I won’t offer the Lord my God burnt sacrifices that cost me nothing.

2 Samuel 24:24

K ing David said, “I won’t offer the Lord my God burnt sacrifices that cost me nothing” (2 Sam. 24:24). Why? Because in order for something to be a sacrifice, it has to cost you something. It’s no sacrifice if it doesn’t hurt you somehow. Giving up something that’s easy to give up isn’t what makes you holy, but giving up the very thing you don’t want to, that is what makes you holy. Look at the things you won’t let go of in your life, and then think about whether they should be sacrificed to the Lord.

For the God Girl the act of sacrifice is an act of cleansing. It cleanses your heart and brings it back in line with God’s will. When you don’t allow your natural desires to rule your choices, you are free to obey God’s Word and to worship him. But when you reserve those things you love only for yourself and never give them up to God, then you’ve gotten off track.

As a God Girl you’ve got to learn to identify what God is asking you to sacrifice and how he wants you to obey him. Your sacrifice has to be offered with a happy heart, not in resentment, or it is useless. Think about your sacrifice as your expression of joy and love for your Father.