I am praying to you day and night about your servants the Israelites. . . . Lord, please pay attention to my prayer and to the prayers of all your other servants who want to worship your name.
Nehemiah 1:6, 11
Where you are and who is around you right now isn’t just by chance. There’s no such thing as chance in the life of a believer; that would imply that God isn’t in control and that things happen without any reason whatsoever. But God has a reason for everything he allows. That means that he can bring you into relationships that make no sense, that drive you crazy, and that you want to get out of, but if you look to him you might just find something amazing. Think about the people around you and ask yourself if God hasn’t given them to you in order for you to intercede for them, to come to him with requests on their behalf, to help them and even save them.
Praying for sinful people in your life isn’t an option; it’s a requirement for the God Girl. If they are in your life, then they need your prayers, even the bad people—especially the bad ones. Don’t let what you feel dictate how obedient you are. Think about the fact that each person in your life needs your prayers. This prayer of intercession doesn’t have to be hard; you don’t have to get involved in their drama, but bring them before the throne of God and plead with him. Your pleas to God can help them be saved.
Don’t ever think things happen by chance and that you weren’t meant to be where you are. You were meant to be just where you are, and your prayers were meant to bring the freedom that others need.