Chapter Forty-Eight
Easy enough.
@realaddisonames #youllneverbeme
I’m tempted to leave that one and let my followers see who Addison truly is, but I delete it as well.
I wait for her next move.
Nothing. At least for now. If it continues, I’ll simply block her, though I hope it doesn’t come to that. She said herself that I’m the competition now, and it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on the competition.
Then a comment that takes my breath away.
@bradenblackinc You’re gorgeous. See you tonight.
My face splits into a wide grin. We didn’t make any plans for tonight, so I assume he’ll call me with the details. I continue reading comments as quickly as they appear while I finish my latte. I’m so into the comments that I jerk when my phone dings with a text. It’s from Eugenie.
Perfect! Love the post. I want to see another tomorrow and the last one over the weekend.
I text her back.
So glad it works for you. Will do.
My next post is formal.
Hmm. Would Eugenie be willing to wait until the weekend when I’m at the opera gala with Braden?
I hastily text her back, and she agrees.
I have the perfect idea in mind for dramatic as well. I’ll pose by Braden’s window looking out over the moonlit harbor. That means I’ll need to be at his place over the weekend. Since we’re going to the gala, we’ll most likely end the evening at his place. No problem.
I check my watch. Maybe Tessa can meet for a drink and I can tell her all my news. Hmm, still about an hour before she gets off work. I know the perfect way to kill some time. I fire up the laptop and do some searches.
“Addison Ames” “Braden Black”
Lots of hits, but all recent and all articles where they’re both mentioned but not together. I skim through several, but I’m looking for what happened eleven years ago.
I add the year to the search.
Nothing. Nothing about the two of them together in that time frame.
What went on that summer?
I fear I may never know.
I check my watch again. Tessa’s just getting off work, so I call her.
“Hey, Skye.”
“Hey, yourself. You busy? Want to go for a drink?”
“Actually, you won’t believe this.”
“I’ve already got plans for a drink. With Betsy. Believe it or not, she called me. You’re welcome to join us.”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea. She’s a friend of Addie’s, and Addie and I sort of…well…let’s just say I’m no longer working for her.”
“What happened? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s a long story. Maybe I will join you. Addie can’t possibly have blackballed me all over town yet.” I quickly give Tessa the scoop.
“Seriously? She’s leaving nasty comments on your posts? She’s so immature.”
“True story,” I say. “Where are you meeting Betsy?”
“Esteban’s for happy hour. Please come.”
“I think I will. I’ll see you there.”
“Four grande margaritas and two Wild Turkeys.” The server sets down our drinks—two each, as it’s happy hour. “And chips and guacamole.”
So far I’ve learned that Betsy isn’t as fond of Addie as she first let on to Tessa. I wait patiently. The two margaritas should get her talking. I sip my first Wild Turkey slowly. Tessa and Betsy trade dog stories. I have to hand it to Tessa. She can lie about a fake dog as well as anyone.
Tessa and Betsy are both on their second margarita before I’m even halfway through my first drink. Not surprising. I listen with one ear, eating a few chips now and then.
“Skye!” Betsy shrieks.
I suppress a jerk and widen my eyes. “Yeah?”
“Seriously? You’re dating Braden Black?”
I nod. “Yeah.”
“Wow. Addie didn’t warn you?”
“Oh, she did, but she wouldn’t go into any detail, so why should I listen to her?”
Betsy’s cheeks turn pink. “I shouldn’t talk about it.”
“Okay,” I say. “We don’t have to talk about Addie or Braden at all.”
Betsy smiles timidly and finishes her second margarita. “It was all so long ago. And look at what they’ve both accomplished since then.”
“Yes, they’re both huge successes,” Tessa says. “Which means whatever happened had no effect on them whatsoever.”
“Of course it didn’t,” Betsy says. “No one knows, and no one can ever find out.”
“Really?” Tessa lifts her eyebrows. “How is that?”
Betsy gestures to the server. “Another, please. You guys want another?”
I’m still only halfway through my first, so I shake my head.
“Sure,” Tessa says, filling a plate with chips.
“Excuse me.” Betsy rises. “Little girls’ room.”
Once she’s gone, I grab Tessa’s arm. “I need to get out of here.”
“No, trust me. It’s better that you’re here. Your presence appeals to her conscience. If there’s really a danger to you, she won’t be able to keep it to herself.”
“Braden isn’t dangerous.”
“I don’t think he is, either, but Addison does, and Betsy knows why. She and Addie aren’t exactly friends.”
“I gathered that from what she was saying when I arrived. Why does Addie do her posts for free, then? That’s not like Addie at all.”
“I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure we can find out tonight if we play our cards right.”
Five minutes pass.
Then ten.
I sigh. “Either she’s got some chronic diarrhea or she ditched us.”
“Shit. You think?” Tessa asks.
“One way to find out.” I rise and head to the bathroom.
Only one stall is occupied. Oh well. I can’t fault Betsy. She’s known Addie forever and probably changed her mind about talking.
I don’t have to use the toilet, so I quickly check myself in the mirror and turn to leave—
When I hear a sniffle coming from the occupied stall.
I look at the feet. Black army boots. I didn’t check out Betsy’s shoes, but I’m betting the boots go with whatever boho-chic outfit she’s wearing. It’s a brown and green flowing number.
“Betsy?” I say.
Another sniffle.
“Are you okay?”
The door to the stall opens and Betsy walks out, her face tear-stained and her eyes red.
“Oh my God. What happened?”
She shakes her head. “I can’t tell you, Skye. I wish I could, but I can’t.”
I touch her shoulder. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything.”
“But I want to. I really want to. You deserve to know. But I made a promise a long time ago. A promise I regret now. Addie’s not who you think she is.”
I think she’s a self-absorbed heiress, but Betsy may not know that. “I thought you two were friends.”
“We are. Or were. Or…I don’t know what the heck we are, to be honest.”
“It’s okay. I’m sure Addie’s posts help your shop.”
“They do, but she doesn’t do it for me.”
I lift my eyebrows. “Oh?”
“I mean, she does, but not because we’re old friends. She does it to…” She sighs. “She does it to keep me quiet, Skye.”
“Quiet about what?”
“About that summer. I told Tessa she could tell you.”
“She may have mentioned something.”
Betsy spews out the story I already heard from Tessa about the illicit party at the Ames house, Braden’s attendance, and Addie’s obsession with losing her virginity to him.
“Wow,” I say.
“I know.”
“But Braden isn’t the problem,” I say. “Seems like Addie’s the one who pursued him. So why does she say he’s bad news?”
“There’s a lot more to the story,” Betsy says.
“Was it ever in the news?” I ask. “Because I can’t find anything about the two of them that year.”
“No, nothing was in the news.”
“Then what happened?”
Betsy blows her nose into a paper towel. “I’m so sorry. I’ve said all I can.” She runs out.