If you carefully obey me and are faithful to the terms of my promise, then out of all the nations you will be my own special possession, even though the whole world is mine.

Exodus 19:5

Y ou’ve read your Bible a million times and still nothing. What does it all mean? Where is God when I need him? Why do I feel so empty? Am I missing something? Then suddenly you obey him in some way and poof! That same verse you’ve read a hundred times means something. Why didn’t you get it before?

Well, it’s simple: it’s a matter of action. When you read God’s Word and then do what it says to do, something funny happens: he shows you more truth. He blesses you, as his Word says he will. If you just aren’t finding God and want something more, then consider just doing it—whatever God commands. Do what he is asking you to do and you’ll find more of him than you’ve ever found Obedience, before. Obedience, the art of just doing it, brings you face-to-face with God. You won’t ever have that connection you want to have until you do what he says. Once you take that first step and do what he’s telling you to do, this obedience stuff will get easier and easier. He’s not a tyrant that tells you to do something only to punish you and wreck your life. No, he tells you to do stuff so that your life will be better. Don’t expect the worst from obedience; believe in the best. His Word promises it. Don’t wait another minute; do what God is asking you to do today, and you’ll see more of God than you are seeing right now.