Copyright © 2012 Laura McDonald and Susan Misner
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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
McDonald, Laura, 1978-
It's your money, honey: a girl's guide to saving, investing, and building wealth at every age and life stage / Laura McDonald, Susan Misner.
Includes index.
Issued also in electronic formats.
ISBN 978-1-1181332-8-6
1. Women—Finance, Personal. 2. Finance, Personal. I. Misner, Susan, 1971- II. Title. III. Title: Girl's guide to saving, investing, and building wealth at every age and life stage.
HG179.M3247 2012 332.0240082 C2011-906195-3
978-1-118-15748-0 (ePub); 978-1-118-15747-3 (Mobi); 978-1-118-15749-7 (ePDF)
Production Credits
Cover design: Adrian So
Cover photo credit: Thinkstock/Hemera
Interior design: Thomson Digital
Typesetter: Thomson Digital
Editorial Credits
Executive Editor: Karen Milner
Production Editor: Jeremy Hanson-Finger
John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.
6045 Freemont Blvd.
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