Chapter Seventeen
The lull came crashing to an end the next morning. He was working at his desk. After an early morning workout and shower, Jo was now curled up in a chair reading a book. It was homey and normal, something he’d never had until she’d come into his life. The ping caught him by surprise.
“What’s that?” She immediately set the book aside and jumped to her feet.
“The alert I set up on the Brotherhood website. Someone is hacking into it.” Blocking out everything else, he went to work. He ignored the message coming through. Time enough to deal with that later. Whoever was behind this mess was on their computer now. All he had to do was find them.
The challenge was on, and the stakes had never been higher.
He sensed her coming over to stand beside him, felt her hand on his shoulder, but his concentration never wavered. His fingers flew over the keyboard.
“Son of a bitch.”
“What?” She leaned closer.
“They’re good, trying to throw me off the scent.” Not happening. He lost all track of time, as he often did when he was deep into computer work. He chased the signal all over the world. Then he did it again.
“You’re toying with me, you fucker,” he muttered. “Why?” Whoever had sent the message should be long gone instead of leading him on some wild goose chase. “Oh shit.”
“Asher?” Jo was perched on the edge of the desk, a cup of coffee in her hand. When had she gotten that?
“The message.” He’d ignored it in favor of the chase. Now he dove deep into the Brotherhood message board, needing to know what had been posted.
His fingers stopped moving. His blood ran cold.
“What is it?” She set her cup down and peered at the screen.
“How long have I been at this?”
“Six hours.”
“I played right into the fucker’s hands.” He scrubbed his hands over his face. “I’m sorry.” A roar built in his throat, almost choking him when he swallowed it back.
Control. You need to stay in control.
“I don’t understand.” When she started to scan the messages, he pressed a button, closing it out. “Now you’re just pissing me off.” She pointed at the blank screen. “Bring that back up.”
He turned in his chair and took her hands in his. They were cold and clammy.
“You’re scaring me.” Her lower lip trembled before she caught it with her teeth.
“I’ll protect you.” It was a vow he would not break.
“Asher.” She pulled her hands away and pressed them against his face. “You have to tell me. I need to know. I deserve to know.”
The pit in his stomach grew and a weight pressed down on him. “Whoever is behind all this knew I wouldn’t be able to resist the challenge of finding them.”
She frowned and leaned against the edge of the desk. “I don’t understand. Wasn’t that the point of the alert?”
“Yes, but I didn’t stop. I disregarded the message and wasted valuable time in the chase.”
“What was the message? And don’t you dare lie.”
Outwardly, Jo appeared calm, but her pulse beat wildly in her neck and the acrid smell of her fear burned his nostrils.
“I’ll protect you.”
“You already said that. You’re starting to freak me out. Just tell me.”
“Whoever is behind this posted a job on the website.”
All the color drained from her face. “Oh fuck. For me.” The words were barely a whisper.
“But I haven’t done anything wrong.” She straightened and backed away from him. “I thought you were the good guys.” It sounded more like an accusation than a plea for reassurance.
“We are.” He stood slowly so he didn’t frighten her any more than she already was.
“Take it down.” She pointed at his laptop, her voice rising with each word she spoke. “Get rid of it. Make it go away. You can do that, right?”
“I can.” He took a step toward her, frustration beating at him. “I could have,” he corrected. “But I waited too long.” Now it was too late.
Her frown deepened, and her shoulders slumped when realization hit her. “That’s why whoever is doing this kept you chasing them.”
The last time he’d tasted fear this bitter, he’d been a young man and the world had been bathed in blood and madness. He also hadn’t been this pissed off since he’d been reborn, changed by a goddess into what he’d become.
Darkness welled inside him. The beast that resided within him yanked at the mental restraints. Whoever was behind this was playing a dangerous game. One they would lose.
“Your eyes are red,” she whispered.
His incisors slowly grew, and his blood burned. “You are the one person on the planet who is safe from me.” He longed to touch her but feared she’d reject him.
Some emotion flared in her spectacular eyes, but it was gone before he could read it. “What else aren’t you telling me? Finish it.”
“The contract has already been accepted.”
“That fast?”
