
Primary Literature

Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound, trans. P. Vellacott (London, 1961)

Georgius Agricola, De Re Metallica, trans. H. C. and L. H. Hoover (New York, 1950)

Alberti, On Painting, trans. J.R. Spencer (New Haven, CT, 1976)

Albertus Magnus, Book of Minerals, trans. D. Wyckoff (Oxford, 1967)

Albertus Magnus, Libellus de Alchimia (III), trans. Sister V. Heines (Los Angeles, 1958)

Anon., Hermetica, trans. B. P. Copenhaver (Cambridge, 1992)

——, Kalila and Dimna, Selected fables of Bidpai, trans. R. Wood (New York, 1980)

——, The Book of Beasts, trans. T. H. White (Stroud, 1992)

——, Building Accounts of Henry III, ed. H. M. Colvin (Oxford, 1971)

——, The History of the King’s Works, ed. H. M. Colvin (London, 1963)

——, The Cloud of Unknowing, trans. C. Wolters (London, 1978)

——, The Death of King Arthur, trans. J. Cable (Harmondsworth, 1982)

——, The Sophic Hydrolith, in The Hermetic Museum, ed. A. E. Waite (London, 1953)

——, Mappae Clavicula, trans. C. S. Smith and J. G. Hawthorne, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 64/4 (1974)

——, The Painter’s Manual of Dionysius of Fourna, trans. P. Hetherington (London, 1978)

——, The Quest of the Holy Grail, trans. P. M. Matarasso (Harmondsworth, 1982)

——, Turba Philosophorum, trans. A. E. Waite (London, 1970)

——, in M. P. Merrifield, Original Treatises on the Arts of Painting (New York, 1967), 2 vols

Aquinas, St Thomas, Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics, trans. R. J. Blackwell, R. J. Spath and W. E. Thirlkel (London, 1963)

Aristotle, Physics, trans. P. H. Wickstead and F. M. Cornford (London, 1963)

——, Physics, trans. J. Sachs (New Brunswick, NJ, 2008).

——, Meteorologica, trans. H.D.P. Lee (London, 1962)

——, Metaphysics, trans. H. Tredennick (London, 1968)

——, Nicomachean Ethics, trans. H. Rackham (London, 1963)

——, Poetics, trans. S. Halliwell (London, 1995)

‘Asser’s Life of King Alfred’, in Alfred the Great, ed. S. Keynes and M. Lapidge (Harmondsworth, 1983)

Augustine, The City of God, ed. M. J. Adler (Chicago, 1990)

Bede, Ecclesiastical History of England, ed. J. A. Gikles (London, 1847)

Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy, trans. V. E. Watts (Harmondsworth, 1969)

Bonaventure, St, The Soul’s Journey into God, trans. E. Cousins (New York, 1978)

Bonus, Petrus, The New Pearl of Great Price, ed. J. Lacinius, trans. A. E. Waite (London, 1963)

Browne, Sir Thomas, Religio Medici, printed for Andrew Crooke (London, 1642)

Cellini, Benvenuto, Autobiography, trans. G. Bull (London, 1998)

Cennini, Cennino, The Craftsman’s Handbook, trans. D. V. Thompson (New York, 1960)

Chaucer, Geoffrey, The Canterbury Tales, trans. N. Coghill (Harmondsworth, 1975)

The Complete Poetry and Prose of Geoffrey Chaucer, ed. John H. Fisher (New York, 1977)

Dante, The Divine Comedy, trans. C. H. Sisson (Oxford, 1993)

——, Epistle to Can. Grande, trans. K. Hilliard, in The Banquet of Dante Alighiere (London, 1889)

Dionysius the Areopagite, On the Divine Names and Mystical Theology, trans. C. E. Rolt (London, 1920)

Durandus, William, Rationale Divinorum Officiorum, in J. M. Neale and B. Webb, The Symbolism of Churches and Church Ornaments (London, 1893)

Bartholomaeus Anglicus, De Propreitatibus Rerum, John of Trevisa’s translation On the Properties of Things (Oxford, 1975)

De Lorris, G, and J. De Meun, The Romance of the Rose, trans. F. Horgan (Oxford, 2008)

