Acts |
Acts of the Apostles |
Amos |
Amos |
Bar |
Baruch |
Cant |
Canticle of Canticles |
1 Chr |
1 Chronicles |
2 Chr |
2 Chronicles |
Col |
Colossians |
1 Cor |
1 Corinthians |
2 Cor |
2 Corinthians |
Dan |
Daniel |
Deut |
Deuteronomy |
Eccl |
Ecclesiastes |
Eph |
Ephesians |
Esth |
Esther |
Exod |
Exodus |
Ezek |
Ezekiel |
Ezra |
Ezra |
Gal |
Galatians |
Gen |
Genesis |
Hab |
Habakkuk |
Hag |
Haggai |
Heb |
Hebrews |
Hos |
Hosea |
Isa |
Isaiah |
Jas |
James |
Jdt |
Judith |
Jer |
Jeremiah |
Job |
Job |
Joel |
Joel |
John |
John |
1 John |
1 John |
2 John |
2 John |
3 John |
3 John |
Jonah |
Jonah |
Josh |
Joshua |
Jude |
Jude |
Judg |
Judges |
1 Kgs |
1 Kings |
2 Kgs |
2 Kings |
Lam |
Lamentations |
Lev |
Leviticus |
Luke |
Luke |
1 Macc |
1 Maccabees |
2 Macc |
2 Maccabees |
Mal |
Malachi |
Mark |
Mark |
Matt |
Matthew |
Mic |
Micah |
Nah |
Nahum |
Neh |
Nehemiah |
Num |
Numbers |
Obad |
Obadiah |
1 Pet |
1 Peter |
2 Pet |
2 Peter |
Phil |
Philippians |
Phlm |
Philemon |
Proverbs |
Ps/Pss |
Psalms |
Rev |
Revelation |
Rom |
Romans |
Ruth |
Ruth |
1 Sam |
1 Samuel |
2 Sam |
2 Samuel |
Sir |
Sirach |
1 Thess |
1 Thessalonians |
2 Thess |
2 Thessalonians |
1 Tim |
1 Timothy |
2 Tim |
2 Timothy |
Titus |
Titus |
Tob |
Tobit |
Wis |
Wisdom |
Zech |
Zechariah |
Zeph |
Zephaniah |
AB |
Analecta Bollandiana (Brussels, 1882ff.). |
American Benedictine Review (Atchison, KS, 1950ff.). |
AC |
Antike und Christentum (Münster, 1929–50). |
American Ecclesiastical Review (Washington, D.C., 1889–1975). |
Altaner (1961) |
B. Altaner, Patrology, trans. H.C. Graef, 2nd ed. (New York, 1961). |
Altaner (1966) |
B. Altaner, Patrologie. Leben, Schriften und Lehre der Kirchenväter, 6th ed., rev. A. Stüber (Freiburg/Basel/Vienna, 1966). |
Altaner (1978) |
B. Altaner, Patrologie. Leben, Schriften und Lehre der Kirchenväter, 8th ed., rev. A. Stüber (Freiburg/Basel/Vienna, 1978). |
Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft (Regensburg, 1950ff.). |
Amb |
Ambrosius (Milan, 1925–60). |
A. Roberts and J. Donaldson, eds., The Ante-Nicene Fathers: Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325 (New York, 1885, 1926). |
Ant |
Antonianum (Rome, 1926ff.). |
Acta Patristica et Byzantina (Praetoria, 1990ff.). |
ApT |
Apostolic Tradition. |
Assem |
Assembly (Notre Dame, 1974ff.). |
AThR |
Anglican Theological Review (New York, 1918ff.). |
Aug |
Augustinianum (Rome, 1961ff.). |
AugMag |
Augustus Magister, Congrès international augustinien (Paris, Sept. 21–24, 1954). Vols. I and II: Communications; vol. III: Acts. |
Bulletin d’ancienne litérature et d’archéologie chrétienne (Paris, 1911–14). |
O. Bardenhewer, Patrology: The Lives and Works of the Fathers of the Church, trans. T.J. Shahan (Freiburg i. B./St. Louis, 1908). |
Bardenhewer (1910) |
O. Bardenhewer, Patrologie (Freiburg i. B., 1910). |
Bardenhewer (1913) |
O. Bardenhewer, Geschichte der altkirchlichen Literatur, 5 vols. (Freiburg i. B./St. Louis, 1913–32). |
Bardy (1929) |
G. Bardy, The Greek Literature of the Early Christian Church, trans. Mother Mary Reginald, Catholic Library of Religious Knowledge 2 (St. Louis, 1929). |
Bardy (1930) |
