Make my steps secure through your promise.
Psalm 119:133
S ome people say that if things are going great in your life, look out, because something bad is coming. Sounds logical, right? No one has a perfect life without any problems, so it makes sense that when it’s been good for a while, something bad must have to happen to keep up the law of averages. And besides, God promises that we’re gonna have trials in this life, so we know bad stuff is going to happen. But does that mean that you always have to be on alert for the next bad thing that’s about to happen? No way!
Expecting the worst is not trusting the God who promises to care for and protect you. He promises to never abandon you or leave you and to use everything in your life for your good if you are only willing to let him do that. That means that even when bad things happen, they’re actually good because of what he’s gonna do with them.
So if your life is going great today, don’t worry about tomorrow (see Matt. 6:25–27). Fear and worry are sinful, not holy. Don’t let anyone scare you into thinking that if life is good, you’d better prepare for the worst. That cheapens the gifts of God. Instead you have to learn to be content with whatever you have, enjoying what he gives you and what he takes away. Fearfulness is never an acceptable character trait for a believer unless it’s the fear of the Lord, which means that nothing scares you except walking away from him.