I made my sins known to you, and I did not cover up my guilt.
I decided to confess them to you, O Lord.
Then you forgave all my sins.

Psalm 32:5

S in is an internal action that leads to an external result. You might think it’s all external and say things like “The enemy is making me sin” or “I can’t control myself.” You want change but you feel powerless. When you blame your actions on being addicted to something or on having an illness that makes you what you are, you are saying that your actions are beyond your control. But that’s a lie. After all, how could a just God condemn sin if sin was out of your control?

The truth is that your sin is within your control. God has defined sin in Scripture, and because of that we know what he is completely against. If God is against your sin and he wants you to be free from it, then why aren’t you? It comes down to the way you think. In order to be free from sin, you have to change what you think about that sin. The beauty about calling a sin a sin is that it gives you power to overcome it. When you label things as they are, you take responsibility and therefore take control of your life. Since God never commands you to do the impossible, if he has commanded you not to do something (sin), then you can be sure that not doing it is totally doable. Sin does not have power over you (see Rom. 6:14). As long as you are willing to call sin what it is, God Girl, you can overcome everything that offends God by the power of his Spirit.