1. Mykola Rudenko, ‘The Cross’, trans. Marco Carynnyk, in Wasyl Hryshko, The Ukrainian Holocaust of 1933 (Toronto: Bahriany Foundation, 1983), 135–6.

  2. Oleh Wolowyna’s research project on the demographic characteristics and consequences of the 1932–3 famine in the Soviet Union, especially in Ukraine and Russia, has been sponsored by the Institute of Demography and Social Research of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences and the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, with a grant from the Fulbright Foundation.

  3. Quotation is from Oleh Wolowyna, letter to the author, 29 April 2017.

  4. Omelian Rudnytskyi, Nataliia Levchuk, Oleh Wolowyna, Pavlo Shevchuk and Alla Kovbasiuk, ‘Demography of a Man-Made Human Catastrophe: The Case of Massive Famine in Ukraine, 1932–33’, Canadian Studies in Population 42, nos. 1–2 (2015), 53–80.

  5. Wolowyna et al., ‘Regional Variations of 1932–1934 Famine Losses in Ukraine’, 175–202.

  6. Rudnytskyi et al., ‘Demography of a Man-Made Human Catastrophe’, 65.

  7. Oleh Wolowyna, ‘Monthly Distribution of 1933 Famine Losses in Ukraine and Russia at the Regional Level’, unpublished paper.

  8. HDA SBU 13/--/23 (1933), 237–47, in Bojko and Bednarek, Holodomor, 495–500.

  9. Wolowyna et al., ‘Regional Variations of 1932–1934 Famine Losses in Ukraine’, 187.

10. Serhii Plokhy, ‘Mapping the Great Famine’, MAPA: Digital Atlas of Ukraine, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 5–7, accessed 2017, http://gis.huri.harvard.edu/images/pdf/MappingGreatUkrainianFamine.pdf.

11. Wolowyna et al., ‘Regional Variations of 1932–1934 Famine Losses in Ukraine’, 188; Plokhy, ‘Mapping the Great Famine’, 19.

12. Andrea Graziosi, ‘The Impact of Holodomor Studies on the Understanding of the USSR’, in Andrij Makukh and Frank S. Sysyn, eds., Contextualizing the Holodomor: The Impact of Thirty Years of Ukrainian Famine Studies (Edmonton, Alberta: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 2015), 52.

13. Plokhy, ‘Mapping the Great Famine’, 16–19.

14. TsDAHOU 1/20/6278/20, in Pyrih, ed., Holodomor, 852.

15. Stanislav V. Kul’chyts’kyi, ‘Comments at UNAS (National Academy of Sciences) Institute of History of Ukraine Seminar’, presented at the Institute of History of Ukraine Seminar, Kyiv, 19 April 2016.

16. RGASPI 17/163/981/229–38, in Danilov et al., eds., Tragediia sovetskoi derevni, 952–7.

17. Valerii Vasyl’ev, ‘Osoblyvosti polityky kerivnytstva VKP(b) u sil’s’komu hospodarstvi URSR (Kinets’ 1933–1934 rr.)’, Ukraïns’kyi selianyn: pratsi Naukovo-doslidnoho Instytutu Selianstva 10 (2006), 342–8.

18. H. Iefimenko and L. Iakubova, ‘Natsional’ni vidnosyny v radians’kii Ukraïni (1923–1938)’, in V. M. Lytvyn et al., eds., ‘Natsional’ne pytannia v Ukraïni XX-pochatku XXI st.: istorychni narysy (Kyiv: Nika-Tsentr, 2012), 209–27.

19. Stalin, Works, vol. 13, 268–370, cited in Klid and Motyl, The Holodomor Reader, 265–6.

20. Ibid., 266–8.

21. Vasyl’ev, ‘Osoblyvosti polityky kerivnytstva VKP(b) u sil’s’komu hospodarstvi URSR’, 342–8.

22. Ibid., 342–8.

23. Testimony of Max Harmash, in U.S. Congress and Commission on the Ukraine Famine, Investigation of the Ukrainian Famine, 1932–1933: Second Interim Report, 44–6.

24. Testimony of Lidiia A., in ibid., 140–1.

25. H. Iefimenko, ‘Lykhovisni 30-ti roky na Markivshchyni’, in Stanislav V. Kul’chyts’kyi and O. M. Veselova, eds., Holod-henotsyd 1933 roku v Ukraïni: istoryko-politolohichnyi analiz sotsial’-no-demohrafichnykh ta moral’no-psykholohichnykh naslidkiv: mizhnarodna naukovo-teoretychna konferentsiia, Kyiv, 28 lystopada 1998 r.: materialy: Instytut Istoriï Ukraïny (Natsional’na Akademiia Nauk Ukraïny): Asotsiatsiia doslidnykiv holodomoriv v Ukraïni (Kyiv: Vyd-vo M. P. Kots’, 2000), 348–56.

26. Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, The ‘Secret’ Speech Delivered to the Closed Session of the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, ed. Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation (Nottingham: Spokesman Books for the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, 1976).

27. H. Iefimenko, ‘Resettlements and Deportations during the Post-Holodomor Years (1933–1936): A Raion-by-Raion Breakdown’, trans. Marta Olynyk, unpublished translation by the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium, 16, citing RGAPSI 11/64/39 (1933). The original can be found at H. Iefimenko, ‘Pereselennia ta deportatsiï v postholodomorni roky (1933–1936): poraionnyi zriz’, Problemy Istoriï Ukraïny: fakty, sudzhennia, poshuky: Mizhvidomchyi zbirnyk naukovykh prats’ 22 (2013), 136–66.

28. Ibid., 3–4.

29. Daria Mattingly, ‘Oral History Project of the School Students of Tororyshche’, 2007, from the private collection of Daria Mattingly.

30. TsDAHOU, 1/20/6375/63–4.

31. Iefimenko, ‘Lykhovisni 30-ti roky na Markivshchyni’, 348–56.

32. Ibid.

33. Iefimenko, ‘Resettlements and Deportations during the Post-Holodomor Years’, 28–9.

34. Andrea Graziosi, ‘ “Lettres de Kharkov”: La famine en Ukraine et dans le Caucase du Nord (à travers les rapports des diplomates italiens, 1932–1934)’, Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique 30, no. 1 (1989), 70.

35. Testimony of Iakiv Petrovych Pasichnyk, in Borysenko, A Candle in Remembrance, 254.

36. RGASPI 81/3/131 (1933), 43–62, in Marochko and Movchan, Holodomor 1932–1933 rokiv v Ukraïni, 256.

37. Bohdan Krawchenko, Social Change and National Consciousness in Twentieth-Century Ukraine (Edmonton, Alberta: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1987), 146.

38. Nikita Khrushchev, Khrushchev Remembers, trans. Strobe Talbott (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1970), 108.

39. Krawchenko, Social Change and National Consciousness in Twentieth-Century Ukraine, 148. Of the famine-era leaders only Petrovskyi survived, deprived of his property and his privileges, in Moscow exile.

40. Khrushchev, Khrushchev Remembers, 108.

41. This is the conclusion of Daria Mattingly’s unpublished PhD thesis.

42. Krawchenko, Social Change and National Consciousness in Twentieth-Century Ukraine, 174–5.

43. The entire Sholokhov-Stalin correspondence can be found in Iu.G. Murin, ed., Pisatel’ i vozhd’: perepiska M.A. Sholokhova s I.V. Stalinym 1931–1951 gody: sbornik dokumentov iz lichnogo arkhiva I.V. Stalina (Moscow: Raritet, 1997).

44. Stalin, Works, vol. 13, 210–12.