At the end of the introduction, I invited you to come with me on a journey to a better way to invest. We found it. The 3Sig plan will put your account on a powerful growth path that doesn’t require much of your energy or cause you undue stress. You’ll never again take seriously the squawkers of the financial media. Whenever you encounter them, you’ll smile and shake your head, knowing they’re just poor z-vals who will be soundly beaten by your program over time.
If you’ll permit me a moment of philosophical musing, I’d like to tell you that I’ve found a deeper wisdom from many years of researching and then implementing 3Sig. Rising above the fray of the stock market, one of humanity’s most fervent endeavors into which enormous intellectual capital is poured, and doing better than the breathless commentators by retreating into silence and near inaction, is instructive. People who meditate talk of the need to escape our “monkey mind,” that always active thought device between our ears that fires off random notions. If we can acknowledge its existence and tame it, we can achieve greater contentment.
The stock market is humanity’s monkey mind writ large. For many, there is no greater cacophony, no greater distraction from life than the news cycle connected to financial markets. The more enlightened way to navigate the complexity is by letting it all go, reducing the disorder to a concise list of prices, visiting that list just four times a year, letting an unemotional formula tell you what the prices mean you should do, and then doing it. This higher state of investing not only performs better; it costs less and uses less of your limited time on earth.
Life is for living, not flailing stressfully in a zero-validity environment. Put your ambition into areas where intuition makes a difference. Don’t wear it out on a fruitless quest to divine the future. Put your financial security on autopilot and turn your attention elsewhere. I hope I’ve helped you do this. You’re too important to waste yourself on stocks.
Keep in touch. My address is I provide updates and more information at, and my e-mail list is free. Thank you for reading, my friend. I wish you much happiness in the stress-free time created by 3Sig.