Meister Eckhardt, trans. C. de B. Evans (London, 1924)

Eriugena, John the Scot, Periphyseon, On the Division of Nature, trans. M. L. Uhlfelder (Indianapolis, IN, 1976)

Flamel, Nicholas, A Short Tract or Philosophical Summary, in The Hermetic Museum, ed. A.E. Waite (London, 1953)

Geoffrey of Monmouth, The History of the Kings of Britain, trans. L. Thorpe (London, 1966)

Hakluyt, Richard, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation (Glasgow, 1994)

Raphael Holinshed, Holinshed’s Chronicles (New York, 1976)

Herodotus, The Histories, trans. R. Waterfield (Oxford, 1998)

Hesiod, Theogony and Works and Days, trans. M. L. West (Oxford, 1988)

Hilton, Walter, The Ladder of Perfection, trans. L. Sherley-Price (Harmondsworth, 1988)

Homer, The Odyssey, trans. E.V. Rieu (London, 2003)

Isidore of Seville, The Etymologies, trans. and ed. S. A. Barney, W. J. Lewis, J. A. Beach and O. Berghof (Cambridge, 2006)

Jacobus de Voragine, The Golden Legend, trans. W. G. Ryan (Princeton, NJ, 1993)

Job of Edessa, Book of Treasures, trans. A. Mingana (Cambridge, 1935)

Julian of Norwich, The Revelation of Divine Love, trans. J. Walsh (London, 1961)

Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo, A Tracte Containing the Artes of Curious Paintinge Carvinge and Building, trans. Robert Haydocke (Farnborough, 1970)

Macrobius, Commentary on the Dream of Scipio, trans. W. H. Stahl (Columbia, NY, 1952)

Nunes, F., ‘Arts of Poetry, and of Painting and Symmetry, with Principles’, trans. and ed. Z. Veliz, in Artists’ Techniques in Golden Age Spain (Cambridge, 1986)

Ovid, Metamorphoses, trans. M.M. Innes (Harmondsworth, 1975)

Plato, Phaedo, trans. H. N. Fowler (London, 1966)

——, Phaedrus, trans. H. N. Fowler (London, 1966)

——, The Republic, trans. D. Lee (Harmondsworth, 1974)

——, Timaeus, trans. R. G. Bury (London, 1966)

Pliny, Natural History, trans. H. Rackam (London, 1968)

Plotinus, Enneads, trans. A. H. Armstrong (London, 1966)

Polo, Marco, The Travels, trans. R. Latham (Harmondsworth, 1987)

Ptolemy, Almagest, trans. R. C. Taliaferro, (Chicago, 1952)

Nicholas of Cusa, The Vision of God, trans. E. G. Salter (London, 1928)

——, Of Learned Ignorance, trans. G. Heron (London, 1954)

Ridolfi, Nicholas, A Short Method of Mental Prayer, trans. R. Devas (London, 1920)

Shakespeare, William, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream, Richard II, Merchant of Venice, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Henry IV, Part II, Hamlet, As You Like It, Measure for Measure, Anthony and Cleopatra.

Suger, Abbot, On the Abbey Church of Saint Denis and its Art Treasures, trans. E. Panofsky (Princeton, NJ, 1979)

Theophilus, On Divers Arts, trans. J. G. Hawthorne and C. S. Smith (New York, 1979)

——, The Various Arts, trans. C. R. Dodwell (Oxford, 1961)

Vasari, Giorgio, The Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects, trans. G. du C. de Vere (London, 1996)

Vitruvius, On Architecture, trans. F. Granger (London, 1962)

Webster, John, The Duchess of Malfi, ed. René Weis (Oxford, 2009)

Yeats, W. B., The Collected Poems (London, 2008)

Zahiru’d-din Muhammad Babur Padshah Ghazi, B bur-N ma, trans. A. S. Beveridge (New Delhi, 1979)

Secondary Literature

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Belting, Hans, Florence and Baghdad (Cambridge, MA, 2011)

Binski, Paul, Westminster Abbey and the Plantagenets (New Haven, CT, 1995)

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