The Lord said to Noah, “Go into the ship with your whole family because I have seen that you alone are righteous among the people of today.”

Genesis 7:1

God’s commands don’t always make sense. They sound unrealistic, unsafe, and crazy at times. Build an ark in the middle of town? Spend your money on the poor? Turn the other cheek when bad people hurt you? Pray for people who persecute you? Sometimes the things God asks you to do are going to hurt, and they might even make you look crazy. But you have to decide now, before that time comes, if you’re gonna do what he says no matter how it looks or how crazy it seems or if you’re gonna run everything through your “common sense” filter.

You get it all backwards when you use common sense or the world’s ideas of right and wrong as the final say on what you’re going to do or think. Relying on your own smarts is rejecting the mind of God and saying your own mind deserves more respect and worship. As a God Girl your final filter should always be God’s Word, not the world’s ideas. You have to ask yourself, “Is what I’m being asked to do consistent with God’s Word? Is it crazy-sounding but biblical?” If so, then the question is, “Am I willing to do it anyway?”

It couldn’t have made any sense to Noah and his family to build an ark where there was no body of water, but it was all part of God’s plan. Faith can mean you have to do some things the world thinks are crazy. Take the pack of gum back to the clerk who forgot to charge you for it. Tell the truth when everyone else is telling lies. Pray when others panic. Faith doesn’t always make sense, but what does make sense is God’s dependability. No matter what he wants you to do, you can be sure that it is for the best.