“Yes, and it shouldn’t have been, but whoever is behind this knew exactly what to say.” Unable to keep distant from her any longer, he dragged her into his arms, careful not to hold her too tight. If he caged her, she’d fight.
She remained stiff in his embrace for an extended moment before finally leaning against him. Her face was pale, her breathing rapid. He pressed his lips to her forehead and ran his hands up and down her back, trying to infuse her with his strength.
“What did they say? You have to tell me everything.”
“I know.” He breathed in her unique scent, letting it settle him. Keeping anything secret would put her at an even greater risk.
“A very, very long time ago, Bjorn Knutson’s family was murdered. He went mad with grief. Odin heard his screams of pain, his pleas for vengeance.”
“Odin? The Viking god? I know we talked about it, but it’s hard to wrap my head around all this god stuff.”
“Yes. He changed Bjorn forever. He became the first Norse werewolf, a berserker of such fury he was feared throughout all the lands. The first thing he did was hunt down those responsible for the death of his wife and children.” Those had been dark days. The land had run red with blood.
“Oh my God. I need to sit down.”
Asher scooped her into his arms and sat in the armchair she’d occupied earlier.
“That’s tragic, but what does it have to do with the contract on me?”
“Do you remember what I told you about the gods? They lose interest in us quickly.”
“And that happened with Bjorn?” Her expression was pinched, but her eyes were steady.
“Yes. Here was this man who could shift into a wolf to hunt and slay his enemies simply left roaming around the world. That couldn’t be allowed to continue unchecked.”
“You went to him.” Her voice sounded steady, but her heart raced, and her stomach twisted. This was very, very bad.
Stay calm.
Panicking wouldn’t help the situation. She had to deal with it in a calm and rational manner. Not easy when all she wanted to do was run screaming. Only there was nowhere to hide, and she was already in the safest place she knew.
“Maccus and I both went. Bjorn was out of control, the world littered with the bodies of those he’d slain for vengeance.” He released a sigh. “Maybe we should have put him down. These days, we probably would. But life was more brutal in those days. What was deemed acceptable was held to a different standard. We were all more feral, less bothered by the blood we spilled.”
She swallowed heavily, trying not to imagine the carnage the werewolf had left in his wake. Problem was, she’d seen too many episodes of Vikings on television. It was a very brutal time. People would have expected Bjorn to enact such violent retribution.
“It took several decades before he gained mastery over himself and his abilities. By then, some of those he’d bitten, but who hadn’t died, had also changed. But only Bjorn is immortal. The others live and die in a fairly normal lifespan. They can live up to one hundred and fifty. Or that’s the oldest I’m aware of. Many die long before that because of the innate violence among their kind. They fight one another for power and position in the packs they form. Often to the death.”
She tried to swallow but her mouth was too dry. “Let me get this straight. Bjorn is the father of werewolves, and he’s taken the contract on me?”
“Yes.” The weight of that one word pressed down on her, threatening to suffocate her. The concern etched on Asher’s face proved just how dangerous this man, or werewolf, was.
“But why? I haven’t done anything to any werewolf. I’m a vampire slayer.”
“The anonymous sender gave him proof that you’re a descendant of one of the people who murdered his family. His one vow, the one promise Odin gave him, was that he could wipe their line from existence.”
Her breath wedged in her throat, making her gasp. “Is that true?” Not exactly a family tree to make a person proud.
“No. I researched it years ago. Everyone involved, their families and kin died out centuries ago.”
“So much bloodshed. How many innocents died? People who weren’t involved in the attack?” Her chest ached. She pressed her hand against it, but the pain continued to grow and expand. “Even if I was a descendant of those horrible men, I had nothing to do with it.”
Asher sighed and pressed his forehead against hers. “I know. I know it’s difficult for you to understand. Bjorn would have been expected to get vengeance for his family. Anything less would have been unacceptable.”
He lifted his head, his face a study in compassion. “And you do understand. Haven’t you gone after all vampires for what was done to your parents?”
“That’s different.” It had to be different or she wouldn’t be able to live with herself. When Asher simply continued to stare at her, she flinched. “I’ve only taken out those who deserve it.”
