In the course of time Moses grew up. Then he went to see his own people and watched them suffering under forced labor.
Exodus 2:11
Moses saw his people suffering and was sure that he was the one who would save them, but when he tried, he failed miserably. But forty years later he was the one who set them free. So why the big-time gap between his dream and reality? What took him so long?
When Moses decided to set the Hebrews free, he did it on his own and got to work with his own power. He wasn’t relying on God but on his own sheer brute strength. It turned out that his vision wasn’t wrong; the time just wasn’t right. Be careful that you don’t jump the gun when it comes to your dreams. They might be meant to come true someday, but not today. God may want you to do something, but he doesn’t want you to do it in your own strength; he wants you to do it in his. So wait for his prompting, his lead, and his power. When you do, that thing you want to get done will succeed, but if you jump ahead and take matters into your own hands, then you can’t be sure of the outcome.
You want to be happy, you want true love, and God might want that for you too—but don’t take matters into your own hands and try to manipulate the situation. Don’t jump into things and try to control them. Let them be what they will be while you trust God all the way. If you know that a vision is from him, then you can trust him to fulfill it; you don’t have to take charge. So rest in the truth and prepare yourself not only to hear God’s voice but also to act as soon as he says to act.