It was good that I had to suffer in order to learn your laws.
Psalm 119:71
S uffering is not your enemy but an essential part of life, because it was suffering that saved you. The suffering of Jesus rescued you from certain death. But there’s more: that suffering also produces obedience. “Although Jesus was the Son of God, he learned to be obedient through his sufferings” (Heb. 5:8). Knowing that what God commands is gonna be hard, knowing that it might even hurt, but doing it anyway gives you more strength and spiritual insight than a perfect day ever could. In fact, you are called to be happy when you suffer because suffering produces endurance, character, and confidence (see Rom. 5:3–4). So if you lack any of those things and refuse to run away from the suffering that comes your way, you will be sure to get them to overflowing.
When you suffer at the hands of somebody else or when everything seems to be against you, don’t ask “Why me?” and don’t run for dear life, but stand and decide that this suffering isn’t going to scare you and you are going to let it do its work. If you’re a girl with strong emotions and a tendency to fear and worry, this can be a tall order, but you’re no ordinary girl. You were made for a time just like this, and your story will inspire others to overcome when you prove that it can be done. So take this chance to fearlessly suffer without complaining or worrying, and trust that what God says about your trials is true and good. Don’t fear, just stand in faith, and you’ll be greatly rewarded, I promise.