Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh. I have made him and his officials stubborn so that I can do these miraculous signs among them. . . . This is how you will all know that I am the Lord.”
Exodus 10:1–2
When you are faced with impossible odds, just think of it as a chance for God to show up. Nothing that happens in the life of the God Girl is failure; everything is an opportunity. Adversity is a good thing when you use it to help you turn to the only God who can save you.
Don’t let terrible situations or stubborn or angry people keep you from believing that God can and will do as he pleases on this earth. After all, he is all-powerful and always present, remember? His will ultimately wins. Even though times might look tough, you can be sure that he is still God and still in control.
So don’t fear what others fear. Just look at a trial as an opportunity for God to do what God does best: perform miracles. When you look at the world from that perspective, nothing can get you down, nothing can scare you, because you are sure of one thing, and that is God’s presence and power. Relax and let others who don’t know him do all the worrying. You are a God Girl and you are a child of the King. His hand is always on you to protect you and to guide you. Just look to him, trust him, and be sure that nothing happens without his ultimate permission. Because of that you can be sure that you are able to overcome any tough situation.