Teach me, O Lord, how to live by your laws,
and I will obey them to the end. . . .
Direct my heart toward your written instructions.

Psalm 119:33, 36

Do your feelings control you? Are they your master? Your experiences and how you feel about them should never be your only guide in life. Moods, emotions, and feelings can be misleading. All they talk about is “me this” and “me that.” They aren’t focused on God. As a believer you should never let your feelings get the better of your faith. Worry, fear, and loss of self-control can all be signs of a life that worships feelings instead of the Father.

How can you make decisions and take action based on faith in God instead of feelings? You have to learn to see past what you’re experiencing right now and look to the Word of God. Just as a blind person feels for walls to guide them and obstacles to avoid as they walk, you have to steer clear of the obstacles in your path and instead reach out for what you know to be true and solid. Take your eyes off of the things that weaken your emotional state and draw you away from truth. You were meant to be a slave not to feelings but to the one true God. Trust God’s written instructions to you—they aren’t for show or just for reassurance but are for guidance and direction. When your feelings falter, his Word will not.