Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Because God has let you know all this, there is no one as wise and intelligent as you. You will be in charge of my palace, and all my people will do what you say.”
Genesis 41:39–40
One of the hardest things you’ll ever do is stay hooked up to God in the good times. Bad times always drive you to your knees. You need so much help and protection when times get tough that you run full speed to him. But look out for the good times: they can soften your faith and drive you off into a different direction.
Whenever you have a win, you have to consciously remind yourself to bring everything back to him to give him the credit and the thanks and then to move on. You can’t concentrate on your wins any more than you should concentrate on your failures. But spend your energy on him and you’ll find your faith on the increase. And when the bad times come, just think about them as a blessing in disguise, because the bad times are a reminder to your heart of the one who works everything out for the good of those who love him. They remind you that you can do nothing in this world without him. So be thankful and happy in the bad times, knowing always that this too shall pass as you rest under the graceful hand of the Savior.