Reading Group Guide

Discussion Questions

Many thanks to the members of the book group at Westbrook Public Library in Westbrook, Minnesota, for penning these questions during their own study time, and being willing to share them with my readers! D.B.

  1. Do you think being a Christian made David’s decision to tell Abby the truth harder or somewhat easier? Why?
  2. Abby counseled women in a shelter. Do you think her experiences at the shelter magnified her feelings about David’s betrayal? How did her childhood situation with her father affect how she responded to David?
  3. Who was your favorite character? Why?
  4. Do you think David would have reacted differently if Sam had not been sick?
  5. Sophie tried to make Mike stop hitting her by being good and doing everything right. As Christians, do we sometimes think we have to do everything right in order for God to love us?
  6. When Abby finally called and talked to her father, she was surprised to find out he wanted her number so he could call her. Then, just before she said good-bye, she said, “I’m not out to prove I’m right with this. I just… well, I think it’s worth working toward something. Not deciding who’s right and wrong. Just… finding out who we still are with each other” (pp. 301). Think about these words and discuss how they apply to your own life.
  7. Abby felt justified in being hurt and angered by David’s betrayal, but eventually she came to terms with the situation enough to let God lead her out of the pain. How can we find our way out when we run into a wall and feel trapped by our emotions?
  8. At Viola and Floyd’s fiftieth anniversary party, Viola told Abby, “I think of all the things I might have had, and then I look at what I do have, and… and it’s okay. It’s very good” (pp. 252–253). Do you think its okay to measure what you have against what you might have had? Why or why not?
  9. Why do you think it was easier for Abby to forgive Susan than to forgive David?
  10. The author started the book with Psalm 9:9–10. Read that Scripture aloud. Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt like God abandoned you? Why? With your group, search the Bible for Scriptures that show you that God does not abandon his children. Start with Deuteronomy 31:6, Proverbs 29:25, and Philippians 4:6–7. Keep a list of the Scriptures that relate to your feelings and read them aloud during your personal daily prayer time. The next time your book group meets, share any changes this may have made in your prayer life.