Do not be afraid of sudden terror
or of the destruction of wicked people when it comes.
The Lord will be your confidence.
He will keep your foot from getting caught.

Proverbs 3:25–26

Y ou don’t have to be afraid of what other people are afraid of. Nothing can destroy you when you are a God Girl. Not going broke, not war, not crime, not natural disaster—nothing can destroy you unless God allows it in order to serve his purpose, and his purposes are always good. When people around you panic, when they are afraid of the future and are unsure where they can stand, show them the life of Christ in you and stand faithfully without panicking. God has promised to keep your foot from getting caught. He has promised to not let you be left behind or left unprotected. He provides for his people—you can count on that.

What makes you different from the rest of the world is your faith, and because of that faith you believe that everything is gonna work out like it should work out. When you think like that, there’s no worry, no fear that can get you down. When you let God be who he is and you take him at his word, you are set free.

You can handle anything the future brings in his strength. No danger can overwhelm you when you are hidden in him. You will not go without anything you need as long as you don’t start thinking like the world and getting all paranoid and panicky. Trust God. If you are a worrier, then read God’s Word to learn more about the God you can’t yet fully believe in. Find out the truth so that it will set you free from worry and fear.