The Kelly Letter

To keep current on all things 3Sig, consider subscribing to my newsletter, The Kelly Letter, which is delivered by e-mail every Sunday morning.

While it’s not necessary to read anything about the stock market once you put 3Sig to work in your accounts, you might still want to do so. Seeing the z-vals go wrong in real time as 3Sig runs circles around them is illuminating and provides confirmation that you’re on the right path. Also, rather than just going it alone, you may find it comforting to watch me make the quarterly calculations, redeploy the bond balance when it gets too big, and keep an eye out for the 30-down rule.

I maintain three tiers in the letter’s portfolio: the 3Sig base case in Tier 1, a leveraged version with a higher growth target in Tier 2, and an open-market version in Tier 3 that taps volatile vehicles with rich dividend yields to run head-to-head against the base case. So far nothing has proved as compelling as the base case of the plan, but this could change, and if it does I’ll report it in the newsletter.

I hope to see you on the list! To hear from me every Sunday morning, please sign up at