G. Bardy, The Christian Latin Literature of the First Six Centuries, trans. Mother Mary Reginald, Catholic Library of Religious Knowledge 12 (St. Louis, 1930). |
Bautz |
F.W. Bautz, ed., Biographisch-bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (Hamm Westf., 1970ff.). |
Bulletin du comité des études (Paris, 1953–70). |
Bib |
Biblica (Rome, 1920ff.). |
Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique (Toulouse, 1899ff.). |
Bouyer |
L. Bouyer, Eucharist: Theology and Spirituality of the Eucharistic Prayer (Notre Dame, 1968). |
BT |
The Bible Today (Collegeville, 1962ff.). |
Bible et vie chrétienne (Brussels/Paris, 1953–68). |
CA |
Cahiers archéologiques (Paris, 1945ff.). |
Campbell |
J.M. Campbell, The Greek Fathers, Our Debt to Greece and Rome series (New York, 1929). |
G. Jacquemet, ed., Catholicisme, 9 vols. (Paris, 1947ff.). |
CB |
Collationes Brugenses (Bruges, 1896–1954). |
CC |
La Civiltà Cattolica (Rome, 1850ff.). |
Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina (Turnhout, 1954ff.). |
CE |
Catholic Encyclopedia, 13 vols. + index (New York, 1907–14). |
CH |
Church History (Chicago and Tallahassee, 1932ff.). |
F. Young, L. Ayres, and A. Louth, eds., The Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature (Cambridge, 2004). |
ChQ |
Church Quarterly Review (London, 1875–1968). |
Chr |
Christus (Paris, 1954ff.). |
CollMech |
Collectanea Mechliniensia (Mechlin, 1927–70). |
ComL |
Communautés et liturgies (Ottignies, 1975ff.). |
Con |
Concilium (Glen Rock, NJ, etc., 1965ff.). |
Courtonne |
Y. Courtonne, ed., Saint Basile: Lettres, 3 vols. (Paris, 1957, 1961, 1966). |
M. Geerard and F. Glorie, eds., Clavis Patrum Graecorum, 5 vols. (Turnhout, 1974–87). |
M. Geerard and others, eds., Clavis Patrum Graecorum Supplementum (Turnhout, 1998). |
Cph |
Classical Philology (Chicago, 1906ff.). |
E. Dekkers and A. Gaar, eds., Clavis Patrum Latinorum, 3rd ed. (Turnhout/Steebrugge, 1995). |
CR |
The Clergy Review (London, 1931–87). |
Comptes-rendus de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (Paris, 1857ff.). |
Cross |
F.L. Cross, The Early Christian Fathers (London, 1960). |
CS |
Chicago Studies (Mundelein, IL, 1962ff.). |
Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (Vienna, 1866ff.). |
CV |
G.M. Diez, Concilios visigóticos e hispano-romanos (Barcelona/Madrid, 1963). |
F. Cabrol and H. Leclercq, eds., Dictionnaire d’archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie, 15 vols. (Paris, 1913–53). |
W. Smith, ed., A Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, 2 vols. (London, 1876–80). |
W. Smith and H. Wace, eds., A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines, 4 vols. (London, 1877–87). |
R. Naz and others, eds., Dictionnaire de droit canonique, 7 vols. (Paris, 1935–65). |
DDCon |
P. Palazzini, ed., Dizionario dei Concili, 6 vols. (Rome, 1963–67). |
N.P. Tanner, ed., Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils (London/Washington, D.C., 1990). |
Deiss |
L. Deiss, Springtime of the Liturgy: Liturgical Texts of the First Four Centuries (Collegeville, 1979). |
P.-P. Joannou, ed., Disciplina Generale Antique (Rome, 1962). |
A. Baudrillart, ed., Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques (Paris, 1912ff.). |
DictSp |
