You have been my confidence ever since I was young.
I depended on you before I was born.
Psalm 71:5–6
Are you where God wants you? If not, get out of there. But if you are, stop complaining about it, because you are where you are so that God can work out his purpose in you and you can become the very image and likeness of his Son.
Unless you have moved yourself, by sinning, into a situation or condition that God wants you out of to protect your soul, you are where God wants you. You can be sure that things are as they should be even if you are surrounded by strife, disease, pain, or suffering. When you let experiences make you bitter, resentful, or sad, you can be sure that you have turned against the very God who ordained your life and who you depended on even before you were born (see Ps. 71:6).
The freedom of being a God Girl is in knowing that everything in your life has a divine purpose. It’s in knowing that you are never where you are by accident and in finding hope and opportunity, instead of despair, in your trials. Hope is what will distinguish you from the lost. You should never give up and surrender to emotional anguish. You have nothing to fear and nothing to complain about when you are where God wants you to be. He is to be your rock and your fortress (see Ps. 71:3). You can depend on him.
So don’t complain about your circumstances or try to get out of them by doing something sinful, and you’ll soon find a ton of spiritual growth and hope. Resist the temptation to complain to others about your sad state, to dwell on it, or to worry about it. That’s not fit for a God Girl. Sin never produces a healthier or happier life. It only pulls you farther away from the giver of life and threatens your perseverance and character. But thanking God for never leaving you and trusting that he’s got everything worked out will do more for your healthy state of mind and emotions than any complaint ever could.