Gideon said to God, “You said that you would rescue Israel through me. I’ll place some wool on the threshing floor. If there is dew on the wool while all the ground is dry, then I’ll know that you will rescue Israel through me, as you said.”

Judges 6:36–37

Are you waiting for a sign from God? Do you believe you are supposed to do something but are still waiting for proof? Beware of putting God to some kind of test, making him jump through hoops to prove himself to you. The only sign you need is the sign of his Word. What he says in it is true and doesn’t need more proof. If God is asking you, through his Word, to do something, then you have to do it at the moment he asks you. To demand some kind of a sign first cheapens the Word of God.

In Judges 6 God comes to Gideon several times and tells him what he wants him to do. But Gideon asks God for a sign, a reassurance that what God said to do is really what God wants him to do. God’s words to him weren’t enough; he, like a lot of us, needed a miracle. Because of his fear or doubt Gideon needed more, and though God in his kindness did give Gideon a sign, Gideon did nothing but delay doing what he was commanded to do.

Most demands for signs come out of fear—the fear of being wrong or the fear of doing whatever God has asked. Fear doesn’t come from God; it comes from the enemy. The most powerful thing Satan can do to destroy the life of a believer is to convince him or her that God’s Word has to be proven, backed up, and supported with signs that it’s really the right direction to take. But as a God Girl, you should have no question that following the Word of God is the right direction for your life. So don’t stall any longer, and don’t operate in the same fear that Gideon lived in. If you’ve been called by the very Word of God to do something, then get to doing it.