He brushed his fingers gently over her cheek. “And who decided they deserved it? You did. Bjorn did the same. After we found him, and he became a part of the Brotherhood, he changed and became a tool for justice, for the greater good. But the need to slay his family’s killers is nonnegotiable. What would you do if you found out that the one who took your parents hadn’t acted alone?”
“I’d kill them. Or I’d at least try.” There was no hesitation. She was sick to her soul. “I am a killer.” No better than those she hunted.
“No.” He took her face between his hands, his touch gentle as he stroked his thumbs over her cheeks. “You seek justice.”
“So Bjorn thinks he’s in the right to come after me?” She tried to smile but failed miserably. “Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, the king of the werewolves is after me.”
“Normally a job wouldn’t be taken this quickly.”
“But because of the lie, there was no question Bjorn would accept.” It was rather clever. Diabolical really.
“Exactly. I need to talk to him. Maccus as well. This kind of thing could cause total chaos in the Brotherhood. If Bjorn follows through, we’ll have to put him down.”
“That’s what whoever is behind this wants.” Events were spiraling out of control. “This isn’t about me at all. It’s about destroying you and the Brotherhood you belong to.”
Was this how a worm on the end of a hook felt? Or maybe it was more like a goat staked out in the woods to attract a wolf. Icy dread snaked over her skin.
Asher pulled out his phone and placed the call, putting the phone on speaker. She expected it to go to voicemail and was shocked when it was answered.
“I’m really going to kill you.” The dark promise in Maccus’s voice made her tremble.
“Get in line. But first, get on the Brotherhood website. We’ve been hacked.”
He didn’t ask questions, but she could hear some background noise that suggested he was doing just that. “What the fuck is this?”
“Short version, I discovered someone had been in our site, so I set up an alert in case it happened again. It did, and I chased the bastard through cyberspace for six hours before I wised up and realized it was a distraction. By the time I went back to the website, the job had been posted and accepted.”
“Bjorn is a hardass at the best of times.” Maccus’s assessment of the guy wasn’t reassuring. “The post is a lie?”
“Of course it’s a lie. I need to talk to him before he does something that can’t be undone.” Asher brushed his lips over hers. “If the worst happens, you need to put him down.”
“I’ll take care of it.” With that, the line went dead.
“What does that mean, exactly?” Asher shook his head, but she wasn’t having it. “You mean if you get your stupid ass killed, then Maccus will step in and kill this guy. Then we’ll all be dead.” She jumped off his lap and paced. “That’s just fucking great. Works out so well for all of us.”
There has to be another way to handle this. One where we don’t all die.
When she turned to start another lap across the room, he stepped in front of her. “I’ll keep you safe.”
The declaration was fierce, his eyes blazing with determination. His lips were pressed together in a severe line and his chin tilted up. No sign of the teasing man from the past few days. There were so many sides to him.
That he wanted to shelter her from this meant everything to her, but she wasn’t the type to hide. Those days were long behind her. If this werewolf wanted a fight, she’d give it to him.
“I can’t let you take that kind of risk.” He might be the toughest vamp in the world, but he could still die. He’d said himself that anything or anyone could be killed.
“You can’t stop me.” The reply was short and cool.
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Men. They were all alike, and Asher had a very healthy ego.
“Listen, buddy.” She pressed her forefinger against his chest. “Weren’t you the one to tell Harrison Rucker that there was always someone bigger and badder out there?”
His face became an expressionless mask.
“Oh no you don’t. You don’t get to do that macho male thing with me.” She wasn’t having it. Her fear morphed into anger. “I know you’re strong and fast and have tricks I don’t even know about, but you said it yourself, this Bjorn guy has made a vow, and we both understand how that can drive a person to lose all perspective. I don’t know anything about werewolves. For all I know, you can take him out with one hand behind your back. I don’t care. I just don’t want anything to happen to you.” She was breathing hard by the time she finished.
The corners of his mouth twitched. “You done?”
Was he finding this funny? She dragged her hands through her hair to keep from wrapping them around his neck and shaking some sense into him. “Yes. No. Maybe. Shit, I don’t know.”
“I’ll try to talk to him first.”