M. Viller and others, eds., Dictionnaire de spiritualité ascétique et mystique (Paris, 1937ff.). |
Did |
Didache |
Didas |
Didascalia Apostolorum |
Di Sante |
C. di Sante, Jewish Prayer: The Origins of the Christian Liturgy, trans. M.J. O’Connell (New York, 1991). |
Div |
Divinitas (Vatican City, 1957ff.). |
Dix |
G. Dix, The Shape of the Liturgy, 4th ed. (Westminster, 1949). |
J.G. Davies, ed., A Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship (New York, 1972). |
Dolbeau |
F. Dolbeau, ed., Vingt-six sermons au peuple d’Afrique / Augustin d’Hippone; retrouvés à Mayence, Collection des études augustiniennes, Série Antiquité 147 (Paris, 1996). |
A. di Berardino, ed., Dizionario Patristico e di Antichità Cristiane, 3 vols. (Marietti, 1983–88). |
Downside Review (Bath, England, 1880ff.). |
DT |
Divus Thomas (Fribourg i. S., 1871–1953). |
A. Vacant, E. Mangenot, and E. Amann, eds., Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, 15 vols. (Paris, 1903–50). |
DV |
Dieu vivant (Paris, 1945–55). |
EC |
P. Paschini and others, eds., Enciclopedia Cattolica, 12 vols. (Vatican City, 1949–54). |
ED |
Euntes Docete (Rome, 1948ff.). |
A. di Berardino, ed., Encyclopedia of the Early Church, trans. A. Walford, with a foreword and bibliographic amendments by W.H.C. Frend, 2 vols. (New York, 1992). |
EEChr |
E. Ferguson, ed., Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, 2 vols., 2nd ed. (New York, 1997). |
EgT |
Eglise et théologie (Ottawa, 1970–99). |
Elbogen (1962) |
I. Elbogen, Der jüdische Gottesdienst in seiner geschichtlichen Entwicklung, 4th ed. (Hildesheim, 1962). |
Elbogen (1993) |
I. Elbogen, Jewish Liturgy: A Comprehensive History, trans. R.P. Scheindlin (Philadelphia/New York, 1993). |
EO |
Echos d’Orient (Paris, 1897–1942). |
EOr |
Ecclesia Orans (Rome, 1984ff.). |
EphL |
Ephemerides Liturgicae (Rome, 1887ff.). |
Etudes religieuses, philosophiques, historiques, et litteraires (Paris, 1888–1940). |
EstAg |
Estudio Teologico Augustiniano (Valladolid, Spain, 1973ff.). |
Et |
Etudes (Paris, 1897ff.). |
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses (Louvain, 1924ff.). |
Etudes théologiques et religieuses (Montpellier, 1926ff.). |
ExpT |
The Expository Times (Edinburgh, 1889ff.). |
FF |
France franciscaine (Lille, 1912–29). |
Forschungen zur christliche Literatur- und Dogmengeschichte (Mainz/Paderborn, 1910–38). |
Folia |
Folia. Studies in the Christian Perpetuation of the Classics (Worcester, MA, 1959–79). |
FThSt |
Freiburger theologische Studien (Freiburg i. B., 1910ff.). |
Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie (Fribourg i. S., 1954ff.). |
Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten (drei) Jahrhunderte (Berlin, 1897ff.). |
Goodspeed |
E. J. Goodspeed, A History of Early Christian Literature, rev. and enl. R. Grant (Chicago, 1966). |
Greek Orthodox Theological Review (Brookline, MA, 1954ff.). |
Greg |
Gregorianum (Rome, 1920ff.). |
P.J. Hamell, Handbook of Patrology (New York, 1968). |
Hänggi |
A. Hänggi and I. Pahl, Prex Eucharistica: Textus e Variis Liturgicis Antiquioribus Selecti (Fribourg i. S., 1968). |
Harp |
Harp: A Review of Syriac and Oriental Studies (Kerala, India, 1987–2000). |
Hefele (1905) |
