1. RTsKhIDNI 82/2/139 (1932), 145–51, in Martin, The Affirmative Action Empire, 298.

  2. R. W. Davies and S. G. Wheatcroft, The Years of Hunger: Soviet Agriculture, 1931–33 (London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), 1–4.

  3. RGASPI 17/2/60 (1931), 89, tipografskii ekz.; KPSS v rezoliutsiiakh, Izd. 9–3. T.5.C. 233–4, in Danilov et al., eds., Tragediia sovetskoi derevni, vol. 2, 773–4.

  4. TsA FSB RF 2/8/328 (1930), 336–45, in ibid., vol. 2, 530–6.

  5. TsDAZhR Ukraïny 27/11/104 (1930), 75–80, in Kul’chyts’kyi, Kolektyvizatsiia i holod na Ukraïni, 226–30.

  6. This is Lynne Viola’s term, used in Peasant Rebels Under Stalin, 205–10.

  7. RGAE 7486/37/132 (1930), 59–60, in Danilov et al., eds., Tragediia sovetskoi derevni, vol. 2, 467–72.

  8. Diana Bojko and Jerzy Bednarek, Holodomor: The Great Famine in Ukraine 1932–1933, from the series Poland and Ukraine in the 1930s–1940s: Unknown Documents from the Archives of the Secret Services (Warsaw: Institute of National Remembrance, Commission of the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation, 2009), 70–1.

  9. The best account of harvest statistics as well as the controversy around them is in Davies and Wheatcroft, The Years of Hunger, 442–7. See also A. V. Bashkin, ‘Urozhai tridtsatykh ili ukradennye dostizheniia’, Istoricheskie materialy, accessed 2017, http://istmat.info/node/21358.

10. Serhiichuk et al., Ukraïns’kyi khlib na eksport, 3–4.

11. Elena Osokina, Zoloto dlia industrializatsii: Torgsin (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2009), 17–102.

12. Serhiichuk et al., Ukraïns’kyi khlib na eksport, 5–6.

13. Ibid., 7.

14. Sheila Fitzpatrick, ‘The Boss and His Team: Stalin and the Inner Circle, 1925–33’, in Stephen Fortescue, ed., Russian Politics from Lenin to Putin (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), 62–3.

15. RGASPI 588/1/5388 (1930), 116ob, 121ob, in Kondrashin et al., eds., Golod v SSSR, vol. 1:1, 340; RGASPI 588/11/75 (1930), 15, in Danilov et al., eds., Tragediia sovetskoi derevni, vol. 2, 577.

16. RGAE 8043/11/12 (1930), 22–22ob, in Kondrashin et al., eds., Golod v SSSR, vol. 1:1, 350.

17. RGASPI 17/162/9 (1930), 74, in ibid., vol. 1:1, 351.

18. Figures from Andrea Graziosi, L’Unione Sovietica 1914–1991 (Bologna: Il mulino, 2011), table 1.

19. Davies and Wheatcroft, The Years of Hunger, 48–78.

20. RGASPI 631/5/54 (1931), 25–45, in Danilov et al., eds., Tragediia sovetskoi derevni, vol. 3, 137–40.

21. RGAE 8043/1/7 (1931), 61, in Kondrashin et al., eds., Golod v SSSR, vol. 1:1, 405–6.

22. RGASPI 17/167/31 (1931), 105, in ibid.

23. RGAE 7486/37/166 (1931), 230–7; RGAE 8043/1/48 (1931), 106–9, 116–30; AP RF 3/40/77 (1931), 186; and various other archival documents, all reproduced in ibid., vol. 1:1, 488–515.

24. RGASPI 17/167/29 (1931), 43, in ibid., vol. 1:1, 344.

25. A. V. Bashkin, ‘Urozhai tridtsatykh ili ukradennye dostizheniia’.

26. RGAE 8043/11/17 (1930), 208, in Kondrashin et al., eds., Golod v SSSR, vol. 1:1, 230.

27. RGASPI 17/167/28 (1931), 108, in ibid., vol. 1:1, 258.

28. RGASPI 631/5/60 (1931), 32–40, in ibid., vol. 1:1, 536–7.

29. RGASPI 17/2/484 (1931), 43–61, in Danilov et al., eds., Tragediia sovetskoi derevni, vol. 3, 198–206.

30. Bojko and Bednarek, Holodomor, 82–9.

31. RGASPI 17/167/32 (1931), 119, in Kondrashin et al., eds., Golod v SSSR, vol. 1:1, 536.

32. RGASPI 17/2/484 (1931), 43–61, in Danilov et al., eds., Tragediia sovetskoi derevni, vol. 3, 198–206.

33. Davies and Wheatcroft, The Years of Hunger, 100–1, citing RGASPI 82/2/137 (1932), 30–94.

34. RGASPI 17/26/42 (1932), 193–6, in Danilov et al., eds., Tragediia sovetskoi derevni, vol. 3, 227–30.

35. TsDAHOU 1/20/5362 (1932), 3; and TsDAHOU 1/6/235 (1932), 82, in Pyrih, ed., Holodomor, 65–6.

36. At this time the Moldovan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was part of Ukraine. The Moldovan ASSR was established in 1940, after the USSR conquered an additional chunk of Romanian territory. The former Moldovan ASSR is now Transnistria, a disputed region of Moldova.

