1. http://taras-shevchenko.infolike.net/poem-calamity-again-taras-shevchenko-english-translation-by-john-weir.html. Originally published in Taras Shevchenko, Zibrannia tvoriv, vol. 2 (Kyiv, 2003), 303, trans. John Wier.
2. Olexa Woropay, The Ninth Circle: In Commemoration of the Victims of the Famine of 1933 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Ukrainian Studies Fund, 1983), 16.
3. Testimony of Volodymyr Mykolaiovych Chepur, in Veselova and Nikiliev, Pam’iat’ narodu, vol. 2, 758.
4. Mytsyk et al., eds., Ukraïns’kyi holokost, vol. 4, 374.
5. Testimony of Havrylo Prokopenko, in Kovalenko and Maniak, eds., 33-i Holod, 196–7.
6. Testimony of Volodymyr Samoiliuk, in ibid., 95–6.
7. Karel Berkhoff, Harvest of Despair: Life and Death in Ukraine under Nazi Rule (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 2004), 20.
8. O. O. Zakharchenko, ‘Natsysts’ka propahanda pro zlochyny Stalinshchyny naperedodni i na pochatku Druhoï Svitovoï Viiny’, Naukovyi visnyk Mykolaïvs’koho Derzhavnoho Universytetu, Istorychni nauky 21 (2008), available online at http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/old_jrn/Soc_Gum/Nvmdu.
9. Berkhoff, Harvest of Despair, 117.
10. Snyder, Bloodlands, 179–80.
11. Berkhoff, Harvest of Despair, 253.
12. Lizzie Collingham, The Taste of War: World War II and the Battle for Food (New York: Penguin Press, 2012), 35–7; Snyder, Bloodlands, 160–3.
13. Alex J. Kay, ‘German Economic Plans for the Occupied Soviet Union and their Implementation’, in Timothy Snyder and Ray Brandon, eds., Stalin and Europe: Imitation and Domination, 1928–1953 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), 171.
14. Snyder, Bloodlands, 164.
15. Kay, ‘German Economic Plans for the Occupied Soviet Union and their Implementation’, 176.
16. Berkhoff, Harvest of Despair, 165.
17. Kay, ‘German Economic Plans for the Occupied Soviet Union and their Implementation’, 106; Snyder, Bloodlands, 174.
18. Woropay, The Ninth Circle, 16.
19. Joseph Goebbels, ‘Communism with the Mask Off’, trans. the Nazi Party, Nazi and East German Propaganda Online Archive, last modified 13 September 1935, http://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/goebmain.htm; A. I. Kudriachenko, ed., Holodomor v Ukraïni 1932–1933 rokiv za dokumentamy politychnoho arkhivu Ministerstva Zakordonnykh Sprav Federatyvnoï Respubliky Nimechchyna (Kyiv: Natsional’nyi Instytut Stratehichnykh Doslidzhen’, 2008).
20. O. O. Maievs’kyi, ‘Politychni plakat i karykatura, iak zasoby ideolohichnoï borot’by v Ukraïni 1939–1945 rr.’, PhD dissertation, Instytut Istoriï Ukraïny Natsional’na Akademiia Nauk Ukraïny (2016), 277–8.
21. V. Kotorenko, ‘Rik pratsi v sil’s’komu hospodarstvi bez zhydo-bol’shevykiv’, Ukraïnskyi Khliborob 7 (July 1942), 2, cited in O. O. Zakharchenko, ‘Agrarna polityka Natsystiv na okupovanyii terytoriï Ukraïny’, Istoricheskaia Pamiat’ (Odessa) 2 (2000), 45–6.
22. Oleksandr Dovzhenko, Ukraïna v ohni: Kinopovist’, shchodennyk (Kyiv: Rad. Pys’mennyk, 1990), 200.
23. Berkhoff, ‘The Great Famine in Light of the German Invasion and Occupation’, 168.
24. Ibid., 166.
25. Ibid., 167.
26. Bohdan Klid, ‘Daily Life under Soviet Rule and the Holodomor in Memoirs and Testimonies of the Late 1940s: Some Preliminary Assessments’, presented at the Canadian Association of Slavists 2015 Annual Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, 26 May 2015, citing S. Sosnovyi’s Nova Ukraïna (8 November 1942).
