Joshua asked the Israelites, “How long are you going to waste time conquering the land which the Lord God of your ancestors has given you?”
Joshua 18:3
How long are you going to keep on worrying about something the Lord has already given you? How long are you going to stress about your salvation or believe you are “too bad” to be forgiven? Holding on to discipline or punishment in order to “serve your time” like some common criminal is unbelief. Rejecting the promises of God because you believe you are “not worthy” to receive them is not trusting him. God wants your faith and your trust, but unless you let go of your fears and doubts, you will never be set free.
God had given the land to the Israelites, but seven tribes had failed to move into it. They just wasted their time trying to get the land God had already given them. Hello! From where we sit that’s insanity, but at the time it made total sense to them. And the things you believe about yourself and your God might make sense to you, but don’t let your feelings fool you—if they disagree with God’s Word, then they are wrong. You can’t get anywhere playing God, and that’s what you’re doing when you insist that God’s promises don’t apply to you because of your past or even your present. His promises always stand true, and if you want to get in on them, all you have to do is to believe them. The land is yours and all that goes with it— freedom, safety, and hope—but not until you reach out and take it. Your salvation requires something of you, but it’s a simple thing: let go of any judgment you’ve brought down on yourself and accept the forgiveness of God. It can feel like a tough challenge, but it’s one you certainly can handle.