Bring a burnt offering as a soothing aroma to the Lord.
Numbers 28:27
Scent is an amazing thing. It can affect your mood, your emotions, and your thoughts. Smelling is so powerful that it can make you feel just like you felt the last time you smelled the same thing. Good smells have a way of calming us, and some say certain scents even help us to concentrate, but smells can also be disgusting. A lot of scents leave you running in the opposite direction. They can hit you like a slap in the face and make you wanna cover your nose and mouth in self-protection.
In the spiritual realm, think of obedience to God as a good smell that God loves to inhale. Love, kindness, selflessness, giving, and serving all are soothing aromas to God. And they are what he looks for in the lives of his children. But sin is a stench that makes him turn his head and disregard even the prayers of the stinky (see Prov. 28:9). What is the aroma of your life? Does it drift up to the Lord in heaven with a lovely scent, or is it a disgusting stench?
If you aren’t sure, then check your thoughts and your actions. Do they match God’s Word, or are they in conflict? A life in conflict is an unpleasant aroma. But a life set on pleasing him and finding out what he likes and dislikes is a soothing aroma. May you find out what pleases God and do it. May he be charmed by the fragrance of your actions rather than repulsed by them.