Whoever lives under the shelter of the Most High
will remain in the shadow of the Almighty. . . .
He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge.
His truth is your shield and armor.
Psalm 91:1, 4
There are a lot of places you can look for protection and rescue. A lot of people, things, and actions promise to save you from your life, your misery, and your pain, but the truth is that there’s only one salvation, one rescuer, one protector, and that is God.
When life overwhelms you and when storms come, there is a safe harbor. God’s hand is reaching out to protect you, but you have to lift your arm and reach back. You can’t sit with your arms crossed and eyes down just wondering when the rescue is gonna get here. He’s already here, and he’s just waiting for you to take his hand. The only condition to this rescue is your love. When you love God, he stands strong and tall by your side. He becomes your strong tower, your rock, your sure foundation. He is everything you need to build on and to grow. He is your source of strength and protection.
So when the storms come, when the attacks fall, don’t look around for help but look up to the helper. Trust his Word to be true; it will never steer you wrong. As soon as you are willing to accept his protection, you immediately have it. His Word is your lifeline, his Son your salvation. Don’t be so blind that you don’t see the very hand of God reaching out to save you. Reach out in faith and grab hold of it. When you do you will find all the protection you need, and your life will be saved from the pit of despair.