C.J. Hefele, Histoire des conciles d’après les documents originaux, trans. H. Leclercq, 11 vols. (Paris, 1905–52). |
Hefele (1871) |
C.J. Hefele, A History of the Councils of the Church: From the Original Documents, trans. W.R. Clark and H.N. Oxenham, 5 vols. (Edinburgh, 1871–96). |
HS |
Hispania sacra (Madrid, 1948ff.). |
HThR |
Harvard Theological Review (New York, 1908–9; Cambridge, MA, 1910ff.). |
Idelsohn |
A.Z. Idelsohn, Jewish Liturgy and Its Development (New York, 1967). |
Irish Ecclesiastical Record (Dublin, 1864–1968). |
Imp |
Impacts: Revue de l’Université catholique de l’Ouest (Angers, 1967ff.). |
Ire |
Irénikon (Amay, 1926ff.). |
Ist |
Istina (Paris, 1954ff.). |
Irish Theological Quarterly (Dublin, 1906–22; Maynooth, 1951ff.). |
Jasper |
R.C.D. Jasper and G.J. Cuming, Prayers of the Eucharist: Early and Reformed, 3rd rev. ed. (Collegeville, 1992). |
Journal of Biblical Literature (Boston/New Haven, 1890ff.). |
Journal of Early Christian Studies (Baltimore, 1993ff.). |
The Journal of Ecclesiastical History (London, 1950ff.). |
Jeremias (1960) |
J. Jeremias, Die Abendmahlsworte Jesu, 3rd. ed. (Göttingen, 1960). |
Jeremias (1966) |
J. Jeremias, The Eucharistic Words of Jesus, trans. N. Perrin (London, 1966). |
JL |
Jahrbuch für Liturgiewissenschaft (Münster, 1921–41). |
Jahrbuch für Liturgie und Hymnologie (Kassel, 1955ff.). |
The Jewish Quarterly Review (London, 1889–94; New York, 1896–1908). |
JR |
The Journal of Religion (Chicago, 1921ff.). |
JThSt |
The Journal of Theological Studies (London, 1900–1905; Oxford, 1906–49; n.s. 1950ff.). |
JucL |
Jucunda Laudatio (Milan, 1963ff.). |
Jurgens |
W.A. Jurgens, The Faith of the Early Fathers, 3 vols. (Collegeville, 1970–79). |
Kat |
Katholik: Zeitschrift für katholische Wissenschaft und kirchliches Leben (Mainz, 1821–89). |
P.C. de Labriolle, Histoire de la littérature latine chrétienne, 3rd rev. ed. (Paris, 1947). |
Labriolle (1968) |
P.C. de Labriolle, History and Literature of Christianity from Tertullian to Boethius, trans. H. Wilson, History of Civilization (New York, 1968). |
L’Ami du clergé (Langres, France, 1888–1968). |
Latomus |
Latomus. Revue d’études latines (Brussels, 1937ff.). |
Lau |
Laurentianum (Rome, 1960ff.). |
Leigh-Bennett |
E. Leigh-Bennett, Handbook of the Early Christian Fathers (London, 1920). |
LJ |
Liturgisches Jahrbuch (Münster, 1951ff.). |
La Maison-Dieu (Paris, 1945ff.). |
Le messager des fidèles (Mardesous, 1884–89). |
P. Schaff and H. Wace, eds., A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church (repr. Grand Rapids, 1951ff.). |
LO |
Lex Orandi (Paris, 1944–71). |
Liturgiegeschichtliche Quellen und Forschungen (Münster i. W., 1918–39). |
LThPh |
Laval théologique et philosophique (Quebec, 1970–82). |
W. Kasper and others, eds., Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, 11 vols., 3rd ed. (Freiburg i. B., 1993–2001). |
LV |
Lumière et vie (Bruges, 1951–60). |
Liturgical Week Proceedings, North American |
LwQF |
Liturgiewissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen (Münster i. W., 1919–2005). |
Septuagint |
Mansi |
J.D. Mansi, ed., Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova et Amplissima Collectio, 31 vols. (Florence, 1759–98). |
