They ate more than enough.
He gave them what they wanted,
but they still wanted more.
Psalm 78:29–30
Are you ever satisfied? Do you ever have enough? Or is there always something more you want or think you need? It’s easy to see all the world has to offer and to have a continual wish list. “I want this, and this, and that . . .” and the list goes on and on. But what does all this wanting say about you? And what does it sound like to the ears of God?
In the desert, the Israelites complained because they were tired of just eating manna all day every day, so God dropped all kinds of birds out of heaven for them to eat. But then they were bored with just birds and bread and wanted something different, and God got mad. Discontentment is disgusting. How awful it must feel to give and give and continually hear “That’s just not enough.” Seems like if that happened to you, eventually you’d just want to give up trying—after all, the person is never going to be satisfied.
But when you love God and you know the lengths he went to in order to save you, you start to realize that you really don’t deserve anything, but he has given you everything. Discontentment only becomes a problem when you get your head stuck in the world and lose your focus because you see pretty things and you want them. But when you can get your focus back on the big picture and the things that really matter, all that fades away into the background.
If you want to be free of the wanting and not getting, quit looking in front of you and start looking up. Forget what your eyes, ears, and mouth want and go after what your soul needs. When you do, God will be right there ready to give it to you.