6. REBELLION, 1930

  1. Quoted in Viola, Peasant Rebels Under Stalin, 132.

  2. Ibid., 134.

  3. RTsKhIDNI 85/1/118 (1930), 1–13, reproduced in Graziosi, ‘Collectivisation, révoltes paysannes et politiques gouvernementales’, 477.

  4. Sholokhov, Virgin Soil Upturned, 157.

  5. Alec Nove, An Economic History of the USSR, 1917–1991 (New York: Penguin, 1992), 186.

  6. RTsKhIDNI 85/1/120 (1930), 1–18, reproduced in Graziosi, ‘Collectivisation, révoltes paysannes et politiques gouvernementales’, 538.

  7. RTsKhIDNI 85/1/118 (1930), 1–13, reproduced in ibid., 479.

  8. TsGANKh SSSR 7446/5/87 (1930), 35–9, in V. P. Danilov and N. A. Ivnitskii, eds., Dokumenty svidetel’stvuiut: iz istorii derevni nakanune i v khode kollektivizatsii, 1927–1932 gg. (Moscow: Politizdat, 1989), 305.

  9. ‘Testimony of Mr. Valentin Kochno’, in U.S. Congress, Investigation of the Ukrainian Famine: First Interim Report, 119–20.

10. ‘Testimony of Dr. Valentyna Sawchuck of Hamtramck, Michigan’, in U.S. Congress, Investigation of the Ukrainian Famine: First Interim Report, 144.

11. TsA FSB RF 2/8/232 (1930), 101, 101a, in Berelovich, Sovetskaia derevnia glazami VChK-OGPU-NKVD, vol. 3:1, 220–1.

12. Viola, Peasant Rebels Under Stalin, 59–60.

13. Andrea Graziosi, ‘The Great Famine of 1932–33: Consequences and Implications’, Harvard Ukrainian Studies 25, nos. 3/4 (Fall 2001), 162.

14. Viola, Peasant Rebels Under Stalin, 53.

15. D. D. Goichenko, Krasnyi apokalipsis: skvoz’ raskulachivanie i golodomor: memuary svidetelia (Kyiv: Ababahalamaha, 2013), 29–31.

16. Testimony of Olena Doroshenko, in O. M. Veselova and O. F. Nikiliev, Pam’iat’ narodu: Henotsyd v Ukraïni holodom 1932–1933 rokiv: svidchennia, 2 vols. (Kyiv: Vydavnychnyi dim ‘Kalyta’, 2009), vol. 1, 408.

17. Viola, Peasant Rebels Under Stalin, 55–7.

18. Pohl, ‘ “In Our Hearts We Felt the Sentence of Death” ’, 336.

19. ‘Case History SW34: anonymous, Kyiv oblast’’, in U.S. Congress, Investigation of the Ukrainian Famine, Report to Congress, 392.

20. Testimony of Maria Makukha (Chukut), in ibid., vol. 1, 129.

21. Testimony of Kateryna Laksha, in ibid., vol. 2, 66–7.

22. Ibid.

23. TsA FSB RF 2/8/232 (1930), 72, in Berelovich, Sovetskaia derevnia glazami VChK-OGPU-NKVD, vol. 3:1, 219–20.

24. Pasha Angelina, ‘The Most Important Thing’, in Fitzpatrick and Slezkine, In the Shadow of Revolution, 310.

25. TsA FSB RF 2/8/23 (1930), 2–13, and 2/8/23 (1930), 45–65, in Berelovich, Sovetskaia derevnia glazami VChK-OGPU-NKVD, vol. 3:1, 144–50, 180–9.

26. Josef Stalin, ‘Dizzy with Success: Concerning Questions of the Collective-Farm Movement’, Pravda, 2 March 1930, reproduced in Works, vol. 12, 197–205.