Mel |
Melto. Melta. Recherches orientales (Kaslik, Liban, 1965–69). |
Millgram |
A.E. Millgram, Jewish Worship (Philadelphia, 1971). |
MilS |
Milltown Studies (Dublin, 1978ff.). |
Mnem |
Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca classica Batava (Leyden, 1852ff.). |
MRR-1 |
J. Jungmann, The Mass of the Roman Rite: Its Origins and Development (Missarum Sollemnia), trans. F.A. Brunner, 2 vols. (New York, 1951). |
MRR-2 |
J. Jungmann, The Mass of the Roman Rite: Its Origins and Development (Missarum Sollemnia), trans. F.A. Brunner, rev. C.K. Riepe (New York, 1959). |
MS |
Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, 1939ff.). |
Mélanges de science religieuse (Lille, 1944ff.). |
Mus |
Le Muséon (Louvain, 1882–1916, 1921ff.). |
New Catholic Encyclopedia, 14 vols. + index (New York, 1967) + 3 supplementary vols. 16–18 (1974–89). |
New Catholic Encyclopedia, Second Edition, 15 vols. (Detroit/Washington, D.C., 2003). |
P.E. Fink, ed., The New Dictionary of Sacramental Worship (Collegeville, 1990). |
Not |
Notitiae (Rome, 1965ff.). |
NRTh |
Nouvelle revue théologique (Tournai, 1869–1913, 1920–39, 1945ff.). |
NTes |
Novum Testamentum (Leiden, 1956ff.). |
New Testament Studies (London, 1954ff.). |
J.G. Davies, ed., The New Westminster Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship (Philadelphia, 1986). |
OC |
Oriens Christianus (Wiesbaden, 1931–39, 1953ff.). |
Orientalia Christiana Analecta (Rome, 1935ff.). |
Orientalia Christiana Periodica (Rome, 1935ff.). |
F.L. Cross, The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 3rd ed., ed. E.A. Livingstone (New York, 1997). |
Oesterley (1911) |
W.O.E. Oesterley, The Religion and Worship of the Synagogue, 2nd ed. (London, 1911). |
Oesterley (1925) |
W.O.E. Oesterley, The Jewish Background of the Christian Liturgy (Oxford, 1925). |
Orientalische Literaturzeitung (Berlin, 1909ff.). |
OrSyr |
L’Orient syrien (Paris, 1956ff.). |
OstkSt |
Ostkirchliche Studien (Würzburg, 1952ff.). |
ParL |
Paroisse et liturgie (Bruges, 1946–74). |
PB |
Pastor Bonus (Trier, 1889–1943). |
PEA (1894) |
A.F. von Pauly, Paulys Real-encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (Stuttgart, 1894–1919). |
PEA (1991) |
H. Cancik and H. Schneider, eds., Der neue Pauly. Enzyklopädie der Antike (Stuttgart, 1991ff.). |
PG |
J.P. Migne, Patrologia Graeca, 162 vols. (Paris, 1857–66). |
PhW |
Philologische Wockenschrift (Leipzig, 1881–1940). |
PL |
J.P. Migne, Patrologia Latina, 221 vols. (Paris, 1844–64). |
J.P. Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Completus. Series Latina Supplementum, ed. A. Hamman (Paris, 1958ff.). |
PO |
Parole de l’Orient. Melto dmadnho (Kaslik, Lebanon, 1970ff.). |
PP |
Parole et pain (Paris, 1964–73). |
PrO |
Présence orthodox (Paris, 1967–81). |
PrOChr |
Proche-orient chrétien (Jerusalem, 1951ff.). |
QL |
Questions liturgiques (Louvain, 1970ff.). |
Questions liturgiques et paroissiales (Louvain, 1919–69). |
J. Quasten, Patrology, 4 vols. (Westminster, MD, 1962ff.). (Vol. 4, 1986, is a translation of vol. 3 of Patrologia, ed. A. di Berardino.) |
Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana (Rome, 1924ff.). |
RACh |
Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum, ed. T. Klauser (Leipzig, 1950ff.). |
Revue d’ascétique et de mystique (Toulouse, 1920–71). |
RAp |
Revue pratique d’apologétique (Paris, 1905–21). |
RAug |
Recherches augustiniennes (Paris, 1958ff.). |
RB |
Revue bénédictine (Maredsous, 1890ff.). |
RBibl |
Revue biblique internationale (Paris, 1891ff.; n.s. 1904ff.). |
RBPh |
Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire (Brussels, 1922ff.). |
Revue du clergé francais (Paris, 1894–1920). |
Revista catalana de teología (Barcelona, 1976–88, 1990ff.). |
Revue de droit canonique (Strasbourg, 1951ff.). |
REAug |
Revue des études augustiniennes (Paris, 1955ff.). |
Revue d’histoire de l’Eglise de France (Paris, 1910ff.). |
Revue des études grecques (Paris, 1888ff.). |
Revue des études juives (Paris, 1880ff.). |
Revue ecclésiastique de Liège (Liège, 1905–67). |
Revue des études latines (Paris, 1923ff.). |
Res |
Résurrection (Paris, 1956–63). |
ResQ |
Restoration Quarterly (Abilene, TX, 1957ff.). |
Revista española de teología (Madrid, 1940ff.). |
RevAgusEsp |
Revista augustiniana de Espiritualidad (Calahorra, Spain, 1960–79). |
RevAug |
Revue augustinienne (Louvain, 1901–10). |
RevSR |
Revue des sciences religieuses (Strasbourg, 1921ff.). |
Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique (Louvain, 1900ff.). |
Revue d’histoire et de littérature religieuse (Paris, 1896–1922). |
Revue d’histoire et de philosophie religieuses (Strasbourg, 1921ff.). |
Revue internationale de théologie (Berne, 1893–1910). |
RivAM |
Rivista di Ascetica et Mistica (Florence, 1956ff.). |
RL |
Rivista Liturgica (Turin, 1914ff.). |
Rocz |
Rocznik theologico-kanoninczne (Lublin, Poland, 1949–90). |
Revue de philologie, de littérature et d’histoire anciennes (Paris, 1845–47; n.s. 1877–1926; 3. s. 1927ff.). |
RQ |
Römische Quartelschrift für christliche Altertumskunde (Freiburg i. B., 1887ff.). |
Revue des questions historiques (Paris, 1866–1939). |
RR |
Revue réformé (Saint-Germaine-en-Laye, France, 1950ff.). |
RRel |
Review for Religious (St. Louis, 1942ff.). |
Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques (Paris, 1907ff.). |
Recherches de science religieuse (Paris, 1910ff.). |
RT |
Revue thomiste (Paris, 1924–65). |
Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale (Louvain, 1969ff.). |
Revue théologique de Louvain (Louvain, 1970ff.). |
Revue de théologie et de philosophie (Lausanne, 1921ff.). |
La revue de l’Université d’Ottawa (Ottawa, 1931–87). |
Sal |
Salesianum (Turin, 1939ff.). |
SC |
Scuola Cattolica (Milan, 1902ff.). |
Studies in Christian Antiquity (Washington, D.C., 1941–85). |
ScE |
Science et esprit (Montreal, 1928ff.). |
SChr |
Sources chrétiennes (Paris, 1941ff.). |
Second Century: Journal of Early Christian Studies (Abilene, TX, 1981–92). |
Scr |
Scripture (London, 1969–75). |
SE |
Sacris Erudiri (Bruges, 1948ff.). |
Scottish Journal of Theology (Edinburgh, etc., 1948ff.). |
SM |
Studia Monastica (Barcelona, 1959ff.). |
SP |
Studia Patristica: Acts of the International Conventions of Oxford (TU) (Berlin, 1957ff.). |
SPMed |
Studia Patristica Mediolanensia (Milan, 1974ff.). |
ST |
Studi e Testi (Rome, 1900ff.). |
StC |
Studia Catholica (Nijmegen, 1924–60). |
Steidle |
