeller, John D.
Rome, ancient
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
African Americans and
antitrust and
assassination attempt vs.
autobiography of
becomes president
cabinet of
conservation and
Constitution and
elections of 1904 and
elections of 1908 and
elections of 1912 and
executive office of
executive orders and
foreign policy and
immigration and
“New Nationalism” and
Philippines and
presidency of
pure democracy and
Spanish-American War and
speeches of
stewardship vision of presidency and
Taft offered Supreme Court appointment by
Taft’s friendship and
Taft’s inauguration and
Taft’s rift with
tariffs and
Root, Elihu
rule of law
rule of reason
San Francisco Call
Scalia, Antonin
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
secondary boycotts
separation of church and state
separation of powers
Sherman, James
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)
Socialist Party
Spanish-American War
Stafford v. Wallace
Standard Oil case
State Department
judiciaries of
legislatures of
taxation and
steel pipe monopoly
Steel Trust
Stimson, Henry
stock market
Stone, Harlan Fiske
Success Magazine
Sugar Trust
Sullivan, Mark
Sutherland, George
Taft, Alphonso (father)
Taft, Charles Phelps, II (son)
Taft, Charles Phelps (brother)
Taft, Fanny Phelps (father’s first wife)
Taft, Fanny (sister)
Taft, Helen (daughter). See Manning, Helen Taft
Taft, Helen Herron “Nellie” (wife)
elections and
marries Taft
Philippines and
redecorates White House
Roosevelt and
stroke and
Taft’s early career and
Taft, Henry (brother)
Taft, Horace (brother)
Taft, Louisa Maria Torrey (mother)
Taft, Peter Rawson, II (brother)
Taft, Robert Alphonso (son)
Taft, William Howard
Addyston decision and
antitrust and
baseball and
biographies of
cabinet and
as chief justice
childhood and early life of
Congress and
conservation and
constitutionalism and
Cuba and
death of
death of father and
early career of
education of
elections of 1908 and
elections of 1910 and
elections of 1912 and
executive orders and
father’s influence on
federal budget and
as federal circuit judge
foreign emoluments and
foreign policy
health problems of
immigration and
inauguration of
judicial philosophy and
judicial reform and
labor and
loyalty demanded by
marriage to Helen “Nellie” Herron
Mexico and
Moores case and
on Ohio Superior Court
Oval Office design and
personality of
as Philippines governor-general
Pinchot-Ballinger affair and
Pollock case and
portrait and bust of
postpresidency of
presidential legacy of
racial prejudice and
religion and
Roosevelt’s friendship and
Roosevelt’s rift with
as secretary of war
as solicitor general
speeches of
speeches of, addresses to Congress
speeches of, inaugural address
Summer Capital of, in Beverly
Supreme Court ambitions of
Supreme Court appointments by
Supreme Court building and
tariffs and
tax reform and
teaches at Yale
Thomas decision and
truth-telling gaffes and
on U.S. Court of Appeals for Sixth Circuit
veto and
weight and dieting of
wife Nellie’s ambitions for
wife Nellie’s stroke and
Wilson inauguration and
work schedule of
writes Liberty Under Law
writes Our Chief Magistrate and His Powers
Taft-Hartley Act (1947)
Tarbell, Ida
Tawney, James A.
income tax amendment
telegraph and telephone
Tennessee Coal, Iron, and Railroad Company
Thirteenth Amendment
Thomas v. Cincinnati, N.O. & T.P. Railway Co.
Tidal Basin cherry trees
Tobacco Trust
Treasury Department
Trollope, Anthony
Truax v. Corrigan
Truman, Harry
trusts and monopolies. See also antitrust
Unitarian Church
unitary executive
U.S. Congress
antitrust and
arbitration treaties and
conservation and
foreign policy and
free trade and
income tax and
judicial reforms and
Mexico and
Philippines and
Pinchot-Ballinger affair and
polarization of
powers of
presidential powers and
regulation and
Supreme Court and
Taft’s addresses to
tariffs and
U.S. Constitution. See also Bill of Rights; and specific amendments and clauses
Article II
Philippines and
presidential powers and
Puerto Rico and
Roosevelt’s stewardship theory and
Taft’s vision of
taxes and tariffs and
U.S. Court of Commerce, proposed
U.S. Courts of Appeals
D.C. Circuit
Sixth Circuit
U.S. House of Representatives
Appropriations Committee
Judiciary Committee
Ways and Means Committee
U.S. military
U.S. Senate
direct election and
Foreign Relations Committee
Judiciary Committee
U.S. Steel
U.S. Supreme Court
antitrust and
judicial reform and
new building and
Roosevelt and
taxes and
Taft as chief justice and
Taft as solicitor general and
Taft’s desire to serve on
Taft turns down appointment to
Taft vs. Roosevelt on
United States v. Addyston Pipe & Steel Co.
United States v. E.C. Knight Co.
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
Van Devanter, Willis
Victor Talking Machine Company
Volstead Act (1919)
Wall Street Journal
War Department
warrantless wiretapping
Warren, Earl
Washington, George
Washington Nationals
Washington Post
Washington State
water reserves
Watson, James
Webb-Kenyon Act (1913)
Whig Party
Whiskey Rebellion
White, Edward Douglass
“Whitewashing of Ballinger, The” (Glavis)
“Who Are the People?” (Taft)
Wickersham, George
Wilentz, Sean
Williams, George Washington
Wilson, James
Wilson, Woodrow
elections of 1912 and
“Wisdom and Necessity of Following the Law” (Taft)
women suffrage
world court
World Trade Organization
World War I
Yale Daily News
Yale University
“yellow dog” contracts
Yorke-Davies, Nathaniel Edward
Young, Tom