27. Oleksa Veretenchenko, ‘Somewhere in the Distant Wild North’, from the series of poems 1933, published in Nova Ukraïna between 1942 and 1943, translated by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Toronto Branch, and available at http://faminegenocide.com/commemoration/poetry/2003-1933.htm.
28. Berkhoff, ‘The Great Famine in Light of the German Invasion and Occupation’, 169.
29. Ibid., 171.
30. Svetlana Aleksievich, U Voiny ne zhenskoe litso (Moscow: Vremia, 2013), 11.
31. Berkhoff, ‘The Great Famine in Light of the German Invasion and Occupation’, 169.
32. Volodymyr Viatrovych, ‘Oleksandra Radchenko: Persecuted for her Memory’, Stichting Totalitaire Regimes en hun Slachtoffers, project of the Platform of European Memory and Conscience, http://www.sgtrs.nl/data/files/Radchenko%20Oekraine.pdf.
33. Elena Zubkova, Russia after the War: Hopes, Illusions and Disappointments, 1945–1957, trans. Hugh Ragsdale (London and New York: Routledge, 2015), 40–50; Stephen Wheatcroft, ‘The Soviet Famine of 1946–47, the Weather and Human Agency in Historical Perspective’, Europe-Asia Studies 64, no. 6 (August 2012), 987–1,005.
34. Woropay, The Ninth Circle, 16–17.
35. Ibid., xviii.
36. ‘Zum 15 Jahrestag Der Furchtbaren, Durch Das blutdürstige Kommunistische Moskau Organisikhten Hungersnot in der Ukraine’, Oseredok Project, Holodomor Research and Education Consortium. Flyers in Ukrainian, English, and German, distributed by Ukrainian participants at an 11 April 1948 demonstration in Hanover, Germany, on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the Famine of 1932–3 in Ukraine. Original, typed, http://holodomor.ca/oseredok-project.
37. S. Sosnovyi, ‘Pravda pro velykyi holod na Ukraïni v 1932–1933 rokakh’, Ukraïns’ki visti (7 February 1948), 4.
38. Klid, ‘Daily Life under Soviet Rule’.
39. Ibid.
40. Pidhainy, ed., The Black Deeds of the Kremlin, vol. 1, 222–6.
41. Ibid., vol. 1, 243–4.
42. Ibid., vol. 1, 239.
43. Bohdan Klid, ‘The Black Deeds of the Kremlin: Sixty Years Later’, Genocide Studies International 8 (2014), 224–35.
44. Frank Sysyn, ‘The Ukrainian Famine of 1932–33: The Role of the Ukrainian Diaspora in Research and Public Discussion’, in Levon Chorbajian and George Shirinian, eds., Studies in Comparative Genocide (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1999), 182–216.
45. Klid, ‘The Black Deeds of the Kremlin: Sixty Years Later’, 229.
46. Now the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre: www.ucrdc.org/History.html.
47. Frank Sysyn, ‘Thirty Years of Research on the Holodomor: A Balance Sheet’, in Frank Sysyn and Andrij Makuch, eds., Contextualizing the Holodomor: The Impact of Thirty Years of Ukrainian Famine Studies (Toronto: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 2015), 4.
48. Pierre Rigoulot, Les Paupières Lourdes: Les Français face au Goulag: Aveuglements et Indignations (Paris: Éditions universitaires, 1991), 1–10.
49. Vladimir Tendriakov, ‘Konchina’, Moskva 3 (1968), 37.
50. Michael Browne, ed., Ferment in the Ukraine: Documents by V. Chornovil, I. Kandyba, L. Lukyanenko, V. Moroz and Others (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1971), 46.