B. Steidle, Patrologia: seu Historia Antiquae Litteraturae Ecclesiasticae, Scholarum Usui Accommodata (Freiburg i. B., 1937). |
Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums (Paderborn, 1907ff.). |
STh |
Studia Theologica (Lund, 1947ff.). |
StLit |
C. Jones and others, eds., The Study of Liturgy, rev. ed. (New York, 1992). |
StP |
Studia Patavina (Padua, 1954ff.). |
Strack |
H.L. Strack and P. Billerbeck, Kommentar zum Neuen Testament aus Talmud und Midrasch, vol. iv/i, 2nd ed. (Munich, 1956). |
StudEnc |
Study Encounter (Geneva, 1965–76). |
StudLit |
Studia Liturgica (Rotterdam, 1962ff.). |
TD |
Theology Digest (St. Louis, 1953ff.). |
Theol |
Theology (Norwich, England, 1976ff.). |
ThGl |
Theologie und Glaube (Paderborn, 1909ff.). |
ThQ |
Theologische Quartalschrift (Stuttgart/Tübingen, 1831–1928; various places, 1929ff.). |
ThStKr |
Theologische Studien und Kritiken (Gotha, 1828–42). |
Tixeront |
J. Tixeront, A Handbook of Patrology, trans. S.A. Raemers (London/St. Louis, 1947). |
Traditio: Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought, and Religion (New York, 1943ff.). |
G. Krause and G. Müller, eds., Theologische Realenzyklopädie (Berlin, 1976ff.). |
TS |
Theological Studies (Baltimore/Woodstock, 1940ff.). |
TU |
Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte de altchristlichen Literatur (Berlin, 1882ff.). |
TV |
Theologia Viatorum: Jahrbuch der kirchlichen Hochschule Berlin (Berlin, 1948/49–1979/80). |
TZ |
Theologische Zeitschrift (Basel, 1945ff.). |
VC |
Vigiliae Christianae (Amsterdam, 1947ff.). |
VerC |
Verbum Caro (Taizé, France, 1947–69). |
VetChr |
Vetera Christianorum (Bari, 1964ff.). |
VS |
La Vie Spirituelle (Paris, 1919ff.). |
L. Johnson, ed., Worship in the Early Church: An Anthology of Historical Sources, 4 vols. (Collegeville, 2009). |
Werner |
E. Werner, The Sacred Bridge: The Interdependence of Liturgy and Music in Synagogue and Church during the First Millennium (London/New York, 1959). |
Wor |
Worship (Collegeville, 1952ff.; formerly Orate Fratres, 1926–51). |
Wright (1928) |
F.A. Wright, ed., Fathers of the Church: Tertullian, Cyprian, Arnobius, Lactanius, Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine: A Selection from the Writings of the Latin Fathers (London, 1928). |
Wright (1932) |
F.A. Wright, A History of Later Greek Literature from the Death of Alexander in 323 B.C. to the Death of Justinian in 545 A.D. (London, 1932). |
WSt |
Wiener Studien: Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie (Vienna, 1879ff.). |
Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (Berlin/New York, 1881ff.). |
Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte (Gotha, 1877–1930; Stuttgart, 1931ff.). |
ZkTh |
Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie (Innsbruck, 1877–1940; Vienna, 1947ff.). |
ZNeW |
Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche (Giessen/Berlin/New York, 1900ff.). |
Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft (Münster, 1911–37). |
Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche (Tübingen, 1891ff.). |
/ |
= “or,” e.g., 543/554 |
[ ] |
Textual material supplied by translator of the original source or by the present editor/translator |