The man and his wife . . . hid from the Lord God among the trees in the garden. The Lord God called to the man and asked him, “Where are you?” He answered, “I heard you in the garden. I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.”

Genesis 3:8–10

The world might tell you that you are a victim. You were hurt, abused, rejected, and abandoned, and that’s why you have issues, addictions, and drama in your life. But when you believe that your messed-up life is because of something beyond your control, you give away the power over your own life that you so desperately want. As long as you are busy blaming someone else for your life, you’ll never be free. You’ll never have control, and you’ll never take responsibility for yourself.

Part of becoming a God Girl is choosing to stop running away from the stuff that will make you more holy and happy, and that is being honest about your role in your own messed-up life, no matter who started it. It’s called confession, and confession is good stuff. It purifies the soul because it gets to the bottom of what’s going on in yourself without worrying about what someone else did or didn’t do. Confession agrees with God and his Word about sin and says to him, “You are holy and I want to be holy too.” It says, “No matter what others do or have done, I’m siding with God and living a life that pleases him because I know that’s his will.” And when you do that, you’ll have all the protection and hope you need. Don’t accept the pattern of avoiding honest confession like the first people did or like the world around you does. Confession might hurt, and it will probably feel totally uncomfortable and even dangerous, but the truth is, it’s the safest and healthiest thing you could do. Confessing is good for the soul, and it proves that you don’t belong to yourself but to God.