51. Ibid., 9.
52. Iurii Shapoval, ‘Petro Shelest: 100th Anniversary of the Birth of One of Ukraine’s Most Spectacular Political Figures’, Den [The Day] (4 March 2008), originally published in Russian as ‘Stoletnii Shelest: 14 fevralia ispolniaetsia 100 let odnomu iz samykh koloritnykh rukovoditelei USSR’, Den (8 February 2008).
53. Ethnocide of Ukrainians in the U.S.S.R.: An Underground Journal from Soviet Ukraine, compiled by Maksym Sahaydak, trans. Olena Saciuk and Bohdan Yasen (Baltimore, MD: Smoloskyp Publishers, 1976).
54. John Corry, ‘TV Reviews: “Firing Line” Discussion on “Harvest of Depression” ’, The New York Times (24 September 1986).
55. Sysyn, ‘Thirty Years of Research on the Holodomor’, 4.
56. Ibid., 7.
57. Ibid., 4.
58. Douglas Tottle, Fraud, Famine, and Fascism: The Ukrainian Genocide Myth from Hitler to Harvard (Toronto: Progress Books, 1987), 57, 76–7, 123, 133.
59. Lyudmyla Hrynevych, ‘Vid zaperechuvannia do vymushenoho vyznannia: pro mekhanizmy vkhodzhennia temy holodu 1932–1933 rr. v ofitsiinyi publichnyi prostir u SRSR ta URSR naprykintsi 1980-kh rr.’, Problemy istorii Ukraïny: fakty, sudzhennia, poshuky: Mizhvidomchyi zbirnyk naukovykh prats’ 18 (spetsial’nyi: Holod 1932–3 rokiv-henotsyd ukrains’koho narodu) (2008), 232–44; Tottle, Fraud, Famine, and Fascism.
60. Jeff Coplon, ‘In Search of a Soviet Holocaust: A 55-Year-Old Famine Feeds the Right’, Village Voice (12 January 1988).
61. Sysyn, ‘Thirty Years of Research on the Holodomor’, 9–10.
62. U.S. Congress and Commission on the Ukraine Famine, Investigation of the Ukrainian Famine, 1932–1933: Report to Congress, v.
63. Ibid., vi–viii.
64. Plokhy, The Gates of Europe, 310.
65. ‘What Chernobyl Did: Not Just a Nuclear Explosion’, Economist (27 April 1991), pp. 21–3 (the anonymous author was Anne Applebaum).
66. Plokhy, The Gates of Europe, 309–10.
67. Ivan Drach, ‘Vystup na IX Z’ïzdi Pys’mennykiv Ukraïny’, in Oleksandr Lytvyn, ed., Polityka: Statti, Dopovidi, Vystupy, Interv’iu (Kyiv: Tovarystvo ‘Ukraïna’, 1997), 310.
68. Bohdan Nahaylo, The Ukrainian Resurgence (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999), 62–3; see also ‘Conversation with Ivan Drach’, interview by Boriak Hennadii, 7 November 2016.
69. David Remnick, Lenin’s Tomb: The Last Days of the Soviet Empire (New York: Random House, 1993), 50.
70. Nahaylo, The Ukrainian Resurgence, 89–91.
71. Ibid., 137.
72. Georgiy Kasianov, ‘Revisiting the Great Famine of 1932–1933: Politics of Memory and Public Consciousness (Ukraine after 1991)’, in Michal Kopecek, ed., Past in the Making: Historical Revisionism in Central Europe after 1989 (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2007), 197–220.
73. Nahaylo, The Ukrainian Resurgence, 249.
74. Marta Kolomayets, ‘Ukraine’s People Recall National Tragedy of Famine-Holocaust’, Ukrainian Weekly 61, no. 38 (19 September 1993), 1.
75. Catherine Wanner, Burden of Dreams: History and Identity in Post-Soviet Ukraine (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998), 154–7.
76. Ibid.