Build an altar out of acacia wood for burning incense. Make it 18 inches square and 36 inches high. The horns and altar must be made out of one piece of wood.
Exodus 30:1–2
You can find God even in the boring stuff, like the dimensions of the altar and taking a census. But don’t expect to find him there before you do the work. God calls you to get up and get going, and sometimes it’s not until after you get a move on that he shines his light on what you’ve done. When you have a dull or boring job to do, you have to look at it as a character builder, because when you are willing to do the boring things in life with a good attitude, you will be changed, and so will the job you do. beneath You can’t look at anything as beneath you, because that would be putting yourself even above Jesus himself. When he washed the feet of the disciples, he did the most “beneath him” job there was.
It takes inspiration to go through the boring stuff. Don’t think for a minute that the amazing saints of history had exciting and glorious jobs to do every day. It’s the exact opposite: those boring, difficult, and dull tasks that they committed to every day were what made them shine and made them go down in history forever. When you let God do something through you, he always changes it into something beautiful. So don’t avoid the dull and boring things you’ve got to do. Be like Christ and dive in to the hard stuff knowing that God has called you to do his work and because of that, he will do an amazing work in you.