O Lord, your mercy reaches to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the skies.
Your righteousness is like the mountains of God,
your judgments like the deep ocean.
You save people and animals, O Lord.

Psalm 36:5–6

When you love a boy it’s easy to say why. “I love the way he talks with me and the way he can fix things. I love how he cares for people.” When you love him, you love who he is and not just how he looks. If your answer to why you love a guy was “Because he’s so cute!” then most people would probably say that’s just puppy love, because true love is about more than feelings and looks. When you are truly in love, you can go on and on about the guy with all kinds of deeper reasons why you love him.

So what do you love about God? The fact that he is love? The fact that he can and will use everything for the good of the people who love him? The way he keeps his promises? The way he gave his only Son so you could be saved? When you know God, you can’t help but love him, and when you love him, your reasons go on and on.

If you don’t have a long list of reasons why you love God, then it’s time to make one. And the place to start is in his Word. Look at who he is, what he does, and how he does it and be thankful for all those things. Then tell people about him. When a girl loves a boy she can’t shut up about how amazing he is, so why would it be any different when she loves God? And tell God too, because when you do you are giving him praise and thanks for all he is. And that not only brings him glory but also lifts your mind out of the darkness that can so easily engulf it. It reminds your soul who you belong to and gives your emotions the freedom to rest in his faithfulness and let go of things like worry, fear, and pain. So decide why you love him—there’s a lot of reasons you should.