27. Ibid.

28. RGASPI 17/3/779 (1930), 18–20, in Danilov, Tragediia sovetskoi derevni, vol. 2, 303–5.

29. Viola, Peasant Rebels Under Stalin, 3.

30. Dolot, Execution by Hunger, 84.

31. Testimony of Ivan Hazhyman, in Mytsyk, Ukraïns’kyi holokost, vol. 3, 113.

32. ‘Case History LH38: Oleksandr Honcharenko, Cherkasy oblast’’, in U.S. Congress, Investigation of the Ukrainian Famine, Report to Congress, 325–9.

33. ‘Testimony of Mr. Zinovii Turkalo’, in U.S. Congress, Investigation of the Ukrainian Famine: First Interim Report, 96.

34. TsA FSB RF 2/8/679 (1930), 23, in Berelovich, Sovetskaia derevnia glazami VChK-OGPU-NKVD, vol. 3:1, 420–6.

35. Testimony of Leonida Fedorivna Tkachuk, in Mytsyk, Ukraïns’kyi holokost, vol. 2, 50–1.

36. ‘Case History LH38: Oleksandr Honcharenko’, 325.

37. Pohl, ‘ “In Our Hearts We Felt the Sentence of Death” ’, 336.

38. TsA FSB RF 2/8/679 (1930), 23, in Berelovich, Sovetskaia derevnia glazami VChK-OGPU-NKVD, vol. 3:1, 424.

39. Ibid., 421.

40. Viola, Peasant Rebels Under Stalin, 183.

41. TsA FSB RF 2/8/679 (1930), 23, in Berelovich, Sovetskaia derevnia glazami VChK-OGPU-NKVD, vol. 3:1, 420–6.

42. ‘Case History LH57: Mikhail Frenkin, Baku’, in U.S. Congress, Investigation of the Ukrainian Famine, Report to Congress, 359–65.

43. Viola, Peasant Rebels Under Stalin, 103–5, 135–6.

44. RTsKhIDNI 85/1/118 (1930), 1–13, reproduced in Graziosi, ‘Collectivisation, révoltes paysannes et politiques gouvernementales’, 474–83.

45. TsDAHOU 1/20/3191 (1930), 37.

46. TsA FSB RF 2/8/232 (1930), 101, 101a, in Berelovich, Sovetskaia derevnia glazami VChK-OGPU-NKVD, vol. 3:1, 220–1.

47. TsA FSB RF 2/8/23 (1930), 2–13, in ibid., vol. 3:1, 144–50.

48. TsA FSB RF 2/8/23 (1930), 45–65, in ibid., vol. 3:1, 180–9.

49. Iurii Shapoval, Vadym Zolotar’ov and Volodymyr Prystaiko, ChK-GPU-NKVD v Ukraïni: osoby, fakty, dokumenty (Kyiv: Abrys, 1997), 39.

50. TsDAHOU 1/20/3154 (1930), 11.

51. TsA FSB RF 2/8/232 (1930), 115, 115ob, in Berelovich, Sovetskaia derevnia glazami VChK-OGPU-NKVD, vol. 3:1, 221–2; RTsKhIDNI 85/1/119 (1930), 1–2, reproduced in Graziosi, ‘Collectivisation, révoltes paysannes et politiques gouvernementales’, 549–50.

52. TsDAHOU 1/20/3154 (1930), 11.

53. The Pavlohrad material comes from Danylenko et al., eds., Pavlohrads’ke povstannia, 1930: dokumenty i materialy (Kyiv: Ukrains’kyi Pys’mennyk, 2009).

54. Palij, The Anarchism of Nestor Makhno, 46–51.

55. RTsKhIDNI 85/1/120 (1930), 1–18, reproduced in Graziosi, ‘Collectivisation, révoltes paysannes et politiques gouvernementales’, 537.

56. Ibid., 537–8.

57. RTsKhIDNI 85/1/118 (1930), 43–9, reproduced in ibid., 577–8.

58. TsA FSB RF 2/8/232 (1930), 115, 115ob, in Berelovich, Sovetskaia derevnia glazami VChK-OGPU-NKVD, vol. 3:1, 222.

59. Martin, Affirmative Action Empire, 294–5.

60. Shapoval, ‘The Case of the “Union for the Liberation of Ukraine” ’, 178–9.

61. Ibid.