37. AP RF 3/40/80 (1932), 45–51, in Kondrashin et al., eds., Golod v SSSR, vol. 1:2, 158–61.

38. Bojko and Bednarek, Holodomor, 108.

39. Kondrashin et al., eds., Golod v SSSR, vol. 1:2, 163–5, citing Lozyts’kyi, Holodomor 1932–1933 rokiv v Ukraïni, 37–40.

40. Kondrashin et al., eds., Golod v SSSR, vol. 1:2, 163–5.

41. Ibid.

42. TsA FSB RF 2/10/169 (1932), 1–57, in Berelovich et al., eds., Sovetskaia derevnia glazami VChK-OGPU-NKVD, vol. 3:2, 64–91.

43. RGASPI 631/5/74 (1932), 36, in Kondrashin et al., eds., Golod v SSSR, vol. 2, 83–4.

44. N. F. Shnaika to Stalin, TsDAHOU 1/20/5254 (1932), 1–16, in Pyrih, ed., Holodomor, 133.

45. A. F. Banivs’kyi to Stalin, in ibid., 132.

46. Boiko to Stalin, in ibid., 135.

47. For example, HDA SBU 13/429/40 (1932), 126–47, in V. M. Danylenko et al., eds., Holodomor 1932–1933 rokiv v Ukraïni za dokumentamy HDA SBU: anotovanyi dovidnyk (L’viv: Tsentr Doslidzhen’ Vyzvol’noho Rukhu, 2010), 278.

48. RGASPI 17/42/50 (1932), 54, in Kondrashin, et al., eds., Golod v SSSR, vol. 1:2, 225.

49. TsDAHOU 1/20/5255 (1932), 52–52sv, in Pyrih, ed., Holodomor, 169–70.

50. TsDAHOU 1/16/8 (1932), 203–4, in ibid., 93.

51. Bojko and Bednarek, Holodomor, 111–12.

52. Dmytro Zlepko, Der Ukrainische Hunger-Holocaust: Stalins verschwiegener Völkermord 1932/33 an 7 Millionen ukrainischen Bauern im Spiegel geheimgehaltener Akten des deutschen Auswärtigen Amtes: eine Dokumentation (Sonnenbühl: Verlag Helmut Wild, 1988), 95–7.

53. TsA FSB RF 2/11/1449 (1932), 144–6, in Danilov et al., eds., Tragediia sovetskoi derevni, vol. 3, 361–2.

54. ‘Dosvid Proskurivshchyny i Koziatynshchyny v borot’bi za tsukrovii buriak’, Visti VUTsVK (Kharkiv, 6 June 1932), cited in Vasyl Marochko and Olha Movchan, Holodomor 1932–1933 rokiv v Ukraïni: khronika (Kyiv: Kyievo-Mohylians’ka Akademiia, 2008), 87.

55. TsDAHOU 1/20/5255 (1932), 4, in Pyrih, ed., Holodomor, 70.

56. TsDAHOU 1/6/8 (1932), 203–4, in ibid., 92–3.

57. Serhiichuk et al., Ukraïns’kyi khlib na eksport, 78–81.

58. AP RF 3/61/794 (1932), 1–5, in Kondrashin et al., eds., Golod v SSSR, vol. 1:2, 227–9.

59. RGASPI 17/162/12 (1932), 85, in Pyrih, ed., Holodomor, 113.

60. RGASPI 17/162/12 (1932), 115, in ibid., 139–40.

61. TsDAHOU 1/16/8 (1932), 236, in ibid., 118.

62. TsDAHOU 1/1/378 (1932), 143–51; TsDAHOU 1/1/381 (1932), 63–8, in S. A. Kokin, Valerii Vasyl’ev and Nicolas Werth, eds., Partiino-Radians’ke kerivnytstvo USRR pid chas Holodomoru 1932–33 rr.: vozhdi, pratsivnyky, aktyvisty: zbirnyk dokumentiv ta materialiv (Kyiv: Instytut Istoriï Ukraïny NAN Ukraïny, 2013), 58–74.

63. AP RF 3/61/794 (1932), 18, in Kondrashin et al., eds., Golod v SSSR, vol. 1:2, 229.

64. RGASPI 558/11/43 (1932), 70, in Marochko and Movchan, Holodomor 1932–1933 rokiv v Ukraïni, 72.

65. Terry Martin, ‘Famine Initiators and Directors: Personal Papers: The 1932–33 Ukrainian Terror: New Documentation on Surveillance and the Thought Process of Stalin’, in Isajiw W. Wsevolod, ed., Famine-Genocide in Ukraine, 1932–33 (Toronto: UCRDC, 2003), 107–8.