She fisted her hands by her sides. “What if that doesn’t work?”
“Why don’t we find out?”
With her feet spread apart, her hands fisted, and her beautiful face filled with emotion, Jo put him in mind of an avenging angel who wanted to smite someone. Maybe even him.
While it angered him that she didn’t seem to think he could handle a werewolf, it did warm his heart—as well as other regions of his body—that she was worried about him.
She was also scared to death. Her words and actions were brave, but he could scent her fear, see the sweat beading on her brow. Not that he blamed her. She hadn’t asked for any of this. Still, he couldn’t be sad she’d come into his life.
That was the only good thing in all of this. And maybe the fact he and Maccus were communicating more.
“You’re going to call him? Now?”
“Waiting won’t change anything. Better to get out in front of this.” He had the entire Brotherhood in his contacts, along with his favorite takeout places.
“Besides,” he continued as the phone rang, “seeing as he’s the best tracker in the world, Bjorn is likely on his way here.” He put it on speaker so she could hear.
“Of course he is. He couldn’t be the worst, could he?” she muttered.
“I know she’s with you.” The deep voice vibrated with fury.
“And who would that be?” he shot back.
“Jo Radcliffe.”
She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at his phone. His hunter looked supremely pissed off. Her lush lips were pulled into a thin line and her eyes narrowed. Whoever had chosen her to be a part of their private war had made a huge mistake. This was not a woman who’d run from trouble when it came looking for her. No, she’d face it head-on and do her best to defeat it or go down trying.
He loved her.
The realization slammed into him with the force of a sword thrust to the heart. He staggered from the blow. Not even being changed by the Sekhmet had rocked him this hard.
Jo, with her indomitable spirit, had captured his heart. If he spent the next thousand years by her side, she’d still fascinate him. She made him smile, challenged his intellect, and matched his passion.
She was it for him. Now and forever.
That admission brought him a surge of unexpected strength.
“She’s not a part of this, Bjorn,” he warned. “You come after her, you face me.”
“I’m not afraid of you, bloodsucker. The contract was clear.”
“And it wasn’t posted through the normal channels. Someone hacked the website.”
“Thought you said that couldn’t happen. Guess you’re not as good as you think you are.” Through the phone line, he could hear traffic. Bjorn was on the move.
He ignored the taunt and kept to the facts when all he wanted to do was smack the big wolf silly. “It can’t be. Not by any normal person. Someone is playing dangerous games with the Brotherhood. And this is not the first time.”
“So you say.”
“So I know.”
“Maccus never said anything,” Bjorn shot back.
“He never says anything.” And that was part of the problem. “He knows what you’re planning to do. If you come after Jo, you forfeit your life.”
“Jo, is it? Just how friendly are you with this chick? If she’s of the bloodline that slew my family, she has to die. Odin promised.”
“She didn’t have any part of that.”
“After I accepted the job, I was sent documentation, including a family tree, tracing bloodlines back generations.”
“Fabricated.” Of that, he was certain. “I did the research myself. You know I did.”
“I also know you’re sleeping with the woman. That little tidbit was also included with the information.”
“And do you know how we met? We both got anonymous emails sending us to the same location.” He had to find a way to get through the male’s thick skull. Right now, he was working on primal rage and not rational thought. “I bet the email you received came from an anonymous sender and you couldn’t trace the address.” It was the first thing any of them did, to make sure everything was legit. And if any member couldn’t trace it, he did it for them.
They were assassins of the highest caliber. They didn’t react out of hand. They researched long and hard and planned. The complete opposite of what Bjorn was doing.
“Whoever sent you that information knows your weakness.”
“I don’t have a weakness.”
God save him from arrogant asses. He glanced at Jo to see how she was taking it all. She rolled her eyes, making him smile.
“Your hot button, then.” The best thing he could do was to get him thinking rationally. “Anyone who knows you knows full well this is the one thing that would set you off. They’re using you. Just as they used me and Jo.”
The traffic sounds faded. Wherever Bjorn was, he’d left the street. The ping from an elevator sounded.
“Son of a bitch. You’re here.”
“Stay out of my way, and I might let you live.”