I don’t reject God’s kindness. If we receive God’s approval by obeying laws, then Christ’s death was pointless.
Galatians 2:21
When it comes to God’s Word, there are two popular lines of thought. One is that your salvation depends on doing all that it says. This is called legalism, and it’s wrong. Salvation doesn’t come from anything other than the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When you turn your life over to him and make him your Lord, then you are saved. Period. The end.
The other line of thinking when it comes to God’s Word is that because of his grace, or great kindness, we are free to break the rules because his grace is relentless and he’ll forgive us for it all, so why worry about it? This kind of thinking goes like this: “I really want to do this sinful thing, and since it’s too hard to say no, I’m just gonna do it and then ask for forgiveness later.” This way of thinking is just as bad as legalism, and it becomes a way of life that is contradictory to God’s Word. God’s grace isn’t cheap, and it’s not meant to be abused or used as a loophole to sin.
The truth about God’s grace and your salvation is that you don’t need to keep any rules to be saved or to keep yourself saved, but you love him because of what he’s done for you. And out of that love flows your obedience to his Word. Only God himself gives you the power to keep his law. People who try to keep it on their own are gonna fail; it’s just too hard. But through the help of the Holy Spirit, you can be faithful.
The law is powerless to save you and powerless to change you, but as you fall more and more in love with God, you will find yourself changing more and more into the image of Christ. That’s because of his Holy Spirit in you. As you become more like Christ, you will naturally be pulled into a love affair with God’s Word. You will want more and more of its life-giving message. You will want to know more about the one you love so that he may be the only one you serve, and you will find following his law becoming your delight and not a chore.
As you read God’s Word, remind yourself of the gospel message. Speak it to yourself. Remember the life of Christ, his death, his burial, and his resurrection. And know that only this unmatched sacrifice can save you. Your life is a miracle. Your mind being opened to the life of Christ in you is a miracle. Your God has reached down and touched you, and because of that you are different. If you don’t feel different or believe you are different, then take some time to read God’s Word. Get to know him and his unfathomable kindness in that while you were dead because of your failure, he made you alive together with Christ (see Eph. 2:5).
Nothing can keep you from this salvation but your own decision not to accept it. It is there for you today: accept it and your life will be forever changed. What you could not do before, you will do today. What you were ruled by yesterday, you will be free from now. God promises to save you—all you have to do is believe it.
If the light hasn’t come on for you yet and you aren’t sure if you are saved or not, stop by www.godgirl.com and do some digging. You can start to answer the question of your salvation. Don’t put it off. Start today to realize the amazing kindness of God and how freely he offers it to you.