That night God appeared to Solomon. He said, “What can I give you?” Solomon responded to God, . . . “Give me wisdom and knowledge so that I may lead these people. After all, who can judge this great people of yours?”

2 Chronicles 1:7–8, 10

When God offered to make King Solomon’s biggest wish come true, Solomon’s request was kind of shocking. Of all the things in the world he could have asked for—more money, fame, a long life—he asked for wisdom. Amazing! What kind of person would think that if they could ask for anything at all, they should ask for wisdom? But that’s exactly what this man asked for, and his request was so impressive that God decided to give him more wisdom than anyone before or since.

Why would wisdom be the first thing out of his mouth? Why would Solomon want that? Think about your life and how different it would be if you had the wisdom of God running through your veins. Wisdom changes everything. It changes how you think, how you Wisdom, feel, and how you act. Wisdomespecially for the spiritual girl, is of highest value. It’s the secret to success and even to power—the power to get things right and so to avoid discipline, failure, punishment, and bad consequences.

How often do you work at growing your wisdom? How many times do you look into God’s Word in order to make a wise decision about the trials in your life? Wisdom is just as important today as it was in the day of Solomon. If you lack wisdom you should ask for it.

Wisdom will change the way you think and act, and if you make it the most important thing in your life, then you will be set free from the pressures faced every day by girls who have no desire for wisdom. Make wisdom your goal, and your life will naturally improve.