66. RGASPI 82/2/139 (1932), 162–5, in Pyrih, ed., Holodomor, 197–9.

67. Ibid.

68. RGASPI 82/2/139 (1932), 144–53, in ibid., 200–5.

69. RGASPI 558/11/769 (1932), 40–2, in Kondrashin et al., eds., Golod v SSSR, vol. 1:2, 242–3.

70. RGASPI 558/11/769 (1932), 77–8, in ibid., vol. 1:2, 243.

71. RGAPSI 81/3/99 (1932), 62–3, in ibid., vol. 1:2, 244.

72. RGASPI 558/11/740/61 (1932), 174, in Pyrih, ed., Holodomor, 207.

73. RGASPI 17/162/12 (1932), 180–1, in ibid., 208.

74. TsDAHOU 1/20/5259 (1932), 19, in ibid., 208.

75. Serhiichuk et al., Ukraïns’kyi khlib na eksport, 9–10.

76. Testimony of Mykola Kostyrko, in James E. Mace and Leonid Heretz, Investigation of the Ukrainian Famine, 1932–1933. Oral history project of the Commission on the Ukraine Famine, 3 vols. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O., 1990), vol. 2, 1,057–80.

77. Bojko and Bednarek, Holodomor, 55.

78. Serhiichuk et al., Ukraïns’kyi khlib na eksport, 11.

79. Andrea Graziosi, L’Urss di Lenin e Stalin: storia dell’Unione Sovietica, 1914–1945 (Bologna: Il mulino, 2007), 334, table 8.1.

80. Osokina, Zoloto dlia industrializatsiï, 540, table 25.

81. RGASPI 558/11/740/41 (1932), in Pyrih, ed., Holodomor, 225.

82. Kokin et al., eds., Partiino-Radians’ke kerivnytstvo USRR pid chas Holodomoru, 36–7.

83. Ibid., 38–9.

84. Ibid., 43–4.

85. Ibid., 47.

86. Ibid., 52–7.

87. Vasyl’ev, Politychne kerivnytstvo URSR i SRSR, 242.

88. Kokin, Partiino-Radians’ke kerivnytstvo USRR pid chas Holodomoru, 63–4.

89. RGASPI 558/11/78/16 (1932), in Pyrih, ed., Holodomor, 231.

90. TsDAHOU 1/6/236/85 (1932), in ibid.

91. RGASPI 17/3/891 (1932), 52–5; RGAPSI 558/11/78 (1932), 16; and RGASPI 558/11/78 (1932), 12, all in Pyrih, ed., Holodomor, 229–32.

92. RGASPI 558/11/78 (1932), 12, in ibid., 232.

93. S3 SSSR 1932 no. 52, str. 312, in Kondrashin et al., eds., Golod v SSSR, vol. 1:2, 321–4.

94. RGASPI 81/3/99 (1932), 115–19, in O. V. Khlevniuk et al., eds., Stalin i Kaganovich: perepiska, 1931–1936 gg. (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2001), 244–5; TsDAHOU 1/20/5381 (1932), 11–12, in Pyrih, ed., Holodomor, 270.

95. Davies and Wheatcroft, The Years of Hunger, 158.

96. Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin (New York: Basic Books, 2010), 37.

97. RGASPI 81/3/99 (1932), 106–13, in Khlevniuk et al., eds., Stalin i Kaganovich, 235–6.

98. RGASPI 81/3/100 (1932), 137–40, in ibid., 240–1.

99. RGASPI 17/3/2014 (1932), 33–4, in Tragediia sovetskoi derevni, vol. 3, 453–4.

100. Sergei Maskudov, ‘Victory over the Peasant’, in Hunger by Design: The Great Ukrainian Famine and Its Soviet Context, ed. Halyna Hryn (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 2008), 60–2.

101. Conquest, The Harvest of Sorrow, 226.

102. Pidhainy, The Black Deeds of the Kremlin, vol. 1, 205.

103. Graziosi, L’Urss di Lenin e Stalin, 333; Davies and Wheatcroft, The Years of Hunger, 166–8.

104. Applebaum, Gulag, 582–3.

105. Susanna Pechora, interview with Anne Applebaum, 1999.

106. Martin, ‘Famine Initiators and Directors’, 110.

107. The full list, which was circulated again in November, is dozens of pages long; Valentyna Borysenko, V. M. Danylenko, Serhij Kokin et al., eds., Rozsekrechena pam’iat’: Holodomor 1932–1933 rokiv v Ukraïni v dokumentakh GPU-NKVD (Kyiv: Stylos, 2007), 193–263, citing HDA SBU 16/25/3 (1952), 4–68; Martin, ‘Famine Initiators and Directors’, 111.

108. RTsKhIDNI 82/2/139 (1932), 145–51, trans. and repr. in Martin, The Affirmative Action Empire, 298.

109. Shapoval, ‘Vsevolod Balickij, bourreau et victime’, 369–99.

110. RTsKhIDNI 82/2/139 (1932), 145–51, trans. and repr. in Martin, The Affirmative Action Empire, 298 (emphasis in the original).