The Lord has kept the promise he made. I’ve taken my father David’s place, and I sit on the throne of Israel as the Lord promised. I’ve built the temple for the name of the Lord God of Israel.
2 Chronicles 6:10
It isn’t always true to say that success is a blessing from God. Sometimes real success can end in spiritual failure, and failure can become a spiritual blessing. When the land of Israel split into two nations, Judah and Israel, the covenant that God made with David went with Judah, the smaller nation. You’d probably think that God’s hand would be behind the big guy, the most powerful people, but nope, he went with the little guy.
It’s easy to compare your life with the lives of others and to say that because your life doesn’t look as good or glamorous as theirs, you’re not blessed. But that’s looking at the world through the eyes of the lost. God’s ways are not our ways. His choices don’t always make sense and his gifts can be hard to spot when you are looking at blessing through the world’s eyes.
Even though things look bad, even though failure seems imminent, you have to believe. Think about the land of Judah: when the heirs of David failed and they were led astray, still God was faithful. Even though the little nation sinned, did that mean that God wouldn’t honor his covenant? Of course he would honor it, and he did. Don’t let the way things look fool you. The promises of God can’t be removed. And the promise to you is that he will love you and save you as long as you will trust him.