In the tent of meeting outside the canopy where the words of my promise are, Aaron and his descendants must keep the lamps lit in the Lord’s presence from evening until morning.

Exodus 27:21

Light is a symbol of God and godliness. Before God created the seas teeming with creatures, the land growing with plants, and the first people, he turned on the light. “Then God said, ‘Let there be light!’ So there was light” (Gen. 1:3). Light is always associated with goodness. God is said to be dressed in a robe of light (see Ps. 104:2), and 1 John 1:5 says he is light. His Word is a light that helps us to see where to walk (see Ps. 119:105). And the gospel itself is considered light to a dying world (see 2 Cor. 4:4).

God wants his people to live in the light. He wants the light to keep burning continually. There was a time when we lived in darkness, but when we met Jesus the lights were turned on and everything that was hidden was seen. As a God Girl you can’t let yourself go back into darkness. Darkness is the opposite of light. In darkness evil lurks, sneaks, and pounces. Sin hides in the dark, but when we shine the light on our lives, it can no longer hide. And that is why the light should always be on.

God Girl, you too are a light to the world, revealing truth to those who are lost and shining light on what people do in secret (see Matt. 5:14). But if you put your light out, hide it, or are ashamed of it, then you give in to the darkness. You have to trust that truth is what this earth needs, and that truth is found in the light.

No more hiding, God Girl. No more “lights out” moments where you do what you would never do if the lights were on. Encourage the light by praying, studying, and looking for opportunities to bring your own sins into the light.