God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in times of trouble.
That is why we are not afraid
even when the earth quakes
or the mountains topple into the depths of the sea.

Psalm 46:1–2

You get closest to Jesus in the tough times, not the good times. That’s when you learn who he is and what he can do to save you.

For a weak swimmer who doesn’t understand the currents and the crashing waves, the surf is a scary thing to go into—deadly, even. But to the surfer who knows the waves and really loves riding them, they are nothing to fear. Just like a surfer riding a wave that might destroy an ordinary person, you have to learn to look at the waves of your life, the tough times and hard relationships, as something to go through and not to fear. You are overwhelmingly victorious because of who he is (see Rom. 8:37), and not just in the easy things, but in all things. In the hard things of life you can find not only his hand but the strength of your faith. Don’t panic when the waves come; just see them as something you’ve got to ride on and go through in order to find the good part of life.

Nothing can separate you from the love of God, except when you yourself let it. So hold on tight, keep your eyes on the Father, and enjoy the water.